9 research outputs found

    Hybridization of Algorithm for Restoration of Impulse Noise Image

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    AbstractIn today's era, mainly communication is done through visual communication. Almost all information is transmitted in the form of digital image or video. But after transmission, the obtained information is often corrupted with noise. At a high noise density, detail information of the image is hidden by noise. Hence, we have to recover the original image by removing noise of the image without loss of data. Here, we proposed two hybridization methods, to yield better restoration of impulse noise images. The first proposed algorithm has hybridization of Decision Based algorithm along with 2D discrete wavelet transform. In second, hybridization of Decision based algorithm with Adaptive Wiener Filter. Experimental results in Figs. 3–6 shows that proposed algorithm 1 outperform in terms of visual quality till 80% of noise density. Proposed algorithm 2 also performs excellent in term of visual quality, but within noise density ranges from 70% to 90%. Even at 95% noise density, proposed algorithm 2 gives an improvement in PSNR value from 5.29dB to 18.98dB. Mean Absolute Error, Mean Square Error, Peak Signal to Noise Ratio and Image Enhancement Factor are calculated and the comparative study is made between Standard Median Filter, Cascaded decision based algorithm proposed in10, and proposed algorithm

    Pneumonia detection in chest X-ray images using compound scaled deep learning model

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    Pneumonia is the leading cause of death worldwide for children under 5 years of age. For pneumonia diagnosis, chest X-rays are examined by trained radiologists. However, this process is tedious and time-consuming. Biomedical image diagnosis techniques show great potential in medical image examination. A model for the identification of pneumonia, trained on chest X-ray images, has been proposed in this paper. The compound scaled ResNet50, which is the upscaled version of ResNet50, has been used in this paper. ResNet50 is a multilayer layer convolution neural network having residual blocks. As it was very difficult to obtain a sufficiently large dataset for detection tasks, data augmentation techniques were used to increase the training dataset. Transfer learning is also used while training the models. The proposed model could help in detecting the disease and can assist the radiologists in their clinical decision-making process. The model was evaluated and statistically validated to overfitting and generalization errors. Different scores, such as testing accuracy, F1, recall, precision and AUC score, were computed to check the efficacy of the proposed model. The proposed model attained a test accuracy of 98.14% and an AUC score of 99.71 on the test data from the Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center pneumonia dataset

    Saliency Detection Using a Bio-inspired Spiking Neural Network Driven by Local and Global Saliency

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    The detection of the most salient parts of images as objects in salient object detection tasks mimics human behavior, which is useful for a variety of computer vision applications. In this paper, the Local and Global Saliency Driven Dual-Channel Pulse Coupled Neural Network (LGSD-DCPCNN) model is used to provide a novel strategy for saliency detection. To achieve visually homogeneous sections and save computation costs, the input image is first subjected to superpixel segmentation. The global and local saliency maps are then created using the segmented image’s position, color, and textural properties. The LGSD-DCPCNN network is activated using these saliency maps to extract visually consistent features from the input maps to provide the final saliency map. An extensive qualitative and quantitative performance study is undertaken to assess the efficacy of the proposed method. When compared to state-of-the-art approaches, the experimental results show a considerable improvement in the detection of salient regions. Quantitative analysis of the proposed method reveals a significant improvement in the area under the ROC curve (AUC) score, F-measure score, and mean absolute error (MAE) score. The qualitative analysis describes the proposed algorithm’s ability to detect multiple salient objects accurately while maintaining significant border preservation

    Efficient Pneumonia Detection in Chest Xray Images Using Deep Transfer Learning

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    Pneumonia causes the death of around 700,000 children every year and affects 7% of the global population. Chest X-rays are primarily used for the diagnosis of this disease. However, even for a trained radiologist, it is a challenging task to examine chest X-rays. There is a need to improve the diagnosis accuracy. In this work, an efficient model for the detection of pneumonia trained on digital chest X-ray images is proposed, which could aid the radiologists in their decision making process. A novel approach based on a weighted classifier is introduced, which combines the weighted predictions from the state-of-the-art deep learning models such as ResNet18, Xception, InceptionV3, DenseNet121, and MobileNetV3 in an optimal way. This approach is a supervised learning approach in which the network predicts the result based on the quality of the dataset used. Transfer learning is used to fine-tune the deep learning models to obtain higher training and validation accuracy. Partial data augmentation techniques are employed to increase the training dataset in a balanced way. The proposed weighted classifier is able to outperform all the individual models. Finally, the model is evaluated, not only in terms of test accuracy, but also in the AUC score. The final proposed weighted classifier model is able to achieve a test accuracy of 98.43% and an AUC score of 99.76 on the unseen data from the Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center pneumonia dataset. Hence, the proposed model can be used for a quick diagnosis of pneumonia and can aid the radiologists in the diagnosis process

    LARNet: Real-Time Detection of Facial Micro Expression Using Lossless Attention Residual Network

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    Facial micro expressions are brief, spontaneous, and crucial emotions deep inside the mind, reflecting the actual thoughts for that moment. Humans can cover their emotions on a large scale, but their actual intentions and emotions can be extracted at a micro-level. Micro expressions are organic when compared with macro expressions, posing a challenge to both humans, as well as machines, to identify. In recent years, detection of facial expressions are widely used in commercial complexes, hotels, restaurants, psychology, security, offices, and education institutes. The aim and motivation of this paper are to provide an end-to-end architecture that accurately detects the actual expressions at the micro-scale features. However, the main research is to provide an analysis of the specific parts that are crucial for detecting the micro expressions from a face. Many states of the art approaches have been trained on the micro facial expressions and compared with our proposed Lossless Attention Residual Network (LARNet) approach. However, the main research on this is to provide analysis on the specific parts that are crucial for detecting the micro expressions from a face. Many CNN-based approaches extracts the features at local level which digs much deeper into the face pixels. However, the spatial and temporal information extracted from the face is encoded in LARNet for a feature fusion extraction on specific crucial locations, such as nose, cheeks, mouth, and eyes regions. LARNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with a slight margin by accurately detecting facial micro expressions in real-time. Lastly, the proposed LARNet becomes accurate and better by training with more annotated data