93 research outputs found

    New records of Pediciidae (Diptera: Tipuloidea) from Hungary

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    Eleven species of hairy-eyed craneflies (Pediciidae) are known to occur in Hungary. Dicranota subtilis Loew, 1871 and Pedicia pallens Savchenko, 1978 are reported for the first time and the presence of Pedicia straminea (Meigen, 1838) is confirmed in Hungary

    Autonomic and sensory nerve dysfunction in primary biliary cirrhosis

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    AIM: Cardiovascular autonomic and peripheral sensory neuropathy is a known complication of chronic alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver diseases. We aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors for peripheral sensory nerve and autonomic dysfunction using sensitive methods in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). METHODS: Twenty-four AMA M2 positive female patients with clinical, biochemical and histological evidence of PBC and 20 age matched healthy female subjects were studied. Five standard cardiovascular reflex tests and 24-h heart rate variability (HRV) analysis were performed to define autonomic function. Peripheral sensory nerve function on median and peroneal nerves was characterized by current perception threshold (CPT), measured by a neuroselective diagnostic stimulator (Neurotron, Baltimore, MD). RESULTS: Fourteen of 24 patients (58%) had at least one abnormal cardiovascular reflex test and thirteen (54%) had peripheral sensory neuropathy. Lower heart rate response to deep breathing (P = 0.001), standing (P = 0.03) and Valsalva manoeuvre (P = 0.01), and more profound decrease of blood pressure after standing (P = 0.03) was found in PBC patients than in controls. As a novel finding we proved that both time domain and frequency domain parameters of 24-h HRV were significantly reduced in PBC patients compared to controls. Each patient had at least one abnormal parameter of HRV. Lower CPT values indicated hyperaesthesia as a characteristic feature at peroneal nerve testing at three frequencies (2000 Hz: P = 0.005; 250 Hz: P = 0.002; 5 Hz: P = 0.004) in PBC compared to controls. Correlation of autonomic dysfunction with the severity and duration of the disease was observed. Lower total power of HRV correlated with lower CPT values at median nerve testing at 250 Hz (P = 0.0001) and at 5 Hz (P = 0.002), as well as with those at peroneal nerve testing at 2000 Hz (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: Autonomic and sensory nerve dysfunctions are frequent in PBC. Twenty-four-hour HRV analysis is more sensitive than standard cardiovascular tests for detecting of both parasympathetic and sympathetic impairments. Our novel data suggest that hyperaesthesia is a characteristic feature of peripheral sensory neuropathy and might contribute to itching in PBC. Autonomic dysfunction is related to the duration and severity of PBC

    Adatok a fehér fagyöngy (Viscum album) hazai rovar faunájához

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    The European mistletoe (Viscum album) is an evergreen, perennial, epiphytic, hemiparasitic shrub, which is widely distributed in Europe. Its occurrence induces extremely sensitive health of host trees further contributing to the phenomenon of forest decline spiral. Besides mechanical pruning a hyperparasitic fungus (Phaeobotryosphaeria visci) could be a successful candidate to develop an effective biocontrol agent against V. album. We were extensively aware of the insect community of European mistletoe in light of finding another potential agent. We collected and identified 22 insect species (4 Sternorrhyncha, 5 Heteroptera, 5 Coleoptera, 5 Hymenoptera, 2 Lepidoptera, 1 Diptera) from which eight are specialists restricted only to European mistletoe (Cacopsylla visci, Carulaspis visci, Hypseloecus visci, Pinalitus viscicola, Ixapion variegatum, Liparthrum bartschti, Synanthedon loranthi, Celypha woodiana). Species associations with this plant are reported here for the first time for two Heteroptera (Campyloneura virgula, Pentatoma rufipes), one Coleoptera (Sericoderus lateralis), one ant species (Lasius brunnes) as well as for an aphid belonging to the Aphis fabae sensu stricto group, respectively. Species assotiation with this plant is reported for the first time in Hungary for the Leptophloeus hypobori species. Based on our observations and literature review only the mass occurrence of different pests would have the potential to effectively control this hemiparasite. From the pests of the green plant parts the mistletoe associated psyllid (Cacopsylla visi), mistletoe scale (Carulaspis visci) and the mistletoe bug, Hypseloecus visci, while from the pests of the woody parts a clearwing moth, Synanthedon loranthi and a bark beetle, Liparthrum bartschti look perspective in light if biological control.Peer reviewe

    Kis-dózisú stresszorok stimuláló hatásának jelátviteli és hormonális háttere növényi sejtekben = Signal transduction and hormonal effects in plant cells stimulated by low-dose stressors

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    Vizsgálat tárgyává tettük a kis-koncentrációjú kémiai stresszorok által kiváltott serkentő hatás (hardening, eustressz) mechanizmusát az alábbi kísérleti rendszerekben : 1. levágott, nem gyökeresedő levél (árpa), 2. levágott, gyökeresedő levél (bab), 3. csíranövény, gyökéren át kezelve (árpa), 4. csíranövény, levélen át kezelve (bab). Azt találtuk, hogy a hatás nem ágens-specifikus, tehát szubmikromólos koncentrációban fémion vagy herbicid ugyanúgy hat. Nevezetesen a PIP2-IP3/DAG jelpálya DAG-ágán, majd a PKC-től egy MAPK útvonalon küld szignált a sejtmembrántól a sejtmagig. A válasz viszont specifikus arra a sejttípusra, amely kontaktusba került az ágenssel. Gyökér esetében a citokinin-szint emelkedik, a levél klorofill-szintézissel és fokozott CO2-beépítéssel válaszol. | The mechanism of stimulation by low-concentration chemical stressors (hardening, eustress) was investigated in the following experimental systems : 1.detached non-rooting leaf (barley), 2. detached rooting leaf (bean), 3. seedling treated via the root (barley), 4. seedling treated via the leaf (bean). It was found that the effect was not agent-specific, i.e. submicromolar metal ion or herbicide acted the same way. Namely, a signal was sent from the plasma membrane via the DAG branch of the PIP2-IP3/DAG pathway, then PKC activated a MAPK signaling pathway leading to the nucleus. The response, however, was specific to the cell type coming into contact with the agent. In case of root, the cytokinin level increased, while the leaf responded by increased chlorophyll synthesis and CO2 incorporation

    On the mechanism of stimulation by low-concentration stressors in barley seedlings

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    Beneficial effect of low-concentration chemical stressors like Cd salt and a herbicide DCMU have been investigated previously in different plant model systems. The symptoms of stimulation are known from earlier studies, but information about the mechanism is limited. In this work, the mechanism of stimulation of low-concentration Cd (5.10-8 M) and 3-(3,4-di-chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU, 10-7 M) was investigated in barley seedlings. In treated plants, the amount of cytokinins increased in roots and, after being transported to the leaves, they caused stimulation of chlorophyll accumulation, photosynthetic activity, and delayed senescence. To identify the signal transduction pathway(s) involved in the primary stimulation of cytokinin synthesis in roots, specific phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate – inositol-1,4,5-tri-phosphate/diacylglycerol (PIP2-IP3/DAG) and mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway inhibitors were added to the nutrient solutions. Both of them proved to be effective, eliminating the stimulation of the stressors

    Effect of low-concentration stressors on the senescence of detached barley leaves

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    Effect of low (sub-micromolar) concentrations of some stress-inducing heavy metals like Cd, Pb, Ni, and Ti salts and the herbicide DCMU on the senescence of chloroplasts was investigated in detached leaves of barley. These agents delayed the loss of chlorophylls and photosynthetic activity (14CO2 fixation). Decrease of the number and size of plastoglobuli in treated chloroplasts also indicated the anti-senescence effect of low-concentration stressors. The active cytokinin content of barley leaves tested by Amaranthus betacyanin bioassay did not show any changes. It is assumed that these stressors may activate a cytokinin-independent signal transduction pathway in the cells

    Goal attainment and memory suppression: Zeigernik reloaded

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    In two series of experiments we investigated the effect of goal fulfilment on accessibility of episodic memories. First, based on the pioneering work of Zeigarnik (1927) we developed a novel paradigm to test the role of goal attainment in episodic retrieval. In this task subjects have to complete word stems of category exemplars belonging to a given category, the completion of words were randomly interrupted in half of the categories. Following a delay, unexpected free recall, category-cued recall or recognition tasks were conducted. The results show that subjects tend to recall less items from the completed categories in the free recall task whereas such difference is absent in the category-cued recall and recognition tasks. Second, using a list method directed forgetting (DF) paradigm we found that replacing the forget instruction with a memory test, which informed participants that the learning event is finished, DF phenomena (i.e. lower recall rate of to be forgotten items compared to baseline items) can be simulated. We suggest that a forget instruction in a learning task is an effective goal completion cue. These results suggest that goal completion puts goal-relevant information in an available, but in a less accessible form for later retrieval

    A szívfrekvencia variabilitás beszűkülése és a cardiovascularis kockázat összefüggése diabetes mellitusban és egyéb belgyógyászati betegségekben = Relationship between depressed heart rate variability and cardiovascular risk profile in diabetes mellitus and in other medical disorders

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    Az EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study adatai, valamint frissen felfedezett 1-es típusú diabetesesek körében végzett vizsgálatunk eredményei alapján a hagyományos cardiovascularis rizikófaktorok egyúttal a szív frekvencia variabilitás beszűkülésével jellemezhető autonom neuropathia fizikófaktorainak is tekinthetők. A domináló parasympathicus károsodással járó autonom neuropathia mind 1-es, mind 2-es típusú diabetesesekben hypertonia kialakulásához vezet, 1-es típusú betegekben egyértelmű a microalbuminuriával való összefüggés is, és ugyanebben a betegcsoportban dokumentálható az autonom- és sensoros neuropathia összefüggése. Ugyancsak új adatként autonom- és sensoros károsodást írtunk le Wilson kórban, valamint essentialis hypertoniában szenvedő betegekben. Az utóbbi betegcsoportban, valamint primer biliaris cirrhosisban szenvedő betegekben az autonom- és sensoros neuropathia rizikófaktorait is értékeltük. | Data of the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study just as our results obtained among patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus, provide evidence that classical cardiovascular risk factors predict the prevalence or progression of autonomic neuropathy characterised by decreased heart rate variability. Predominantly parasympathetic impairment leading to autonomic dysfunction is associated with hypertension in patients with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Among patients with type 1 diabetes, a significant relationship with microalbuminuria and peripheral neuropathy has also been documented. As another novel observation we evaluated the frequancy of autonomic and sensory nerve dysfunction in patients with Wilson?s disease just as the frequency and risk factors of autonomic and sensory neuropathy in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and essential hypertension


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