51 research outputs found

    Novel Light-Regulated Chloroplast Thylakoid Membrane Protein

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    Minimal influence of G-protein null mutations on ozone-induced changes in gene expression, foliar injury, gas exchange and peroxidase activity in Arabidopsis thaliana L.: Minimal influence of G-proteins on ozone responses

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    Ozone (O3) uptake by plants leads to an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the intercellular space of leaves and induces signalling processes reported to involve the membrane-bound heterotrimeric G-protein complex. Therefore, potential G-protein-mediated response mechanisms to O3 were compared between Arabidopsis thaliana L. lines with null mutations in the α- and β-subunits (gpa1-4, agb1-2 and gpa1-4/agb1-2) and Col-0 wild-type plants. Plants were treated with a range of O3 concentrations (5, 125, 175 and 300 nL L−1) for 1 and 2 d in controlled environment chambers. Transcript levels of GPA1, AGB1 and RGS1 transiently increased in Col-0 exposed to 125 nL L−1 O3 compared with the 5 nL L−1 control treatment. However, silencing of α and β G-protein genes resulted in little alteration of many processes associated with O3 injury, including the induction of ROS-signalling genes, increased leaf tissue ion leakage, decreased net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance, and increased peroxidase activity, especially in the leaf apoplast. These results indicated that many responses to O3 stress at physiological levels were not detectably influenced by α and β G-proteins

    Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus reduces feed efficiency, digestibility, and lean tissue accretion in grow-finish pigs

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    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus is a major swine virus that causes reproductive impairment in sows, as well as respiratory disease, reduction in growth rates, and mortalities in all ages of pigs. The objective of this study was to quantify the impact PRRS has on grower-finisher pig feed efficiency and tissue accretion rates. Thirty PRRS naïve, littermate pairs of maternal line Choice Genetics gilts (33.6 ± 0.58 kg BW) were selected and pairs split across 2 barns consisting of 5 pens (n = 6 pigs/pen per barn). Pigs in both barns were fed corn-soybean-DDGS diets ad libitum. All pigs in one barn were inoculated (CHAL) via an i.m. injection of a live PRRS strain isolated from the region (0 d post inoculation, dpi), while pigs in the other barn were given a saline control injection (CONT). Pig performance (ADG, ADFI, G:F) was assessed from 35 kg BW until each group reached market BW (128 kg). Additionally, longitudinal apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) and body composition was assessed using Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) post inoculation (dpi) to estimate lean, protein, fat and bone accretion rates. Serological data from CHAL pigs showed that PRRS titers peaked 7 dpi and these pigs seroconverted by 35 dpi. According to both genomic and protein PRRS titers, CONT pigs were naïve to CHAL throughout the study. The PRRS infection reduced (P \u3c 0.001) ATTD of dry matter, energy and nitrogen by 3 to 5% at 21 dpi and the reduction in ATTD persisted after 65 dpi. Compared to the CONT, CHAL pigs had decreased ADG (0.89 vs. 0.80 kg/d, P \u3c 0.001), ADFI (2.05 vs. 1.93 kg/d, P \u3c 0.001), and G:F (0.44 vs. 0.41 kg/d, P \u3c 0.001) over the entire test period. The CHAL pigs also had attenuated DXA predicted whole body accretion of lean (547 vs. 633 g/d, P = 0.001), protein (109 vs. 126 g/d, P = 0.001) and fat (169 vs. 205 g/d, P = 0.001) compared to their CONT counterparts from dpi 0 to 80. Based on carcass data at slaughter (and consistent with the DXA data), CHAL pigs had leaner carcasses and reduced yields. These data clearly demonstrate that PRRS infection reduces digestibility, feed efficiency and protein accretion rates in grower-finisher pigs

    The impact of PRRSV on feed efficiency, digestibility and tissue accretion in grow-finisher pigs

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    The economic losses caused by Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) infection are estimated to cost the US swine industry more than $640 million annually (USDA, 2008). While significant advances have been made through research efforts to enhance our understanding of PRRSV at the animal health, immunological and genomic level, this disease still remains a significant issue in the US swine industry. Although we clearly know that PRRSV attenuates ADG of production pigs, its direct impact on feed efficiency, nutrient and energy digestibility, and whole body lean and fat accretion in grow finisher pigs has been poorly characterized. Therefore, the overall objective of this project was to characterize the impact PRRSV challenge has on grow-finisher pig feed efficiency, energy and nutrient digestibility, and tissue accretion rates

    Soil Microbial Responses to Elevated CO2 and O3 in a Nitrogen-Aggrading Agroecosystem

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    Climate change factors such as elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and ozone (O3) can exert significant impacts on soil microbes and the ecosystem level processes they mediate. However, the underlying mechanisms by which soil microbes respond to these environmental changes remain poorly understood. The prevailing hypothesis, which states that CO2- or O3-induced changes in carbon (C) availability dominate microbial responses, is primarily based on results from nitrogen (N)-limiting forests and grasslands. It remains largely unexplored how soil microbes respond to elevated CO2 and O3 in N-rich or N-aggrading systems, which severely hinders our ability to predict the long-term soil C dynamics in agroecosystems. Using a long-term field study conducted in a no-till wheat-soybean rotation system with open-top chambers, we showed that elevated CO2 but not O3 had a potent influence on soil microbes. Elevated CO2 (1.5×ambient) significantly increased, while O3 (1.4×ambient) reduced, aboveground (and presumably belowground) plant residue C and N inputs to soil. However, only elevated CO2 significantly affected soil microbial biomass, activities (namely heterotrophic respiration) and community composition. The enhancement of microbial biomass and activities by elevated CO2 largely occurred in the third and fourth years of the experiment and coincided with increased soil N availability, likely due to CO2-stimulation of symbiotic N2 fixation in soybean. Fungal biomass and the fungi∶bacteria ratio decreased under both ambient and elevated CO2 by the third year and also coincided with increased soil N availability; but they were significantly higher under elevated than ambient CO2. These results suggest that more attention should be directed towards assessing the impact of N availability on microbial activities and decomposition in projections of soil organic C balance in N-rich systems under future CO2 scenarios
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