32 research outputs found

    Modern Erosion Rates and Loss of Coastal Features and Sites, Beaufort Sea Coastline, Alaska

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    This study presents modern erosion rate measurements based upon vertical aerial photography captured in 1955, 1979, and 2002 for a 100 km segment of the Beaufort Sea coastline. Annual erosion rates from 1955 to 2002 averaged 5.6 m a-1. However, mean erosion rates increased from 5.0 m a-1 in 1955–79 to 6.2 m a-1 in 1979–2002. Furthermore, from the first period to the second, erosion rates increased at 60% (598) of the 992 sites analyzed, decreased at 31% (307), and changed less than ± 30 cm at 9% (87). Historical observations and quantitative studies over the past 175 years allowed us to place our erosion rate measurements into a longer-term context. Several of the coastal features along this stretch of coastline received Western place names during the Dease and Simpson expedition in 1837, and the majority of those features had been lost by the early 1900s as a result of coastline erosion, suggesting that erosion has been active over at least the historical record. Incorporation of historical and modern observations also allowed us to detect the loss of both cultural and historical sites and modern infrastructure. U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps reveal a number of known cultural and historical sites, as well as sites with modern infrastructure constructed as recently as the 1950s, that had disappeared by the early 2000s as a result of coastal erosion. We were also able to identify sites that are currently being threatened by an encroaching coastline. Our modern erosion rate measurements can potentially be used to predict when a historical site or modern infrastructure will be affected if such erosion rates persist.Cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente les mesures de taux d’érosion contemporains Ă©tablies en fonction de photographies aĂ©riennes verticales prises en 1955, en 1979 et en 2002 sur un segment de 100 km du littoral de la mer de Beaufort. Entre 1955 et 2002, les taux d’érosion annuels ont atteint 5,6 m a-1 en moyenne. Cependant, les taux d’érosion moyens se sont accrus pour passer de 5,0 m a-1 pendant les annĂ©es 1955- 1979 Ă  6,2 m a-1 dans les annĂ©es 1979 - 2002. Par ailleurs, de la premiĂšre pĂ©riode Ă  la deuxiĂšme pĂ©riode, les taux d’érosion ont augmentĂ© Ă  60 % (598) des 992 sites analysĂ©s, ont diminuĂ© dans le cas de 31 % (307) des sites, et changĂ© de moins de ± 30 cm Ă  9 % (87) des sites. Les observations historiques et les Ă©tudes quantitatives recueillies au cours des 175 derniĂšres annĂ©es nous ont permis de placer nos mesures des taux d’érosion dans un contexte Ă  plus long terme. Plusieurs des caractĂ©ristiques cĂŽtiĂšres le long de cette Ă©tendue du littoral ont reçu des noms d’endroits typiques de l’Ouest dans le cadre de l’expĂ©dition de Dease et Simpson en 1837, et la majoritĂ© de ces caractĂ©ristiques avaient disparu vers le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 1900 en raison de l’érosion cĂŽtiĂšre. Cela laisse donc entendre que l’érosion s’est Ă  tout le moins manifestĂ©e pendant la pĂ©riode visĂ©e par les donnĂ©es historiques. GrĂące Ă  l’utilisation d’observations historiques et d’observations contemporaines, nous avons pu dĂ©celer la perte de sites culturels et historiques de mĂȘme que d’infrastructures modernes. Les cartes topographiques de l’U.S. Geological Survey rĂ©vĂšlent un certain nombre de sites culturels et historiques connus, ainsi que des sites dotĂ©s d’infrastructures modernes datant des annĂ©es 1950, sites et infrastructures qui avaient disparu vers le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000 en raison de l’érosion cĂŽtiĂšre. Nous avons Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© en mesure de cerner des sites qui sont prĂ©sentement menacĂ©s par un littoral qui empiĂšte sur le terrain. Nos mesures des taux d’érosion contemporains pourraient Ă©ventuellement servir Ă  dĂ©terminer Ă  quel moment un site historique ou une infrastructure moderne sera touchĂ© advenant que des taux d’érosion similaires persistent

    The Urban Heat Island in Winter at Barrow, Alaska

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    The village of Barrow, Alaska, is the northernmost settlement in the USA and the largest native community in the Arctic. The population has grown from about 300 residents in 1900 to more than 4600 in 2000. In recent decades, a general increase of mean annual and mean winter air temperature has been recorded near the centre of the village, and a concurrent trend of progressively earlier snowmelt in the village has been documented. Satellite observations and data from a nearby climate observatory indicate a corresponding but much weaker snowmelt trend in the surrounding regions of relatively undisturbed tundra. Because the region is underlain by ice-rich permafrost, there is concern that early snowmelt will increase the thickness of the thawed layer in summer and threaten the structural stability of roads, buildings, and pipelines. Here, we demonstrate the existence of a strong urban heat island (UHI) during winter. Data loggers (54) were installed in the ∌150 km2 study area to monitor hourly air and soil temperature, and daily spatial averages were calculated using the six or seven warmest and coldest sites. During winter (December 2001–March 2002), the urban area averaged 2.2 °C warmer than the hinterland. The strength of the UHI increased as the wind velocity decreased, reaching an average value of 3.2 °C under calm (s−1) conditions and maximum single-day magnitude of 6 °C. UHI magnitude generally increased with decreasing air temperature in winter, reflecting the input of anthropogenic heat to maintain interior building temperatures. On a daily basis, the UHI reached its peak intensity in the late evening and early morning. There was a strong positive relation between monthly UHI magnitude and natural gas production/use. Integrated over the period September–May, there was a 9% reduction in accumulated freezing degree days in the urban area. The evidence suggests that urbanization has contributed to early snowmelt in the village

    Advancing Landscape Change Research through the Incorporation of Iñupiaq Knowledge

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    Indigenous knowledge is a valuable but under-used source of information relevant to landscape change research. We interviewed Iñupiat elders, hunters, and other knowledge-holders in the villages of Barrow and Atqasuk on the western Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska to gain further insight into the processes governing the ubiquitous lakes and the dynamics of landscape change in this region of continuous permafrost. The interviews provided a suite of information related to lakes and associated drained lake basins, as well as knowledge on landforms, environmental change, human events, and other phenomena. We were able to corroborate many observations independently and verify the timing of several large and significant lake drainage events using either aerial photography or remotely sensed time series. Data collected have been incorporated into a geodatabase to develop a multi-layer Geographic Information System that will be useful for local and scientific communities. This research demonstrates that indigenous knowledge can reveal a new understanding of landscape changes on the Arctic Coastal Plain in general and on lake processes in particular. We advocate ongoing, community-oriented research throughout the Arctic as a means of assessing and responding to the consequences of rapid environmental change.Les connaissances indigĂšnes reprĂ©sentent une source d’information Ă  la fois prĂ©cieuse et sous-utilisĂ©e en matiĂšre de recherche sur les changements caractĂ©risant le paysage. Nous avons interviewĂ© des aĂźnĂ©s de la nation Iñupiat, de mĂȘme que des chasseurs et des personnes qui possĂšdent des connaissances dans les villages de Barrow et d’Atqasuk sur la plaine cĂŽtiĂšre occidentale de l’Arctique du nord de l’Alaska afin de mieux comprendre les processus qui gouvernent les lacs ubiquistes et la dynamique du changement de paysage dans cette rĂ©gion au pergĂ©lisol permanent. Les entrevues nous ont permis de recueillir une sĂ©rie de renseignements se rapportant aux lacs et aux bassins lacustres assĂ©chĂ©s connexes de mĂȘme que des connaissances sur les reliefs, le changement environnemental, les Ă©vĂ©nements humains et d’autres phĂ©nomĂšnes. Nous avons rĂ©ussi Ă  corroborer de nombreuses observations de maniĂšre indĂ©pendante et Ă  vĂ©rifier le moment auquel plusieurs grands et importants Ă©vĂ©nements d’assĂšchement lacustre se sont produits et ce, Ă  l’aide de photographies aĂ©riennes ou de sĂ©ries chronologiques tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tectĂ©es. Les donnĂ©es ainsi recueillies ont Ă©tĂ© intĂ©grĂ©es Ă  une banque de donnĂ©es cartographiques afin de permettre l’élaboration d’un systĂšme d’information gĂ©ographique multicouche qui sera utile aux communautĂ©s locales et scientifiques. Cette recherche dĂ©montre que les connaissances indigĂšnes peuvent aider Ă  mieux comprendre les changements de paysage sur la plaine cĂŽtiĂšre de l’Arctique en gĂ©nĂ©ral, et les processus lacustres en particulier. Nous favorisons donc la rĂ©alisation de recherches permanentes et axĂ©es sur la communautĂ© dans l’Arctique pour Ă©valuer les consĂ©quences du changement environnemental rapide et les façons d’y rĂ©agir

    Rapid Saline Permafrost Thaw Below a Shallow Thermokarst Lake in Arctic Alaska

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    Permafrost warming and degradation is well documented across the Arctic. However, observation- and model-based studies typically consider thaw to occur at 0°C, neglecting the widespread occurrence of saline permafrost in coastal plain regions. In this study, we document rapid saline permafrost thaw below a shallow arctic lake. Over the 15-year period, the lakebed subsided by 0.6 m as ice-rich, saline permafrost thawed. Repeat transient electromagnetic measurements show that near-surface bulk sediment electrical conductivity increased by 198% between 2016 and 2022. Analysis of wintertime Synthetic Aperture Radar satellite imagery indicates a transition from a bedfast to a floating ice lake with brackish water due to saline permafrost thaw. The regime shift likely contributed to the 65% increase in thermokarst lake lateral expansion rates. Our results indicate that thawing saline permafrost may be contributing to an increase in landscape change rates in the Arctic faster than anticipated

    Final Results From the Circumarctic Lakes Observation Network (CALON) Project

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    Since 2012, the physical and biogeochemical properties of ~60 lakes in northern Alaska have been investigated under CALON, a project to document landscape-scale variability of Arctic lakes in permafrost terrain. The network has ten nodes along two latitudinal transects extending inland 200 km from the Arctic Ocean. A meteorological station is deployed at each node and six representative lakes instrumented and continuously monitored, with winter and summer visits for synoptic assessment of lake conditions. Over the 4-year period, winter and summer climatology varied to create a rich range of lake responses over a short period. For example, winter 2012-13 was very cold with a thin snowpack producing thick ice across the region. Subsequent years had relatively warm winters, yet regionally variable snow resulted in differing gradients of ice thickness. Ice-out timing was unusually late in 2014 and unusually early in 2015. Lakes are typically well–mixed and largely isothermal, with minor thermal stratification occurring in deeper lakes during calm, sunny periods in summer. Lake water temperature records and morphometric data were used to estimate the ground thermal condition beneath 28 lakes. Application of a thermal equilibrium steady-state model suggests a talik penetrating the permafrost under many larger lakes, but lake geochemical data do not indicate a significant contribution of subpermafrost groundwater. Biogeochemical data reveal distinct spatial and seasonal variability in chlorophyll biomass, chromophoric dissolved organic carbon (CDOM), and major cations/anions. Generally, waters sampled beneath ice in April had distinctly higher concentrations of inorganic solutes and methane compared with August. Chlorophyll concentrations and CDOM absorption were higher in April, suggesting significant biological/biogeochemical activity under lake ice. Lakes are a positive source of methane in summer, and some also emit nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide. As part of the Indigenous Knowledge component,76 Iñupiat elders, hunters and berry pickers have been interviewed and over 75 hours of videotaped interviews produced. The video library and searchable interview logs are archived with the North Slope community. All field data is archived at ACADIS, and further information is at www.arcticlakes.org

    Remote sensing-based statistical approach for defining drained lake basins in a continuous Permafrost region, North Slope of Alaska

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    Lake formation and drainage are pervasive phenomena in permafrost regions. Drained lake basins (DLBs) are often the most common landforms in lowland permafrost regions in the Arctic (50% to 75% of the landscape). However, detailed assessments of DLB distribution and abundance are limited. In this study, we present a novel and scalable remote sensing-based approach to identifying DLBs in lowland permafrost regions, using the North Slope of Alaska as a case study. We validated this first North Slope-wide DLB data product against several previously published sub-regional scale datasets and manually classified points. The study area covered \u3e71,000 km2, including a \u3e39,000 km2 area not previously covered in existing DLB datasets. Our approach used Landsat-8 multispectral imagery and ArcticDEM data to derive a pixel-by-pixel statistical assessment of likelihood of DLB occurrence in sub-regions with different permafrost and periglacial landscape conditions, as well as to quantify aerial coverage of DLBs on the North Slope of Alaska. The results were consistent with previously published regional DLB datasets (up to 87% agreement) and showed high agreement with manually classified random points (64.4–95.5% for DLB and 83.2– 95.4% for non-DLB areas). Validation of the remote sensing-based statistical approach on the North Slope of Alaska indicated that it may be possible to extend this methodology to conduct a comprehensive assessment of DLBs in pan-Arctic lowland permafrost regions. Better resolution of the spatial distribution of DLBs in lowland permafrost regions is important for quantitative studies on landscape diversity, wildlife habitat, permafrost, hydrology, geotechnical conditions, and high-lat-itude carbon cycling

    Extreme Sensitivity of Shallow Lakes and Sublake Permafrost to Arctic Climate Change

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    The interaction and feedbacks between surface water and permafrost are fundamental processes shaping the surface of continuous permafrost landscapes. Lake-rich regions of Arctic lowlands, such as coastal plains of northern Alaska, Siberia, and Northwest Canada, where shallow thermokarst lakes often cover 20-40% of the land surface are a pronounced example of these permafrost processes. In these same Arctic coastal regions, current rates of near-surface atmospheric warming are extremely high, 0.8 °C / decade for example in Barrow, Alaska, primarily due to reductions in sea ice extent (Wendler et al., 2014). The thermal response of permafrost over recent decades is also rapid, warming approximately 0.6°C / decade for example at Deadhorse, Alaska, yet this permafrost is still very cold, less than -6°C (Romanovsky et al., 2015). The temperature departure created by water in lakes set in permafrost is well recognized and where mean annual bed temperatures (MABT) are above 0 °C, a talik develops (Brewer, 1958). The critical depth of water in lakes where taliks form is generally in excess of maximum ice thickness, which has historically been around 2 m in northern Alaska. Thus, lakes that are shallower than the maximum ice thickness, which are the majority of water bodies in many Arctic coastal lowlands, should maintain sublake permafrost and have a shallow active layer if MABT’s are below freezing. Recent analysis, however, suggests a lake ice thinning trend of 0.15 m / decade for lakes on the Barrow Peninsula, such that the maximum ice thickness has shifted to less than 1.5 m since the early 2000’s. We hypothesized that the surface areas most sensitive to Arctic climate warming are below lakes with depths that are near or just below this critical maximum ice thickness threshold primarily because of changing winter climate and reduced ice growth. This hypothesis was tested using field observations of MABT, ice thickness, and water depth collected from lakes of varying depths and climatic zones on the coastal plain and foothills of northern Alaska. A model was developed to explain variation in lake MABT by partitioning the controlling processes between ice-covered and open-water periods. As expected, variation in air temperature explained a high amount of variation in bed temperature (72%) and this was improved to 80% by including lake depth in this model. Bed temperature during the much longer ice-covered period, however, was controlled by lake depth relative to regional maximum ice thickness, termed the Effective Depth Ratio (EDR). A piecewise linear regression model of EDR explained 96% of the variation in bed temperature with key EDR breaks identified at 0.75 and 1.9. These breaks may be physically meaningful towards understanding the processes linking lake ice to bed temperatures and sublake permafrost thaw. For example if regional lake ice grows to 1.5 m thick, the first break is at lake depth of 1.1 m, which will freeze by mid-winter and may separate lakes with active-layers from lakes with shallow taliks. The second EDR break for the same ice thickness is at a lake depth of 2.9 m, which may represent the depth where winter thermal stratification becomes notable (greater than 1 °C) and possibly indicative of lakes that have well developed taliks that store and release more heat. We then combined these ice-covered and open-water models to evaluate the sensitivity of MABT to varying lake and climate forcing scenarios and hindcast longer-term patterns of lake bed warming. This analysis showed that MABT in shallow lakes were most sensitive to changes in ice thickness, whereas ice thickness had minimal impact on deeper lakes and variation in summer air temperature had a very small impact on MABT across all lake depths. Using this model, forced with Barrow climate data, suggests that shallow lake beds (1-m depth) have warmed substantially over the last 30 years (0.8 °C / decade) and more importantly now have an MABT that exceeds 0 °C. Deeper lake beds (3-m depth), however, are suggested to be warming at a much slower rate (0.3 °C / decade), compared to both air temperature (0.8 °C/ decade) and permafrost (0.6 °C/ decade). This contrasting sensitivity and responses of lake thermal regimes relative to surrounding permafrost thermal regimes paint a dramatic and dynamic picture of an evolving Arctic land surface as climate change progresses. We suggest that the most rapid areas of permafrost degradation in Arctic coastal lowlands are below shallow lakes and this response is driven primarily by changing winter conditions. References: Brewer, M. C. (1958), The thermal regime of an arctic lake, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 39, 278-284. Romanovsky, V. E., S. L. Smith, H. H. Christiansen, N. I. Shiklomanov, D. A. Streletskiy, D. S. Drozdov, G. V. Malkova, N. G. Oberman, A. L. Kholodov, and S. S. Marchenko, (2015). The Arctic Terrestrial Permafrost in “State of the Climate in 2014” . Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 96, 7, 139-S141, 2015 Wendler, G., B. Moore, and K. Galloway (2014), Strong temperature increase and shrinking sea ice in Arctic Alaska, The Open Atmospheric Science Journal, 8, 7-15

    Regulation of monocyte cell fate by blood vessels mediated by Notch signalling

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    A population of monocytes, known as Ly6C(lo) monocytes, patrol blood vessels by crawling along the vascular endothelium. Here we show that endothelial cells control their origin through Notch signalling. Using combinations of conditional genetic deletion strategies and cell-fate tracking experiments we show that Notch2 regulates conversion of Ly6C(hi) monocytes into Ly6C(lo) monocytes in vivo and in vitro, thereby regulating monocyte cell fate under steady-state conditions. This process is controlled by Notch ligand delta-like 1 (Dll1) expressed by a population of endothelial cells that constitute distinct vascular niches in the bone marrow and spleen in vivo, while culture on recombinant DLL1 induces monocyte conversion in vitro. Thus, blood vessels regulate monocyte conversion, a form of committed myeloid cell fate regulation

    Regulation of monocyte cell fate by blood vessels mediated by Notch signalling

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    A population of monocytes, known as Ly6Clo monocytes, patrol blood vessels by crawling along the vascular endothelium. Here we show that endothelial cells control their origin through Notch signalling. Using combinations of conditional genetic deletion strategies and cell-fate tracking experiments we show that Notch2 regulates conversion of Ly6Chi monocytes into Ly6Clo monocytes in vivo and in vitro, thereby regulating monocyte cell fate under steady-state conditions. This process is controlled by Notch ligand delta-like 1 (Dll1) expressed by a population of endothelial cells that constitute distinct vascular niches in the bone marrow and spleen in vivo, while culture on recombinant DLL1 induces monocyte conversion in vitro. Thus, blood vessels regulate monocyte conversion, a form of committed myeloid cell fate regulation