42 research outputs found

    Acquisition and description of Mariner 10 television science data at Mercury

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    The Mariner 10 television science subsystem was an improved version of the Mariner 9 system, using 1500-mm-focal-length optics. An elaborate picture-taking sequence resulted in transmission of over 4000 frames back to earth during two flyby encounters with Mercury. These sequences utilized a real-time data rate of 117.6 kbit/s, resulting in coverage of about 75% of the lighted portion of Mercury's surface at a resolution of better than 2 km. The complete set of useful images, which amounted to about 3000 frames, was processed with three different types of digital image-processing enhancements

    Acquisition and description of Mariner 10 television science data at Mercury

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    The Mariner 10 television science subsystem was an improved version of the Mariner 9 system, using 1500-mm-focal-length optics. An elaborate picture-taking sequence resulted in transmission of over 4000 frames back to earth during two flyby encounters with Mercury. These sequences utilized a real-time data rate of 117.6 kbit/s, resulting in coverage of about 75% of the lighted portion of Mercury's surface at a resolution of better than 2 km. The complete set of useful images, which amounted to about 3000 frames, was processed with three different types of digital image-processing enhancements

    Preliminary results of Galileo direct imaging of S-L 9 impacts

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    Direct Galileo imaging data were obtained of the Jupiter impact sites for Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 fragments K, N, and W during their early, high-energy phases. Initial ∼5s-long flashes for all 3 impacts result from radiant bolides; analogous, abrupt onsets of luminosity observed by the Galileo photopolarimeter for other impacts must also be the bolide phase. The 3 bolides were dim at 0.56 or 0.89µm (few percent of total Jupiter) and had similar amplitudes, despite huge late-stage differences observed from Earth. Subsequent, continuous luminosity lasting ∼40s for K and ∼10s for N is optical radiation as the initial bolide train erupts into a “fireball”. The K light curve may show (a) two impacts 10s apart or (b) delayed evolution of the fireball

    Calibration and performance of the Galileo solid-state imaging system in Jupiter orbit

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    The solid-state imaging subsystem (SSI) on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) Galileo Jupiter orbiter spacecraft has successfully completed its 2-yr primary mission exploring the Jovian system. The SSI has remained in remarkably stable calibration during the 8-yr flight, and the quality of the returned images is exceptional. Absolute spectral radiometric calibration has been determined to 4 to 6% across its eight spectral filters. Software and calibration files are available to enable radiometric, geometric, modulation transfer function (MTF), and scattered light image calibration. The charge-coupled device (CCD) detector endured the harsh radiation environment at Jupiter without significant damage and exhibited transient image noise effects at about the expected levels. A lossy integer cosine transform (ICT) data compressor proved essential to achieving the SSI science objectives given the low data transmission rate available from Jupiter due to a communication antenna failure. The ICT compressor does introduce certain artifacts in the images that must be controlled to acceptable levels by judicious choice of compression control parameter settings. The SSI team’s expertise in using the compressor improved throughout the orbital operations phase and, coupled with a strategy using multiple playback passes of the spacecraft tape recorder, resulted in the successful return of 1645 unique images of Jupiter and its satellites

    Calibration and performance of the Galileo solid-state imaging system in Jupiter orbit

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    The solid-state imaging subsystem (SSI) on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) Galileo Jupiter orbiter spacecraft has successfully completed its 2-yr primary mission exploring the Jovian system. The SSI has remained in remarkably stable calibration during the 8-yr flight, and the quality of the returned images is exceptional. Absolute spectral radiometric calibration has been determined to 4 to 6% across its eight spectral filters. Software and calibration files are available to enable radiometric, geometric, modulation transfer function (MTF), and scattered light image calibration. The charge-coupled device (CCD) detector endured the harsh radiation environment at Jupiter without significant damage and exhibited transient image noise effects at about the expected levels. A lossy integer cosine transform (ICT) data compressor proved essential to achieving the SSI science objectives given the low data transmission rate available from Jupiter due to a communication antenna failure. The ICT compressor does introduce certain artifacts in the images that must be controlled to acceptable levels by judicious choice of compression control parameter settings. The SSI team’s expertise in using the compressor improved throughout the orbital operations phase and, coupled with a strategy using multiple playback passes of the spacecraft tape recorder, resulted in the successful return of 1645 unique images of Jupiter and its satellites

    Shape, density, and geology of the nucleus of Comet 103P/Hartley 2

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    a b s t r a c t Data from the Extrasolar Planet Observation and Deep Impact Extended Investigation (EPOXI) mission show Comet 103P/Hartley 2 is a bi-lobed, elongated, nearly axially symmetric comet 2.33 km in length. Surface features are primarily small mounds <40 m across, irregularly-shaped smooth areas on the two lobes, and a smooth but variegated region forming a ''waist'' between the two lobes. Assuming parts of the comet body approach the shape of an equipotential surface, the mean density of Hartley 2 is modeled to be 200-400 kg m À3 . Such a mean density suggests mass loss per orbit of >1%. The shape may be the evolutionary product of insolation, sublimation, and temporary deposition of materials controlled by the object's complex rotation

    Deep Impact: The Anticipated Flight Data

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    Imaging Jupiter’s Aurora at Visible Wavelengths

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    On November 9, 1996 and again on April 2, 1997, the Galileo spacecraft's Solid State Imaging (SSI) camera targeted the northern auroral region of Jupiter. These observations represent (i) the first spatially resolved images of the jovian auroral oval either at visible wavelengths or on the nightside of the planet, (ii) the first image at visible wavelengths of an auroral footprint of the Io Flux Tube (IFT), (iii) the first unambiguous detection at visible wavelengths of auroral emission on the jovian limb, and (iv) the first images of the aurora with spatial resolution below 100 km per pixel (46 and 35 km, respectively). Relative to many prior expectations, the visible aurora is (i) lower in altitude, (ii) associated with magnetic field lines that cross the equator closer to the planet, and (iii) more variable in time and space. The 1996 images used a clear (broadband) filter, while the 1997 images used both the clear filter and five narrower filters over wavelengths ranging from violet to 968 nm. The filtered images imply that the visible auroral emission contains atomic hydrogen lines, although there is also a continuum component. We were able to position the aurora in three-dimensional space and found the limb emission to be ∼240 km above the surface of a standard (P≈ 1 bar) reference ellipsoid. Our most accurate analysis of the equatormost part of the oval placed it at 54.5° planetocentric latitude and 168° west longitude. Combined with the latest magnetic field models, our results imply that the particles that cause the aurora originate in Jupiter's equatorial plane ∼13 R_J from the center of the planet. The oval was brighter and wider in the 1996 images than in the 1997 images. The broadband radiance of a typical place on the oval as seen directly overhead varied from ∼80 kR in 1997 to ∼300 kR in 1996. Our estimates of the full width of the oval varied from under 500 km to over 8000 km, partly depending on the signal-to-noise ratio of the image. The radiated power per unit length along the oval ranged from ∼60 to ∼700 W/m, with the associated radiated power from the entire oval varying from ∼109 to ∼9 × 10^(10) W. Appreciable auroral emission also occurred both north and south of the main oval. One image contains the northern footprint of the IFT, which appears as a central ellipse with a tail of emission that lies downstream with respect to the plasma flow past Io. The central ellipse is ∼1200 km downstream by ∼500 km cross stream. The IFT is comparable in brightness to the nearby auroral oval (∼250 kR) and has a total radiated power of ∼3 × 10^8 W