9 research outputs found

    Angiopoietin-4 Increases Permeability of Blood Vessels and Promotes Lymphatic Dilation

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    The angiopoietin (Ang) ligands are potential therapeutic targets for lymphatic related diseases, which include lymphedema and cancer. Ang-1 and Ang-2 functions are established, but those of Ang-4 are poorly understood. We used intravital fluorescence microscopy to characterize Ang-4 actions on T241 murine fibrosarcoma-associated vessels in mice. The diameters of lymphatic vessels draining Ang-4- or VEGF-C (positive control)expressing tumors increased to 123 and 135 mu m, respectively, and parental, mock-transduced (negative controls) and tumors expressing Ang-1 or Ang-2 remained at baseline (similar to 60 mu m). Ang-4 decreased human dermal lymphatic endothelial cell (LEC) monolayer permeability by 27% while increasing human dermal blood endothelial cell (BEC) monolayer permeability by 200%. In vivo, Ang-4 stimulated a 4.5-fold increase in tumor-associated blood vessel permeability compared with control when measured using intravital quantitative multiphoton microscopy. Ang-4 activated receptor signaling in both LECs and BECs, evidenced by tyrosine kinase with Ig and endothelial growth factor homology domains-2 (TIE2) receptor, protein kinase B, and Erk1,2 phosphorylation detectable by immunoblotting. These data suggest that Ang-4 actions are mediated through cell-type-specific networks and that lymphatic vessel dilation occurs secondarily to increased vascular leakage. Ang-4 also promoted survival of LECs. Thus, blocking Ang-4 may prune the draining lymphatic vasculature and decrease interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) by reducing vascular permeability

    Preventing the Androgen Receptor N/C Interaction Delays Disease Onset in a Mouse Model of SBMA

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    Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by a polyglutamine expansion in the androgen receptor (AR) and is associated with misfolding and aggregation of the mutant AR. We investigated the role of an interdomain interaction between the amino (N)-terminal FxxLF motif and carboxyl (C)-terminal AF-2 domain in a mouse model of SBMA. Male transgenic mice expressing polyQ-expanded AR with a mutation in the FxxLF motif (F23A) to prevent the N/C interaction displayed substantially improved motor function compared with N/C-intact AR-expressing mice and showed reduced pathological features of SBMA. Serine 16 phosphorylation was substantially enhanced by the F23A mutation; moreover, the protective effect of AR F23A was dependent on this phosphorylation. These results reveal an important role for the N/C interaction on disease onset in mice and suggest that targeting AR conformation could be a therapeutic strategy for patients with SBMA

    Simian Virus 40 Small t Antigen Mediates Conformation-Dependent Transfer of Protein Phosphatase 2A onto the Androgen Receptor

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    The tumor antigens simian virus 40 small t antigen (ST) and polyomavirus small and medium T antigens mediate cell transformation in part by binding to the structural A subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). The replacement of B subunits by tumor antigens inhibits PP2A activity and prolongs phosphorylation-dependent signaling. Here we show that ST mediates PP2A A/C heterodimer transfer onto the ligand-activated androgen receptor (AR). Transfer by ST is strictly dependent on the agonist-activated conformation of AR, occurs within minutes of the addition of androgen to cells, and can occur in either the cytoplasm or the nucleus. The binding of ST changes the conformation of the A subunit, and ST rapidly dissociates from the complex upon PP2A A/C heterodimer binding to AR. PP2A is transferred onto the carboxyl-terminal half of AR, and the phosphatase activity is directed to five phosphoserines in the amino-terminal activation function region 1, with a corresponding reduction in transactivation. Thus, ST functions as a transfer factor to specify PP2A targeting in the cell and modulates the transcriptional activity of AR