67 research outputs found

    The effects of sprint training regimens and sodium bicarbonate loading on muscle glycolysis, lactate accumulation, acid-base balance, and performance in the racing greyhound

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    Study I examined the effects of sprint training on muscle glycolysis in greyhounds. Training consisted of either a low volume regimen (LV) of 12 400-meter sprints during a six-week period, or a high volume regimen (HV) totalling 30 sprints. Before and after training, responses to 400-meter trial sprints were used to determine muscle glycogen utilization, lactate accumulation, and muscle buffer capacity;Sprint times were not improved following training. Training increased (p \u3c 0.05) post-sprint blood lactate accumulation in both LV (15.0 ± 1.4 vs 17.6 ± 1.1 mmol· l[superscript]-1) and HV (14.0 ± 1.4 vs 17.3 ± 1.4 mmol· l[superscript]-1), whereas muscle lactate accumulation and pH were similar. Glycogen utilization increased (p \u3c 0.05) following HV training (16.3 ± 2.8 vs 25.7 ± 3.0 mmoles glucose·kg wet wt[superscript]-1), but remained unchanged in LV. Maximal phosphofructokinase (PFK) activity was increased (p \u3c 0.05) in HV (43.3 ± 1.3 vs 47.4 ± 1.4 mmol·kg body wt[superscript]-1·min[superscript]-1);Muscle buffer capacity was not affected by LV training, whereas a trend (p = 0.09) towards an increased buffer capacity occurred in HV (58.4 ± 4.6 vs 66.7 ± 5.8 Slykes). Increased glycogen utilization and PFK activity in HV suggests an enhanced glycolytic capacity with the higher training volume;Study II examined the effects of NaHCO[subscript]3 ingestion (300 mg·kg body wt[superscript]-1) on lactate accumulation, acid-base balance, and performance in greyhounds sprinting over 603.5 meters. Ten greyhounds performed a NaHCO[subscript]3 and control trial in a crossover design. Arterial blood was analyzed for lactate, pH, HCO[subscript]3[superscript]- (bicarbonate), and base excess (BE). Muscle biopsies were analyzed for lactate and pH;Two minute post-exercise blood lactate accumulation was increased (p \u3c 0.05) after NaHCO[subscript]3 ingestion (20.4 ± 1.6 mmol· l[superscript]-1) when compared to control (16.9 ± 1.3 mmol· l[superscript]-1), whereas post-exercise muscle lactate accumulation was similar. Post-exercise muscle hydrogen ion (H[superscript]+) accumulation was higher (p \u3c 0.05) after NaHCO[subscript]3 ingestion (158.8 ± 8.8 nmol· l[superscript]-1) when compared to control (137.0 ± 5.3 nmol· l[superscript]-1). Muscle H[superscript]+ recovery half-time (7.2 ± 1.6 min) and time to reach pre-dose values (22.2 ± 2.4 min) were reduced (p \u3c 0.05) in the NaHCO[subscript]3 trial when compared to control (11.3 ± 1.6 and 32.9 ± 4.0 min). No trial differences were found for blood H[superscript]+ recovery curves, lactate recovery curves, performance times or muscle buffer capacities;In this study, NaHCO[subscript]3 ingestion increased blood lactate accumulation, but did not reduce the magnitude of the muscle or blood acid-base disturbance associated with a 603.5 m sprint task

    Intraspecific variability in seeds nutrient stoichiometry

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    Immediately after germination, the plants depend on the nutrients stored in the seed from which they germinated, until the nutrient intake is completely replaced by the mature leaves and roots. Nutrients in seeds are important for early development of vegetative organs. Their content and concentration in seeds can be influenced by various factors such as nutrient availability in soil, latitude, temperature, photoperiod, granivory and competition. This bachelor's thesis summarizes current knowledge about intraspecific and interspecific variability of seed nutrient stoichiometry, specifically nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon, as they most often limit plant growth. For all three elements, common and different trends can be observed, both at the intra-species and inter-species level. The only trend comparable between the intra-species and inter-species level is correlation of carbon seed concentration and latitude, while at the inter-species level there is also the opposite trend of negative correlation of latitude and carbon concentration in seeds. Other observed trends are not comparable between the intra-species and inter-species level. It is not possible to compare these trends, as there is lack of studies on the variability of seed nutrient stoichiometry. Therefore it is necessary to focus on seed...Rostliny jsou hned po vyklíčení odkázány na živiny uložené v semeni, ze kterého vyklíčily, a to do doby, než příjem živin zcela nahradí vyvinuté listy a kořeny. Živiny v semenech jsou důležité pro raný vývoj vegetativních orgánů, jejich obsah a koncentrace v semenech mohou být ovlivněny různými faktory jako například dostupností živin v půdě, zeměpisnou šířkou, teplotou, fotoperiodou, granivorií a kompeticí. V této bakalářské práci jsou shrnuty současné poznatky o vnitrodruhové a mezidruhové variabilitě živinové stechiometrie semen, konkrétně o dusíku, fosforu a uhlíku, jelikož nejčastěji limitují růst rostlin. U všech tří prvků jsou sledovatelné společné i rozdílné trendy, a to jak na vnitrodruhové, tak i mezidruhové úrovni. Jediný trend porovnatelný mezi vnitrodruhovou a mezidruhovou variabilitou je korelace koncentrace uhlíku v semenech a zeměpisné šířky, přičemž se na mezidruhové úrovni objevuje i opačný trend negativní korelace zeměpisné šířky a koncentrace uhlíku v semenech. Ostatní sledované trendy nejsou srovnatelné mezi vnitrodruhovou a mezidruhovou úrovní. Porovnání těchto trendů není možné, jelikož je nedostatek studií zabývajících se variabilitou živinové stechiometrie semen. Proto je třeba se v budoucnu více soustředit na výzkum semen než na výzkum vegetativních orgánů, jež jsou oproti...Katedra botanikyDepartment of BotanyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Inovační program společnosti PILSEN TOOLS s.r.o.

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    Cílem přednášky je seznámit posluchače s výsledky výzkumu a vývoje prováděné v rámci technického rozvoje výrobkové základny za účelem zvyšování užitné hodnoty nástrojů. Především půjde o tyto okruhy otázek: 1 Nová řada vysokootáčkových otočných hrotů s novým konstrukčním provedením (pracho - i vodotěsných). 2 Řezné nástroje vyráběné z RO-PM; jejich vlastnosti - přednosti i nedostatky; porovnání s běžnou rychlořeznou ocelí. 3 Optimalizace technologie výroby polotovarů pouzder otočných hrotů. 4 Vyhodnocení optimalizace tenkých vrstev v rámci projektu "TANDEM". 5 Další vývojové směry v rámci TR v PILSEN TOOLS s.r.o.The goal of the lecture will be to inform the hearers about the development results made within the technical advancement of produkt base in order to enhance the use value of the tools. The main issues will be: 1 The new range of high-speed live centers with the new type of construction (dust- and waterproof). 2 Cutting tools produced from RO-PM, their qualities and deficiencies, the comparison with the classical steel. 3 Technology optimalization of the production of live center’s semifinished bushes. 4 The optimalization evaluation of thin layers within the project „TANDEM. 5 Other development directions within Technical Development in PILSEN TOOLS Ltd

    Evaluation of the Onset of Protective Immunity from Administration of a Modified-live, Non-adjuvanted Vaccine prior to Intranasal Challenge with Bovine Herpesvirus-1

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    Study objectives were to determine if subcutaneous administration of a modified-live, non-adjuvanted vaccine containing bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) at five, three, or two days pre-challenge, would reduce clinical signs, rectal temperatures, and viral shedding, and enhance serological response to BHV-1. Colostrumdeprived, neonatal calves (n = 48) were randomly assigned to six treatment groups, each containing eight calves. Treatment groups were based on administration of vaccine (VAC) or saline controls (CON) and day of administration (day -5, -3 or -2) relative to intranasal BHV-1 challenge (day 0). Following challenge, calves were monitored for clinical signs, rectal temperature, seroconversion, and quantity of BHV-1 recovered by virus isolation from nasal swabs. Data for the evaluation period (days 4-14) were analyzed using multivariable statistics. Day -5 and -3 VAC groups had fewer (P \u3c 0.05) days of clinical illness compared to CON. Rectal temperatures were lower (P \u3c 0.05) during days 4-8 for each of the VAC groups as compared to combined CON groups. CON calves shed BHV-1 for more days than calves vaccinated on day -5 (P \u3c 0.01), day -3 (P = 0.06), or day -2 (P = 0.06). Mean concentrations of nasal BHV-1 also differed (P \u3c 0.05) between combined CON groups and each of the VAC groups during at least one study day. Calves in the VAC groups (median = 10 days) seroconverted to BHV-1 (P \u3c 0.01) sooner than CON calves (median = 14 days). This study demonstrated that the use of a non-adjuvanted MLV vaccine in neonatal calves can reduce the effects of BHV-1 challenge soon after vaccination

    Assessment of construction reliability by simulation technique

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    V současné době došlo k přechodu z příslušných národních norem pro navrhování stavebních konstrukcí na společné jednotné normy, tzn. Eurokódy. Tento přechod se samozřejmě také týká oblasti ocelových konstrukcí. Eurokódy jsou založeny na polo pravděpodobnostní "předpisové" metodě dílčích součinitelů, jejíž vznik a princip je založen na deterministickém pojetí, tato metoda je založená na zjednodušených předpokladech. Metoda v Eurokódech, nevede k vyrovnané spolehlivosti konstrukcí ani jejich komponentů. Nabízí se tak otázka, zda postupy založené na metodě dílčích součinitelů jsou adekvátní současnému stavu v oblasti výpočetní technologii a jejímu neustálému zdokonalování. Rychlý rozvoj výpočetní techniky a informatiky umožňuje stále ve větší míře využívat plně pravděpodobnostní metody, jako je například simulační metoda SBRA (Simulation - Based Reliability Assessment Method), (Marek 1995 et al., 1996). Předmětem předkládané disertační práce je aplikace metody SBRA v oblasti posudku spolehlivosti ocelových a ocelobetonových prutových konstrukcí v návaznosti, na aplikaci pro modelovou podobnost a spojení s metodou SBRA. Práce navazuje na vědecko výzkumnou činnost v oblasti rozvoje a aplikace pravděpodobnostních simulačních metod, především pak metody SBRA, viz. Např.[14], [12]. A to pro oblast posouzení spolehlivosti ocelových prutových konstrukcí metodou SBRA, s ohledem na výše stanovené cíle je práce rozdělena do následujících kapitol.NeobhájenoRecently, a changeover from the applicable national standards for designing of building structures to uniform standards eurocodes. Naturally, this change applies also to steel structures. Eurocodes are based on semi-probabilistic "regulation" method of various coefficients, the origin and principle of which is based on determinist concept. This method is based on a simplified assumptions. The method in the eurocodes does not lead to a balanced reliability of the structures, nor their components. So there is a question if the procedures based on the method of coefficients are adequate for the current situation in the IT area and its continuous improvement. A fast development of the information technology and information science facilitates using fully probabilistic methods to a greater extent, e.g. SBRA (Simulation - Based Reliability Assessment Method), (Marek 1995 et al., 1996). The topic of the presented thesis is application of SBRA method when assessing reliability of bar structures of steel and steel and concrete in connection with application for model resemblance and connection with the SBRA method. The thesis builds on the research and scientific activities as regards development and application of probabilistic simulation methods, in particular, SBRA method, see e.g. [14], [12], specifically for the assessment of reliability of steel bar structures with the SBRA method. In the context of the aforementioned objectives, the thesis is divided into the following chapters

    The effects of sprint training regimens and sodium bicarbonate loading on muscle glycolysis, lactate accumulation, acid-base balance, and performance in the racing greyhound

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    Study I examined the effects of sprint training on muscle glycolysis in greyhounds. Training consisted of either a low volume regimen (LV) of 12 400-meter sprints during a six-week period, or a high volume regimen (HV) totalling 30 sprints. Before and after training, responses to 400-meter trial sprints were used to determine muscle glycogen utilization, lactate accumulation, and muscle buffer capacity;Sprint times were not improved following training. Training increased (p < 0.05) post-sprint blood lactate accumulation in both LV (15.0 ± 1.4 vs 17.6 ± 1.1 mmol· l[superscript]-1) and HV (14.0 ± 1.4 vs 17.3 ± 1.4 mmol· l[superscript]-1), whereas muscle lactate accumulation and pH were similar. Glycogen utilization increased (p < 0.05) following HV training (16.3 ± 2.8 vs 25.7 ± 3.0 mmoles glucose·kg wet wt[superscript]-1), but remained unchanged in LV. Maximal phosphofructokinase (PFK) activity was increased (p < 0.05) in HV (43.3 ± 1.3 vs 47.4 ± 1.4 mmol·kg body wt[superscript]-1·min[superscript]-1);Muscle buffer capacity was not affected by LV training, whereas a trend (p = 0.09) towards an increased buffer capacity occurred in HV (58.4 ± 4.6 vs 66.7 ± 5.8 Slykes). Increased glycogen utilization and PFK activity in HV suggests an enhanced glycolytic capacity with the higher training volume;Study II examined the effects of NaHCO[subscript]3 ingestion (300 mg·kg body wt[superscript]-1) on lactate accumulation, acid-base balance, and performance in greyhounds sprinting over 603.5 meters. Ten greyhounds performed a NaHCO[subscript]3 and control trial in a crossover design. Arterial blood was analyzed for lactate, pH, HCO[subscript]3[superscript]- (bicarbonate), and base excess (BE). Muscle biopsies were analyzed for lactate and pH;Two minute post-exercise blood lactate accumulation was increased (p < 0.05) after NaHCO[subscript]3 ingestion (20.4 ± 1.6 mmol· l[superscript]-1) when compared to control (16.9 ± 1.3 mmol· l[superscript]-1), whereas post-exercise muscle lactate accumulation was similar. Post-exercise muscle hydrogen ion (H[superscript]+) accumulation was higher (p < 0.05) after NaHCO[subscript]3 ingestion (158.8 ± 8.8 nmol· l[superscript]-1) when compared to control (137.0 ± 5.3 nmol· l[superscript]-1). Muscle H[superscript]+ recovery half-time (7.2 ± 1.6 min) and time to reach pre-dose values (22.2 ± 2.4 min) were reduced (p < 0.05) in the NaHCO[subscript]3 trial when compared to control (11.3 ± 1.6 and 32.9 ± 4.0 min). No trial differences were found for blood H[superscript]+ recovery curves, lactate recovery curves, performance times or muscle buffer capacities;In this study, NaHCO[subscript]3 ingestion increased blood lactate accumulation, but did not reduce the magnitude of the muscle or blood acid-base disturbance associated with a 603.5 m sprint task.</p

    Vybrané možnosti práce z domova a mimo stálé pracoviště

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    Práce se zabývá možnostmi a způsoby, jakými lze v dnešní době pracovat z domova. Definuje a osvětluje jednotlivé pojmy, které s touto problematikou úzce souvisí, protože je tato oblast zatím v literatuře jen velmi nejednoznačně popsána. Základním cílem této práce je pokus vymezit práci z domova a mimo stálé pracoviště. Druhým cílem je ukázat vzory takovéto práce a upozornit na její pozitiva a negativa. Dalším cílem je ukázat jednotlivé možnosti, kterými lze tento model práce či podnikání realizovat. Po úvodní kapitole, která definuje základní pojmy, následuje druhá část práce, která řeší možné postupy při realizaci práce z domova. Třetí část práce je zároveň nejobsáhlejší a je věnována zkušenostem a konkrétním příkladům nabídek na práci z domu

    Progressive Reform in Detroit

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    Treatment of high quality forged high-speed steel with ultra-fine structure for special tools

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    Příspěvek popisuje problematiku kování rychlořezné oceli s cílem dosažení vyšší odolnosti proti všem druhům opotřebení a vysoké spolehlivosti HSS nástrojů, což podmiňuje zajistit vysoký stupeň prokování. Rychlořezná ocel patří mezi velmi obtížně tvářitelné materiály s úzkým intervalem tvářecích teplot, kdy při překročení horní kovací teploty hrozí zhrubnutí gama zrna; při poklesu pod dolní tvářecí teplotu, může snadno dojít k porušení materiálu. V příspěvku jsou konkrétně uvedeny parametry, které musí být dodrženy pro úspěšné kování.The paper describes the problem of high-speed steel forging. To achieve wear resistence and high reability of steel tools, a high degree of forging must be ensured. High-speed steel is one of the hard-to-formable materials with a narrow forging temperature interval. Exceeding the upper forging temperature causes the coarse grain, decreasing the lower forging temperature can lead to material cracks. In the paper the parameters that must be observed for successful forging are defined

    First developmental stages of advertising in traditional media

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    The first developmental stages of advertising in traditional media Jakub Kesl Abstract Diploma thesis "The first developmental stages of advertising in traditional media" deals with the commercial use of media in its first forms and handles the evolution of advertising communication in conjunction with the development of media. Traditional media - print, radio and television in the period starting with emergence of these media until the point of establishment of advertising as their more or less apparent part were selected as a purpose of this study. This thesis tries to answer following questions: How did the advertising in traditional media in the first moments of its existence form and evolve? How did the first developmental stages of media advertising look like? What was the reaction of the audience to new forms of media advertising? How did enter of advertising into the media influence them and their contents or how did the media influence the ads? Attention is paid to forms of impact of advertising to media and their contents and forms of impact of media on advertising, and describes the types and forms of commercial messages in traditional media in its infancy. The work is primarily concerned with the first stages of development of advertising in the countries, where the development of print,..