47 research outputs found

    Endovenous Thermal Ablation for Treatment of Symptomatic Saphenous Veins-Does the Body Weight Matter?

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    OBJECTIVE This study aimed to examine whether body weight may affect the effectiveness and safety of endovenous thermal ablation (ETA) for the treatment of symptomatic varicose veins. METHODS This retrospective single-center cohort study analyzed the outcomes and patient demographic data with a focus on the body weight of all patients who had ETA of symptomatic varicose veins between September 2017 and October 2020. RESULTS A total of 1178 treated truncal veins from 636 patients were analyzed. The mean ± standard deviation body mass index (BMI) was 25.5 ± 4.9. In 2.3% of cases, the patients were underweight (BMI 25), and 16.6% were obese (BMI > 30). Complete truncal occlusion was observed 1 year post intervention in 97.6-100% and patients were satisfied or very satisfied in 96.2-100% across BMI groups. Pain was low but significantly higher in the patients with obesity 6 weeks post intervention (visual analog scale 0.84 ± 1.49) and a higher infection rate was observed in the patients with obesity (n = 4/132; 3.0%). No significant association was observed between BMI and bleeding or thromboembolic events. CONCLUSIONS Patients with obesity experienced prolonged pain and more infections after ETA, but ETA for varicose vein treatment remains effective and safe, independent of the patient's BMI

    The Incidence and Health Economic Burden of Ischemic Amputation in Minnesota, 2005-2008

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    Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is the most severe manifestation of peripheral artery disease (PAD), is associated with high rates of myocardial infarction, stroke, and amputation, and has a high health economic cost. The objective of this study was to estimate the incidence of lower limb amputation, the most serious consequence of CLI, and to create a surveillance methodology for the incidence of ischemic amputation in Minnesota

    The FReedom from Ischemic Events - New Dimensions for Survival (FRIENDS) registry: design of a prospective cohort study of patients with advanced peripheral artery disease

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    Background: Advanced lower extremity peripheral artery disease (PAD), whether presenting as acute limb ischemia (ALI) or chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI), is associated with high rates of cardiovascular ischemic events, amputation, and death. Past research has focused on strategies of revascularization, but few data are available that prospectively evaluate the impact of key process of care factors (spanning pre-admission, acute hospitalization, and post-discharge) that might contribute to improving short and long-term health outcomes. Methods/Design The FRIENDS registry is designed to prospectively evaluate a range of patient and health system care delivery factors that might serve as future targets for efforts to improve limb and systemic outcomes for patients with ALI or CLI. This hypothesis-driven registry was designed to evaluate the contributions of: (i) pre-hospital limb ischemia symptom duration, (ii) use of leg revascularization strategies, and (iii) use of risk-reduction pharmacotherapies, as pre-specified factors that may affect amputation-free survival. Sequential patients would be included at an index “vascular specialist-defined” ALI or CLI episode, and patients excluded only for non-vascular etiologies of limb threat. Data including baseline demographics, functional status, co-morbidities, pre-hospital time segments, and use of medical therapies; hospital-based use of revascularization strategies, time segments, and pharmacotherapies; and rates of systemic ischemic events (e.g., myocardial infarction, stroke, hospitalization, and death) and limb ischemic events (e.g., hospitalization for revascularization or amputation) will be recorded during a minimum of one year follow-up. Discussion The FRIENDS registry is designed to evaluate the potential impact of key factors that may contribute to adverse outcomes for patients with ALI or CLI. Definition of new “health system-based” therapeutic targets could then become the focus of future interventional clinical trials for individuals with advanced PAD

    Early Recoil After Balloon Angioplasty of Erection-Related Arteries in Patients With Arteriogenic Erectile Dysfunction

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    PURPOSE To evaluate the incidence of elastic recoil in patients presenting with erectile dysfunction (ED) undergoing endovascular revascularization of the pudendal or penile arteries. METHODS A consecutive series of 21 ED patients (mean age 58.3±9.3 years) undergoing minimally invasive revascularization of 31 arteries was analyzed. ED lesions included the pudendal arteries (n=27) and the penile artery (n=4). Mean lesion length was 20.6±13.9 mm. Minimal lumen diameter (MLD) measurements were assessed at baseline, immediately after balloon angioplasty, and 10 minutes thereafter. Early recoil was defined as an MLD reduction >10%. Elastic recoil with >10% lumen compromise was treated with drug-coated balloons, while severe elastic recoil (>30%) required drug-eluting stents (DES). The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-15) score was obtained prior to and 3 months after the procedure to obtain information on functional outcomes subsequent to angioplasty. RESULTS Mean MLD at baseline was 0.9±0.6 mm, which improved to 2.0±0.9 mm immediately after balloon dilation. At 10 minutes after dilation, the MLD was 1.7±1.0 mm. Elastic recoil was observed in all 31 lesions and resulted in a mean lumen compromise of 21.2%. Severe (>30%) recoil was observed in 14 arteries, which underwent DES therapy. The IIEF-15 score improved from 31.3±11.2 at baseline to 49.8±16.8 (p<0.001) at the 3-month follow-up. CONCLUSION Endovascular revascularization constitutes a safe and feasible treatment modality to restore erectile function in patients with arteriogenic ED and ineffective conservative management. Early elastic recoil is very frequent subsequent to balloon dilation of small-caliber erection-related arteries. Thus, mechanical scaffolding with DES is required in a high subset of ED patients to provide favorable early angiographic and clinical results

    Reproducibility and day time bias correction of optoelectronic leg volumetry: a prospective cohort study

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    Background Leg edema is a common manifestation of various underlying pathologies. Reliable measurement tools are required to quantify edema and monitor therapeutic interventions. Aim of the present work was to investigate the reproducibility of optoelectronic leg volumetry over 3 weeks' time period and to eliminate daytime related within-individual variability. Methods Optoelectronic leg volumetry was performed in 63 hairdressers (mean age 45 ± 16 years, 85.7% female) in standing position twice within a minute for each leg and repeated after 3 weeks. Both lower leg (legBD) and whole limb (limbBF) volumetry were analysed. Reproducibility was expressed as analytical and within-individual coefficients of variance (CVA, CVW), and as intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Results A total of 492 leg volume measurements were analysed. Both legBD and limbBF volumetry were highly reproducible with CVA of 0.5% and 0.7%, respectively. Within-individual reproducibility of legBD and limbBF volumetry over a three weeks' period was high (CVW 1.3% for both; ICC 0.99 for both). At both visits, the second measurement revealed a significantly higher volume compared to the first measurement with a mean increase of 7.3 ml ± 14.1 (0.33% ± 0.58%) for legBD and 30.1 ml ± 48.5 ml (0.52% ± 0.79%) for limbBF volume. A significant linear correlation between absolute and relative leg volume differences and the difference of exact day time of measurement between the two study visits was found (P < .001). A therefore determined time-correction formula permitted further improvement of CVW. Conclusions Leg volume changes can be reliably assessed by optoelectronic leg volumetry at a single time point and over a 3 weeks' time period. However, volumetry results are biased by orthostatic and daytime-related volume changes. The bias for day-time related volume changes can be minimized by a time-correction formula

    Use of a stent graft in tumor erosion of the common femoral artery with life-threatening bleeding

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    We report a case of a 56-year-old male patient with a life-threatening left common femoral artery bleeding due to tumor erosion. The patient had a history of advanced high-grade pleomorphic leiomyosarcoma of the left groin with pulmonary metastasis. Clinical examination revealed a massive tumor bulking at the left groin with necrosis and phleb- and lymphedema. Given the circumstances, open surgery was not possible. Thus, it was decided to treat the patient with an endovascular procedure. The postprocedural course was uneventful, the patient received blood product and was hemodynamically stable. He was discharged at day six with ambulatory follow-up. Endovascular therapy using stent grafts to exclude a life-threatening bleeding is a valuable alternative treatment option in oncologic patients with limited life expectancy, which are unsuitable for surgery

    Rivaroxaban versus fondaparinux for thromboprophylaxis after endovenous laser ablation

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    OBJECTIVE Endovenous heat-induced thrombosis (EHIT) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT) are well-known complications after superficial endovenous thermoablation. We investigated the efficacy of rivaroxaban in preventing EHIT and DVT after endovenous laser ablation (EVLA). METHODS We retrospectively analyzed a consecutive series of patients presenting with truncal varicosis class C to C undergoing EVLA. After EVLA, all patients received oral rivaroxaban (10 mg) or subcutaneous fondaparinux (2.5 mg) once daily for 3 consecutive days. The primary end point was the composite of EHIT or DVT assessed by duplex ultrasound imaging after 1 and 4 weeks. EHIT class 1 was defined as the thrombus extending to the saphenofemoral junction. Extension into the deep venous system with a cross-sectional area obstruction 50% cross-sectional area obstruction. EHIT class 4 was total occlusion of the femoral vein. The secondary end points were minor or major bleeding, paresthesia, and skin burns. RESULTS Between February 2009 and December 2015, 391 patients (473 limbs) were treated with EVLA of the truncal saphenous vein. The primary end point occurred in 13 of 166 (7.8%) and 14 of 225 (6.2%) after 1 week and in 13 of 166 (7.8%) and 15 of 225 (6.7%) after 4 weeks comparing the rivaroxaban and fondaparinux groups (P = .659). EHIT class 1 was observed in 20 patients (5.1%) and EHIT class 2 in five (1.3%). No patients had EHIT class 3 or 4. The incidence of DVT was one of 166 (0.6%) in the rivaroxaban group and two of 225 (0.9%) in the fondaparinux group (P = .750). Minor bleeding events occurred in 17 of 166 patients (10.2%) and in 20 of 225 patients (8.9%), respectively (P = .652). No major bleeding events were observed. Paresthesia was observed in 12.5% in the rivaroxaban group and in 17.8% in the fondaparinux group. No skin burns were observed. CONCLUSIONS Rivaroxaban offers an oral medication approach showing no difference in preventing EHIT and DVT compared with fondaparinux, without increased bleeding risk