25,169 research outputs found

    Funding the Future: Resources for Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health Programs in Developing Countries

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    Provides a directory of over 90 foundations, agencies, and organizations that support adolescent reproductive and sexual health related programs in developing countries, through direct and/or indirect financing, technical assistance, and information

    The hydrolysis of N-benzoyl-L-argininamide by crystalline trypsin

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    A reinvestigation of the kinetics of hydrolysis of N-benzoyl-n-argininamide by crystalline trypsin has led to the conclusion that the hydrolysis products enter into the over-all reaction as inhibitors

    The competitive inhibition of of the urease-catalyzed hydrolysis of urea by phosphate

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    The urease-catalyzed hydrolysis of urea has been found to be competitively inhibited by phosphate at pH 7.0 and 25°. The Michaelis constant of the urea-urease system has been found to be approximately 0.003 M urea and the comparable constant defining the phosphate-urease system 0.035 M phosphate

    Decompositions of ideals of minors meeting a submatrix

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    We compute the primary decomposition of certain ideals generated by subsets of minors in a generic matrix or in a generic symmetric matrix, or subsets of Pfaffians in a generic skew-symmetric matrix. Specifically, the ideals we consider are generated by minors that have at least some given number of rows and columns in certain submatrices.Comment: 10 pages. v2: minor corrections. v3: minor changes, final version to appear in Comm. Al

    Management of invasive Allee species

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    In this study, we use a discrete, two-patch population model of an Allee species to examine different methods in managing invasions. We first analytically examine the model to show the presence of the strong Allee effect, and then we numerically explore the model to test the effectiveness of different management strategies. As expected invasion is facilitated by lower Allee thresholds, greater carrying capacities and greater proportions of dispersers. These effects are interacting, however, and moderated by population growth rate. Using the gypsy moth as an example species, we demonstrate that the effectiveness of different invasion management strategies is context-dependent, combining complementary methods may be preferable, and the preferred strategy may differ geographically. Specifically, we find methods for restricting movement to be more effective in areas of contiguous habitat and high Allee thresholds, where methods involving mating disruptions and raising Allee thresholds are more effective in areas of high habitat fragmentation

    Triplet Superconductors from the Viewpoint of Basic Elements for Quantum Computers

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    We discuss possibilities of utilizing superconductors with Cooper condensates in triplet pairing states (where the spin of condensate pairs is S=1) for practical realization of quantum computers. Superconductors with triplet pairing condensates have features that are unique and cannot be found in the usual (singlet pairing, S=0) superconductors. The symmetry of the order parameter in some triplet superconductors (e.g., ruthenates) corresponds to doubly-degenerate chiral states. These states can serve as qubit base states for quantum computing.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, will be presented at ASC-2002 and submitted to IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon

    Are Errors in Official U.S. Budget Receipts Forecasts Just Noise?

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    Existing evidence suggests that U.S. Government budget receipts forecasts are unbiased and efficient. Our study is an attempt to examine the veracity of these findings. The time series framework employed in this study is distinguished from previous work in three ways. First, we build a model that explicitly admits serial correlation in the residuals by allowing for autoregressive, moving-average, serial correlation. Second, we employ the nonparametric Monte-Carlo bootstrap to free ourselves from reliance on asymptotic distribution theory which is suspect given the short data series available for this study. Third, we control for errors in the macroeconomic and financial assumptions used to produce the U.S. Government's budget forecasts. We find that the U.S. Government's annual, one-year ahead, budget receipts forecasts for fiscal years 1963 through 2003 are biased and inefficient. In addition, we find that these forecasts exhibit serial correlation in their errors and thus do not efficiently exploit all available information. Finally, we find evidence that is consistent with strategic bias that may reflect the political goals of the Administration in power. Working Paper 07-2
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