23 research outputs found

    Stellar photometry with the Hubble Space Telescope Wide-field/Planetary camera - A progress report

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    We describe the prospects for the use of the Wide-Field/Planetary Camera (WFPC) for stellar photometry. The large halos of the point-spread function (PSF) resulting from spherical aberration and from spatial, temporal, and color variations of the PSF are the main limitations to accurate photometry. Degradations caused by crowding are exacerbated by the halos of the PSF. Here we attempt to quantify these effects and determine the current accuracy of stellar photometry with the WFPC. In realistic cases, the brighter stars in crowded fields have 0.09 mag errors; fainter stars have larger errors depending on the degree of crowding. We find that measuring Cepheids in Virgo Cluster galaxies is not currently possible without inordinate increases in exposure times

    Reduction of PG:1115+080 Images

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    The data are three exposures in PC6 through F785LP obtained on March 3, 1991. The exposure times are 120, 400, and 400 seconds. The data are reduced with the "standard" WFPC reduction scheme: A-to-D correction, DC bias subtraction, AC bias subtraction, dark current subtraction, preflash subtraction, and flat field normalization, using the best available calibration data. The exposures are combined into a weighted average normalized to 400 seconds exposure time, so one DN (data number) is about 17.25 electrons. At this step, cosmic rays are removed by intercomparison of the three images

    Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 Imaging of M16: Photoevaporation and Emerging Young Stellar Objects

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 images of elephant trunks in the H II region M16. There are three principle results of this study. First, the morphology and stratified ionization structure of the interface between the dense molecular material and the interior of the H II region is well understood in terms of photoionization of a photoevaporative flow. Photoionization models of an empirical density profile capture the essential features of the observations, including the extremely localized region of [S II] emission at the interface and the observed offset between emission peaks in lower and higher ionization lines. The details of this structure are found to be a sensitive function both of the density profile of the interface and of the shape of the ionizing continuum. Interpretation of the interaction of the photoevaporative flow with gas in the interior of the nebula supports the view that much of the emission from H II regions may arise in such flows. Photoionization of photoevaporative flows may provide a useful paradigm for interpreting a wide range of observations of H II regions. Second, we report the discovery of a population of small cometary globules that are being uncovered as the main bodies of the elephant trunks are dispersed. Several lines of evidence connect these globules to ongoing star formation, including the association of a number of globules with stellar objects seen in IR images of M16 or in the continuum HST images themselves. We refer to these structures as evaporating gaseous globules, or "EGGs." These appear to be the same type of object as the nebular condensations seen previously in M42. The primary difference between the two cases is that in M16 we are seeing the objects from the side, while in M42 the objects are seen more nearly face-on against the backdrop of the ionized face of the molecular cloud. We find that the "evaporating globule" interpretation naturally accounts for the properties of objects in both nebulae, while avoiding serious difficulties with the competing "evaporating disk" model previously applied to the objects in M42. More generally, we find that disk-like structures are relatively rare in either nebula. Third, the data indicate that photoevaporation may have uncovered many EGGs while the stellar objects in them were still accreting mass, thereby freezing the mass distribution of the protostars at an early stage in their evolution. We conclude that the masses of stars in the cluster environment in M16 are generally determined not by the onset of stellar winds, as in more isolated regions of star formation, but rather by disruption of the star forming environment by the nearby O stars

    Operando Studies of Iodine Species in an Advanced Oxidative Water Treatment Reactor

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    We present an electrochemical advanced oxidation process (eAOP) reactor employing expanded graphite, potassium iodide (KI), and electrical current, which demonstrates an exceptionally high rate of inactivation of E. coli (6log reduction in viable cells) at low current density 0.12 mA/cm^2), with low contact time (5 minutes) and low concentration of KI (10 ppm). Operando X-ray fluorescence mapping is used to show the distribution of iodine species in the reactor, and operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy in the anodic chamber reveals iodine species with higher effective oxidation state than periodate. Operando electrochemical measurements confirm the conditions in the anodic chambers are favourable for the creation of highly oxidized iodine products. The killing efficiency of this new eAOP reactor far exceeds that expected from either traditional iodine-based electrochemical water treatment or advanced oxidation systems alone, a phenomenon that may be associated with the production of highly oxidized iodine species reported here