86 research outputs found

    Symmetry and optical selection rules in graphene quantum dots

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    Graphene quantum dots (GQD's) have optical properties which are very different from those of an extended graphene sheet. In this Article we explore how the size, shape and edge--structure of a GQD affect its optical conductivity. Using representation theory, we derive optical selection rules for regular-shaped dots, starting from the symmetry properties of the current operator. We find that, where the x- and y-components of the current operator transform with the same irreducible representation (irrep) of the point group - for example in triangular or hexagonal GQD's - the optical conductivity is independent of the polarisation of the light. On the other hand, where these components transform with different irreps - for example in rectangular GQD's - the optical conductivity depends on the polarisation of light. We find that GQD's with non-commuting point-group operations - for example dots of rectangular shape - can be distinguished from GQD's with commuting point-group operations - for example dots of triangular or hexagonal shape - by using polarized light. We carry out explicit calculations of the optical conductivity of GQD's described by a simple tight--binding model and, for dots of intermediate size, \textcolor{blue}{(10â‰ČLâ‰Č50 nm10 \lesssim L \lesssim 50\ \text{nm})} find an absorption peak in the low--frequency range of the spectrum which allows us to distinguish between dots with zigzag and armchair edges. We also clarify the one-dimensional nature of states at the van Hove singularity in graphene, providing a possible explanation for very high exciton-binding energies. Finally we discuss the role of atomic vacancies and shape asymmetry.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    Ultrafast Control of the Dimensionality of Exciton-Exciton Annihilation in Atomically Thin Black Phosphorus

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    Using microtransient absorption spectroscopy, we show that the dynamical form of exciton-exciton annihilation in atomically thin black phosphorous can be made to switch between time varying 1D scattering and time-independent 2D scattering. At low carrier densities, anisotropy drives the 1D behavior, but as the photoexcitation density approaches the exciton saturation limit, the 2D nature of exciton-exciton scattering takes over. Furthermore, lowering the temperature provides a handle on the ultrafast timescale at which the 1D to 2D transition occurs. We understand our results quantitatively using a diffusion based model of exciton-exciton scattering

    High-temperature terahertz optical diode effect without magnetic order in polar FeZnMo3_3O8_8

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    We present a terahertz spectroscopic study of polar ferrimagnet FeZnMo3_3O8_8. Our main finding is a giant high-temperature optical diode effect, or nonreciprocal directional dichroism, where the transmitted light intensity in one direction is over 100 times lower than intensity transmitted in the opposite direction. The effect takes place in the paramagnetic phase with no long-range magnetic order in the crystal, which contrasts sharply with all existing reports of the terahertz optical diode effect in other magnetoelectric materials, where the long-range magnetic ordering is a necessary prerequisite. In \fzmo, the effect occurs resonantly with a strong magnetic dipole active transition centered at 1.27 THz and assigned as electron spin resonance between the eigenstates of the single-ion anisotropy Hamiltonian. We propose that the optical diode effect in paramagnetic FeZnMo3_3O8_8 is driven by signle-ion terms in magnetoelectric free energy

    Through the Lens of a Momentum Microscope: Viewing Light‐Induced Quantum Phenomena in 2D Materials

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    Van der Waals (vdW) materials at their 2D limit are diverse, flexible, and unique laboratories to study fundamental quantum phenomena and their future applications. Their novel properties rely on their pronounced Coulomb interactions, variety of crystal symmetries and spin-physics, and the ease of incorporation of different vdW materials to form sophisticated heterostructures. In particular, the excited state properties of many 2D semiconductors and semi-metals are relevant for their technological applications, particularly those that can be induced by light. In this paper, the recent advances made in studying out-of-equilibrium, light-induced, phenomena in these materials are reviewed using powerful, surface-sensitive, time-resolved photoemission-based techniques, with a particular emphasis on the emerging multi-dimensional photoemission spectroscopy technique of time-resolved momentum microscopy. The advances this technique has enabled in studying the nature and dynamics of occupied excited states in these materials are discussed. Then, the future research directions opened by these scientific and instrumental advancements are projected for studying the physics of 2D materials and the opportunities to engineer their band-structure and band-topology by laser fields

    Interfacing with Neural Activity via Femtosecond Laser Stimulation of Drug-Encapsulating Liposomal Nanostructures

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    External control over rapid and precise release of chemicals in the brain potentially provides a powerful interface with neural activity. Optical manipulation techniques, such as optogenetics and caged compounds, enable remote control of neural activity and behavior with fine spatiotemporal resolution. However, these methods are limited to chemicals that are naturally present in the brain or chemically suitable for caging. Here, we demonstrate the ability to interface with neural functioning via a wide range of neurochemicals released by stimulating loaded liposomal nanostructures with femtosecond lasers. Using a commercial two-photon microscope, we released inhibitory or excitatory neurochemicals to evoke subthreshold and suprathreshold changes in membrane potential in a live mouse brain slice. The responses were repeatable and could be controlled by adjusting laser stimulation characteristics. We also demonstrate the release of a wider range of chemicals—which previously were impossible to release by optogenetics or uncaging—including synthetic analogs of naturally occurring neurochemicals. In particular, we demonstrate the release of a synthetic receptor-specific agonist that exerts physiological effects on long-term synaptic plasticity. Further, we show that the loaded liposomal nanostructures remain functional for weeks in a live mouse. In conclusion, we demonstrate new techniques capable of interfacing with live neurons, and extendable to in vivo applications

    Photoconductive emitters for pulsed terahertz generation

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    Conceived over 30 years ago, photoconductive (PC) emitters have proved essential in the development and spread of terahertz technology. Since then, not only have they been used extensively in a wide range of spectroscopic and imaging applications, they have also undergone significant improvements in performance, leading to their use for broadband or non-linear spectroscopy. In this review article, we provide an overview of the literature, highlighting the key milestones in the progression of the PC emitter. We also investigate the future of PC technology and review the existing challenges

    Strong Plasmon–Exciton Coupling in Ag Nanoparticle—Conjugated Polymer Core-Shell Hybrid Nanostructures

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    Strong plasmon-exciton coupling between tightly-bound excitons in organic molecular semiconductors and surface plasmons in metal nanostructures has been studied extensively for a number of technical applications, including low-threshold lasing and room-temperature Bose-Einstein condensates. Typically, excitons with narrow resonances, such as J-aggregates, are employed to achieve strong plasmon-exciton coupling. However, J-aggregates have limited applications for optoelectronic devices compared with organic conjugated polymers. Here, using numerical and analytical calculations, we demonstrate that strong plasmon-exciton coupling can be achieved for Ag-conjugated polymer core-shell nanostructures, despite the broad spectral linewidth of conjugated polymers. We show that strong plasmon-exciton coupling can be achieved through the use of thick shells, large oscillator strengths, and multiple vibronic resonances characteristic of typical conjugated polymers, and that Rabi splitting energies of over 1000 meV can be obtained using realistic material dispersive relative permittivity parameters. The results presented herein give insight into the mechanisms of plasmon-exciton coupling when broadband excitonic materials featuring strong vibrational-electronic coupling are employed and are relevant to organic optoelectronic devices and hybrid metal-organic photonic nanostructures

    High Field Single- to Few-Cycle THz Generation with Lithium Niobate

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    The transient terahertz (THz) pulse with high peak field has become an important tool for matter manipulation, enabling many applications such as nonlinear spectroscopy, particle acceleration, and high harmonic generation. Among the widely used THz generation techniques, optical rectification in lithium niobate (LN) has emerged as a powerful method to achieve high fields at low THz frequencies, suitable to exploring novel nonlinear phenomena in condensed matter systems. In this review, we focus on introducing single- to few-cycle THz generation in LN, including the basic principles, techniques, latest developments, and current limitations. We will first discuss the phase matching requirements of LN, which leads to Cherenkov-like radiation, and the tilted pulse front (TPF) technique. Emphasis will be put on the TPF technique, which has been shown to improve THz generation efficiency, but still has many limitations. Different geometries used to produce continuous and discrete TPF will be systematically discussed. We summarize the advantages and limitations of current techniques and future trends

    Engineering the Losses and Beam Divergence in Arrays of Patch Antenna Microcavities for Terahertz Sources

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    We perform a comprehensive study on the emission from finite arrays of patch antenna microcavities designed for the terahertz range by using a finite element method. The emission properties including quality factors, far-field pattern, and photon extraction efficiency are investigated for etched and non-etched structures as a function of the number of resonators, the dielectric layer thickness, and period of the array. In addition, the simulations are achieved for lossy and perfect metals and dielectric layers, allowing to extract the radiative and non-radiative contributions to the total quality factors of the arrays. Our study shows that this structure can be optimized to obtain low beam divergence (FWHM 50% while keeping a strongly localized mode. These results show that the use of these microcavities would lead to efficient terahertz emitters with a low divergence vertical emission and engineered losses
