7 research outputs found

    Essential Oil of Ocimum basilicum

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    The racemate linalool and its levogyrus enantiomer [(−)-LIN] are present in many essential oils and possess several pharmacological activities, such as antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory. In this work, the effects of essential oil obtained from the cultivation of the Ocimum basilicum L. (EOOb) derived from Germplasm Bank rich in (−)-LIN content in the excitability of peripheral nervous system were studied. We used rat sciatic nerve to investigate the EOOb and (−)-LIN effects on neuron excitability and the extracellular recording technique was used to register the compound action potential (CAP). EOOb and (−)-LIN blocked the CAP in a concentration-dependent way and these effects were reversible after washout. EOOb blocked positive amplitude of 1st and 2nd CAP components with IC50 of 0.38±0.2 and 0.17±0.0 mg/mL, respectively. For (−)-LIN, these values were 0.23±0.0 and 0.13±0.0 mg/mL. Both components reduced the conduction velocity of CAP and the 2nd component seems to be more affected than the 1st component. In conclusion EOOb and (−)-LIN inhibited the excitability of peripheral nervous system in a similar way and potency, revealing that the effects of EOOb on excitability are due to the presence of (−)-LIN in the essential oil

    Essential oil of Croton zehntneri prevents electrophysiological alterations in dorsal root ganglia of streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus in rats

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    Croton zehntneri is an aromatic shrub, native to Northeast Brazil, where it is used in folk medicine. The essential oil of C. zehntneri (EOCz) has shown potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Our aim was to investigate the beneficial effect of EOCz on electrophysiological changes in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus (DM). DRG excitability and passive and active membrane properties were studied in control and DM-induced rats. Intracellular recording in current-clamp mode with sharp microelectrode was used. For Na+ channel investigation, patch-clamp recording in whole-cell mode was used. DM caused depolarizations (from -60.6 to -55.0 mV) of resting membrane potential without alteration of cell membrane input resistance. Also, it showed a tendency towards a decrease in rheobase and a tendency for increase in excitability, which was confirmed by increase in Na+ current (from -113.6 to -178.3 pF/pA). EOCz did not reverse the hyperglycemia of DM. Regardless of that, upon oral treatment, EOCz prevented neuronal alterations. EOCz was demonstrated to have low toxicity. The preventive effects of EOCz on neuronal changes coupled with its low toxicity make EOCz a potential candidate for a type of treatment of diabetic neuropathy complementary to therapy with hypoglycemic agents

    Diabetes mellitus differently affects electrical membrane properties of vagal afferent neurons of rats

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    Abstract To study whether diabetes mellitus (DM) would cause electrophysiological alterations in nodose ganglion (NG) neurons, we used patch clamp and intracellular recording for voltage and current clamp configuration, respectively, on cell bodies of NG from rats with DM. Intracellular microelectrodes recording, according to the waveform of the first derivative of the action potential, revealed three neuronal groups (A0, Ainf, and Cinf), which were differently affected. Diabetes only depolarized the resting potential of A0 (from −55 to −44 mV) and Cinf (from −49 to −45 mV) somas. In Ainf neurons, diabetes increased action potential and the after‐hyperpolarization durations (from 1.9 and 18 to 2.3 and 32 ms, respectively) and reduced dV/dtdesc (from −63 to ‐52 V s−1). Diabetes reduced the action potential amplitude while increasing the after‐hyperpolarization amplitude of Cinf neurons (from 83 and −14 mV to 75 and −16 mV, respectively). Using whole cell patch clamp recording, we observed that diabetes produced an increase in peak amplitude of sodium current density (from −68 to −176 pA pF−1) and displacement of steady‐state inactivation to more negative values of transmembrane potential only in a group of neurons from diabetic animals (DB2). In the other group (DB1), diabetes did not change this parameter (−58 pA pF−1). This change in sodium current did not cause an increase in membrane excitability, probably explainable by the alterations in sodium current kinetics, which are also induced by diabetes. Our data demonstrate that diabetes differently affects membrane properties of different nodose neuron subpopulations, which likely have pathophysiological implications for diabetes mellitus

    Melatonin Reduces Excitability in Dorsal Root Ganglia Neurons with Inflection on the Repolarization Phase of the Action Potential

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    Melatonin is a neurohormone produced and secreted at night by pineal gland. Many effects of melatonin have already been described, for example: Activation of potassium channels in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and inhibition of excitability of a sub-population of neurons of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). The DRG is described as a structure with several neuronal populations. One classification, based on the repolarizing phase of the action potential (AP), divides DRG neurons into two types: Without (N0) and with (Ninf) inflection on the repolarization phase of the action potential. We have previously demonstrated that melatonin inhibits excitability in N0 neurons, and in the present work, we aimed to investigate the melatonin effects on the other neurons (Ninf) of the DRG neuronal population. This investigation was done using sharp microelectrode technique in the current clamp mode. Melatonin (0.01–1000.0 nM) showed inhibitory activity on neuronal excitability, which can be observed by the blockade of the AP and by the increase in rheobase. However, we observed that, while some neurons were sensitive to melatonin effect on excitability (excitability melatonin sensitive—EMS), other neurons were not sensitive to melatonin effect on excitability (excitability melatonin not sensitive—EMNS). Concerning the passive electrophysiological properties of the neurons, melatonin caused a hyperpolarization of the resting membrane potential in both cell types. Regarding the input resistance (Rin), melatonin did not change this parameter in the EMS cells, but increased its values in the EMNS cells. Melatonin also altered several AP parameters in EMS cells, the most conspicuously changed was the (dV/dt)max of AP depolarization, which is in coherence with melatonin effects on excitability. Otherwise, in EMNS cells, melatonin (0.1–1000.0 nM) induced no alteration of (dV/dt)max of AP depolarization. Thus, taking these data together, and the data of previous publication on melatonin effect on N0 neurons shows that this substance has a greater pharmacological potency on Ninf neurons. We suggest that melatonin has important physiological function related to Ninf neurons and this is likely to bear a potential relevant therapeutic use, since Ninf neurons are related to nociception