12 research outputs found

    Polymer nanoparticle identification and concentration measurement using fiber-enhanced raman spectroscopy

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    We present a measurement technique for chemical identification and concentration measurement of polymer nanoparticles in aqueous solution, which is achieved using Raman spectroscopy. This work delivers an improvement in measurement sensitivity of 40 times over conventional Raman measurements in cuvettes by loading polymer nanoparticles into the hollow core of a microstructured optical fiber. We apply this "fiber-enhanced" system to measure the concentration of two separate samples of polystyrene particles (diameters of 60 nm and 120 nm respectively) with concentrations in the range from 0.07 to 0.5 mg/mL. The nanoliter volume formed by the fiber presents unique experimental conditions where nanoparticles are confined within the fiber core and prevented from diffusing outside the incident electromagnetic field, thereby enhancing their interaction. Our results suggest an upper limit on the size of particle that can be measured using the hollow-core photonic crystal fiber, as the increasing angular distribution of scattered light with particle size exceeds the acceptance angle of the liquid-filled fiber. We investigate parameters such as the fiber filling rate and optical properties of the filled fiber, with the aim to deliver repeatable and quantifiable measurements. This study thereby aids the on-going process to create compact systems that can be integrated into nanoparticle production settings for in-line measurements

    Quantum-Enhanced continuous-wave stimulated Raman spectroscopy

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    Stimulated Raman spectroscopy has become a powerful tool to study the spatiodynamics of molecular bonds with high sensitivity, resolution and speed. However, sensitivity and speed of state-of-the-art stimulated Raman spectroscopy are currently limited by the shot-noise of the light beam probing the Raman process. Here, we demonstrate an enhancement of the sensitivity of continuous-wave stimulated Raman spectroscopy by reducing the quantum noise of the probing light below the shot-noise limit by means of amplitude squeezed states of light. Probing polymer samples with Raman shifts around 2950 cm−1cm^{-1} with squeezed states, we demonstrate a quantum-enhancement of the stimulated Raman signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 3.60 dB relative to the shot-noise limited SNR. Our proof-of-concept demonstration of quantum-enhanced Raman spectroscopy paves the way for a new generation of Raman microscopes, where weak Raman transitions can be imaged without the use of markers or an increase in the total optical power.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Cognitive and cognitive-motor interventions affecting physical functioning: A systematic review

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    Background Several types of cognitive or combined cognitive-motor intervention types that might influence physical functions have been proposed in the past: training of dual-tasking abilities, and improving cognitive function through behavioral interventions or the use of computer games. The objective of this systematic review was to examine the literature regarding the use of cognitive and cognitive-motor interventions to improve physical functioning in older adults or people with neurological impairments that are similar to cognitive impairments seen in aging. The aim was to identify potentially promising methods that might be used in future intervention type studies for older adults. Methods A systematic search was conducted for the Medline/Premedline, PsycINFO, CINAHL and EMBASE databases. The search was focused on older adults over the age of 65. To increase the number of articles for review, we also included those discussing adult patients with neurological impairments due to trauma, as these cognitive impairments are similar to those seen in the aging population. The search was restricted to English, German and French language literature without any limitation of publication date or restriction by study design. Cognitive or cognitive-motor interventions were defined as dual-tasking, virtual reality exercise, cognitive exercise, or a combination of these. Results 28 articles met our inclusion criteria. Three articles used an isolated cognitive rehabilitation intervention, seven articles used a dual-task intervention and 19 applied a computerized intervention. There is evidence to suggest that cognitive or motor-cognitive methods positively affects physical functioning, such as postural control, walking abilities and general functions of the upper and lower extremities, respectively. The majority of the included studies resulted in improvements of the assessed functional outcome measures. Conclusions The current evidence on the effectiveness of cognitive or motor-cognitive interventions to improve physical functioning in older adults or people with neurological impairments is limited. The heterogeneity of the studies published so far does not allow defining the training methodology with the greatest effectiveness. This review nevertheless provides important foundational information in order to encourage further development of novel cognitive or cognitive-motor interventions, preferably with a randomized control design. Future research that aims to examine the relation between improvements in cognitive skills and the translation to better performance on selected physical tasks should explicitly take the relation between the cognitive and physical skills into account.ISSN:1471-231

    International interlaboratory comparison of Raman spectroscopic analysis of CVD-grown graphene

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    There is a pressing need for reliable, reproducible and accurate measurements of graphene’s properties, through international standards, to facilitate industrial growth. However, trustworthy and verified standards require rigorous metrological studies, determining, quantifying and reducing the sources of measurement uncertainty. Towards this effort, we report the procedure and the results of an international interlaboratory comparison (ILC) study, conducted under Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards. This ILC focusses on the comparability of Raman spectroscopy measurements of chemical vapour deposition (CVD) grown graphene using the same measurement protocol across different institutes and laboratories. With data gathered from 17 participants across academia, industry (including instrument manufacturers) and national metrology institutes, this study investigates the measurement uncertainty contributions from both Raman spectroscopy measurements and data analysis procedures, as well as provides solutions for improved accuracy and precision. While many of the reported Raman metrics were relatively consistent, significant and meaningful outliers occurred due to differences in the instruments and data analysis. These variations resulted in inconsistent reports of peak intensity ratios, peak widths and the coverage of graphene. Due to a lack of relative intensity calibration, the relative difference reported in the 2D- and G peak intensity ratios (I2D/IG) was up to 200%. It was also shown that the standard deviation for Γ2D values reported by different software packages, was 15× larger for Lorentzian fit functions than for pseudo-Voigt functions. This study has shown that by adopting a relative intensity calibration and consistent peak fitting and data analysis methodologies, these large, and previously unquantified, variations can be significantly reduced, allowing more reproducible and comparable measurements for the graphene community, supporting fundamental research through to the growing graphene industry worldwide. This project and its findings directly underpin the development of the ISO/IEC standard ‘DTS 21356-2—Nanotechnologies—Structural Characterisation of CVD-grown Graphene’.Piers Turner ... Diana N H Tran ... Dusan Losic, Farzaneh Farivar, ... Pei Lay Yap ..et al

    International interlaboratory comparison of Raman spectroscopic analysis of CVD-grown graphene

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    There is a pressing need for reliable, reproducible and accurate measurements of graphene's properties, through international standards, to facilitate industrial growth. However, trustworthy and verified standards require rigorous metrological studies, determining, quantifying and reducing the sources of measurement uncertainty. Towards this effort, we report the procedure and the results of an international interlaboratory comparison (ILC) study, conducted under Versailles Project on Advanced Materials and Standards. This ILC focusses on the comparability of Raman spectroscopy measurements of chemical vapour deposition (CVD) grown graphene using the same measurement protocol across different institutes and laboratories. With data gathered from 17 participants across academia, industry (including instrument manufacturers) and national metrology institutes, this study investigates the measurement uncertainty contributions from both Raman spectroscopy measurements and data analysis procedures, as well as provides solutions for improved accuracy and precision. While many of the reported Raman metrics were relatively consistent, significant and meaningful outliers occurred due to differences in the instruments and data analysis. These variations resulted in inconsistent reports of peak intensity ratios, peak widths and the coverage of graphene. Due to a lack of relative intensity calibration, the relative difference reported in the 2D- and G peak intensity ratios (I-2D/I-G) was up to 200%. It was also shown that the standard deviation for Gamma(2D) values reported by different software packages, was 15 x larger for Lorentzian fit functions than for pseudo-Voigt functions. This study has shown that by adopting a relative intensity calibration and consistent peak fitting and data analysis methodologies, these large, and previously unquantified, variations can be significantly reduced, allowing more reproducible and comparable measurements for the graphene community, supporting fundamental research through to the growing graphene industry worldwide. This project and its findings directly underpin the development of the ISO/IEC standard 'DTS 21356-2-Nanotechnologies-Structural Characterisation of CVD-grown Graphene'