5 research outputs found

    Mobile Augmented-Reality-Anwendungen in Planung und Gestaltung

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    Augmented-Reality-Technologien weisen Potentiale auf, planungsrelevante Inhalte verständlicher und vor allem raumbezogen darzustellen. Sie können dem Nutzer ein Gefühl für Zusammenhänge vermitteln und damit den Entscheidungsprozess verbessern. Der Beitrag stellt zwei abgeschlossene kooperative Forschungsprojekte aus den Bereichen Architektur und der Landschaftsarchitektur vor. Kern der Anwendungsprototypen sind mobile AR-Anwendungen, die zur Unterstützung von Beteiligung, Kommunikation und Partizipation in Planungsprozessen entwickelt wurden. Neben der Kurzdarstellung der entwickelten AR-Prototypen wird zum einen auf Basis der Evaluierungsergebnisse mit den Praxispartnern der Mehrwert sowie derzeitige Grenzen für die Planungspraxis dargestellt. Zum anderen werden erste Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Lehre vorgestellt

    Image-based methods for interaction with head-worn worker-assistance systems

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    In this paper, a mobile assistance-system is described which supports users in performing manual working tasks in the context of assembling complex products. The assistance system contains a head-worn display for the visualization of information relevant for the workflow as well as a video camera to acquire the scene. This paper is focused on the interaction of the user with this system and describes work in progress and initial results from an industrial application scenario. We present image-based methods for robust recognition of static and dynamic hand gestures in realtime. These methods are used for an intuitive interaction with the assistance-system. The segmentation of the hand based on color information builds the basis of feature extraction for static and dynamic gestures. For the static gestures, the activation of particular sensitive regions in the camera image by the user’s hand is used for interaction. An HMM classifier is used to extract dynamic gestures depending on motion parameters determined based on the optical flow in the camera image

    Characterisation of historic façades using active thermography with solar heating and optical methods

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    Active thermography is well suited for the detection of delaminations and cracks in façade elements like plaster and tiles. Not only artificial heating but also solar heating can be used if the adjustment of the façade and the weather conditions are suitable. Optical methods like laser scanners, photogrammetric methods and crack tracking sensors are providing geometrical 3D data which can be used for a 3D mapping of thermograms and for providing data with higher geometrical resolution. Thus, by the combination and fusion of these data, a comprehensive mapping and monitoring of damages of façade systems is possible