18 research outputs found

    FIGURE 2 from The NUTRIENT Trial (NUTRitional Intervention among myEloproliferative Neoplasms): Results from a Randomized Phase I Pilot Study for Feasibility and Adherence

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    Patients with MPN can adopt a Mediterranean eating pattern with dietician counseling and education. A, Percentage of participants with MEDAS scores ≥8 at each timepoint with orange shaded area depicting the active intervention period. B, Participant responses to feasibility question during active intervention period, green represents a participant who met the feasibility benchmark of HEI-2015 (C) was calculated from each 24-hour diet recall, and scores for each participant were averaged for the pre-intervention (weeks 1–2), active intervention (weeks 3–12), and post-intervention (weeks 13–15) period. Data shown represent median with interquartile range.</p

    FIGURE 6 from The NUTRIENT Trial (NUTRitional Intervention among myEloproliferative Neoplasms): Results from a Randomized Phase I Pilot Study for Feasibility and Adherence

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    Fecal microbiome composition. A, A line plot displaying the microbial diversity, as measured by the Shannon index, of individuals over time. B, A line plot displaying the microbial composition of individuals over time. The y-axis is the first principal coordinate produced by Bray–Curtis dissimilarity ordination of the microbiome. In both A and B, the orange shaded area depicts the active intervention period and the SE is represented by error bars.</p

    FIGURE 3 from The NUTRIENT Trial (NUTRitional Intervention among myEloproliferative Neoplasms): Results from a Randomized Phase I Pilot Study for Feasibility and Adherence

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    Changes in symptom burden during study. A, Waterfall plots of percentage change in MPN-SAF (MPN-SAF TSS) at each week compared with baseline (baseline defined as average MPN-SAF TSS of weeks 1 and 2). B, Raw change in specific symptoms at each week compared with baseline (mean ± SD). C, Correlation between change in raw MEDAS score and change in raw MPN-SAF score from baseline to week 9 (left) or baseline to week 12 (right).</p