1 research outputs found

    Reconsidering the nature of the learning space in practically-based higher education: Innovative approaches to higher education in the UK context

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    The significance of equipping higher education graduates with both practical skills and theoretical knowledge relevant to their future workplace has been identified as one of the priorities in the higher education sector. Specifically, the issues, such as the preparation of young people for the world of work, facilitating the links between academic studies and practical experiences, and situating practice-based education have become central to the higher education landscape (e.g Mason et al 2006; Bridgstock and Tippett, 2019). This paper discusses the extent to which practically-based higher education learning spaces can be constructed and co-constructed, involving the cooperation and collaboration of different stakeholders: employers, university lecturers and students. The paper will particularly draw on the perspectives from a case study of practically-based higher education in the hospitality sector in England. Drawing on this case study the paper will address the following research questions: (1) How can practically-based learning spaces be constructed and co-constructed within the context of higher education? and (2) What is the role of different stakeholders in this process? The paper argues that the development of a practically-based higher education learning space is much more complex than simply bringing together ‘academic’ and ‘practical’ learning, and involves both institutional affordances, industry engagement and collaboration of key stakeholders