18 research outputs found

    Determination of Seed Yields of Some Ochrus Vetch lLathyrus ochrus (L.) DC.l Lines in Ankara condltlons

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    1UllYe de Yembitkilerin ekiliŞi istenilen düzeyde değildir. Yeni tür ve çeşitlerin tanmımıza kazandırlıması Yembİtkileri ekiliŞinin artmaslna yardımcı olacakfur. eu çalışmaİa değişik bölgeleÜen toplanmış oı"n ıs t"rırıİ İİİrİ, mürdümüğü hattının Ankara koŞullarında tohum verimleri ve bazı litkls-eİozelltİleri belirlenmeye ğlışılmıştır. A.ü. ziraaİ Fakültesi Tar|a Bitkileri Bölümü deneme tarlalarında 2 yıl şürdürülen aıaştırmanın sonuçlarına göre; bitki boyu 47.62- 61.87 cm, dal sayısı 2.95,4.78 adet, bakla sayısı 6.12-1b.60 adet, ilk bakli yüksekliği so.4z_gs.+! "rn, u"tı" boyu 3.67- 4.77 cm, baklada tohum sayısı 3.98-5.65 adet, biyo|ojİk verim 333.28 -54278 rgıoa, tane verimi 109.z1-215.35 kg/da, hasat indeksi 31.8340.08, bin tane ağırlığı 88.İ2-121.1l g arasında bulunurkİn, o|gunlaşma gün sayısı 88 olarak belirenmiŞtir. ÇalıŞma sonuÇlarına göraülklmiz bu bitkinin İetiştiriciliğinin yapılabileceği ve sao,-sıp uİ sıı numaralı hatlarının diğerlerinden daha üstün o|duğu görülmüşt0r

    An Investigation on the Flora of Ankara-Ahlatlıbel Dryland Range and Distributions of Some Important Range Plant Species

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    The aim of this research was to determine the complete flora of Ahlatl ı bel dryland range, near Ankara and to investigate the distributions of the most abundant and important range plants. The results were analysed using chisquare and coefficient of dispersion methods. The analysis showed that the distributions of Stipa lagascae, Festuca ovina, Astragalus ovalis and Astragalus angustifolius were fıtted to the poisson distribution, while Poa bulbosa had a contagious distribution. Basal cover values of these fı ve experimental species varied between 5.93% for Festuca ovina and 0.56 for Astragalus angustifolius. 109 plant species belonging to 77 genera in 27 families were found in the experimental area. It was observed that 13 plant species In the experimental area were decreasers, comprising eight grasses, four legumes and one Rosaceae species. Nine species were increasers; four grasses and five from other plant families. Thus, a total of 22 plant species out of 109 were identified as climax plant species for this region. The presence of so many plant species in approximately 1.5 ha of land, and the small proportion of clirnax plant species indicated that the condition of this dryland range was poor. Besides this, it was observed that there was not expected improvement in the vegetation of this range rested for 25-30 years

    Determination of Some Plant and Agricultural Characteristics in Persian Clover Trifolium resupinatum L.

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    Forage legumes have been important livestock feed for centuries as pasture, soilage and conserved forage. Because of the large number of species, their wide adaptation to soil and climatic conditions, and their general ability to reseed readily, Trifolium is one of the two most important legume genera in livestock agriculture. Persian clover Trifolium resupinatum L. , one of the important species of genus Trifolium, has agronomic potential to be grown in Central Anatolia. This study was carried out to investigate some plant and agronomic characteristics of Persian clover lines. A number of lines of this valuable pasture and hay plant were tested for forage yield potential in Ankara conditions. According to the results, the highest natural plant height was measured in Line 5475 as 51.267 cm, the highest plant height was in Line 5475 as 58.987 cm, biggest leaf number was in Line 5453 as 9.6, the widest leaf was in Line 5475 as 22.3 mm, the longest leaf was in Line 5475 as 33.5 mm, the widest stem diameter was in Line 5475 as 55 mm. The highest fresh and dried hay yield obtained from Line 5475 as 1962 kg/da and 331.37 kg/da while Line 5461 gave biggest dried hay ratio as %19.1. Persian clover could be used as a forage crop in Ankara conditions because of it’s high fresh and dry herbage yield. And it can be recommended that Line 5475 is a suitable genotype in the production of fresh and dried hay in Ankara condition

    Direct Axillary Shoot Regeneration From The Mature Seed Explant Of The Hairy Vetch (Vicia Villosa Roth)

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    The hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) is a climbing, prostrate or trailing legume grown as forage.It fixes atmospheric nitrogen, reduces soil erosion and provides an instant mulch. Multiple axillary shoot regeneration from a mature seed explant (zygotic embryo with two cotyledons) was obtained on MS medium containing 0.05 – 1.6 mg/l TDZ with or without 0.10 mg/l IBA. The frequency (%) of shoot regeneration ranged from 45.83-75.00% with a maximum number of 28.6 shoots per explant on MS medium containing 0.20 mg/l TDZ-0.10 mg/l IBA. The mean shoot length decreased proportionately with each increase in TDZ concentration irrespective of the IBA concentration in the culture medium. However, comparing the two types of regeneration media, longer shoots were recorded in the presence of IBA in the culture medium. Regenerated shoots were pulse treated with 50 mg/l IBA for 5, 10 and 20 min for rooting

    Ankara Koşulları nda Kış l ı k Yetiştirilen Fi ğ Türlerinin Vicia spp. Baz ı Verim Komponentlerinin Belirlenmesi

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    Ülkemizde tek y ı ll ı k baklagil yem bitkileri içinde tar ı rtı l en yayg ı n olarak yap ı lan fiğlerdir. Bu çal ışma Ankara koşulları nda k ış i ı k olarak yetiştirilen 3 fiğ türünün tane verimi ve verim komponentlerini belirlemek amac ı ile 1996-1998 y ı lları aras ı nda yürütülmü ştür. Iç Anadolu bölgesinde tane ve ye ş il yem elde etmek amac ı ile kullan ı lan adi fiğ Vicia sativa , Macar fiğ i Vicia pannonica , ve tüylü fiğ Vicia villosa türleri A.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü deneme tarlalar ı nda kış l ı k olarak ekilmiş ve normal bak ı m iş lemleri yap ı larak yetiştirilrniştir. Tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre kurulan çal ışmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre bitki boyu 104.00-140.85 cm, dal say ı s ı 2.85-3.76 adet, çiçeklenme süreleri 146-153 gün, ilk meyve bağ lama yüksekliği 58.1-71.5 cm, bitkide bakla say ı s ı 16.78-29.51 adet, baklada tohum say ı s ı 4.2-5.8 adet, bakla boyu 2,64-5.00 cm, tane verimi 126.35 —162.53 kg/da, bin tane a ğı rl ığı 39.77- 44.54, hasat indeksi % 24.30-28.05 aras ı nda bulunmuştur

    Variation in Some Morphological and Agronomic Characters of Lesser Burnet (Sanguisorba minor Scop.)

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    This work was conducted with two lesser burnet types to determine the amount of variation in some characters. Lesser burnet types were grown in Ankara in the spring of 1996. Plants in the field were observed for a number of morphological and agronomic characteristics in 1997. Bünyan 80 cultivar had superiority for stem number, inflorescence length, 1000 fruit weight, dry yield per plant, leaf ratio, germination at 0.05 probabilty level. A wide range of variation was detected among the plants. Values obtained by rating coefficients of variation for each type made it clear that the variation in native population material was wider for most of the characteristics observed. The upper limits of variation in the material collected from Ankara rangelands were also higher than those of Bünyan 80 cultivar. Data showed that native genotype could be used in lesser burnet breeding studies for agricultural purposes

    Effects of Clipping Height on Some Basic Characteristics of Timothy Grass (Phleum pratense L.)

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    This experiment was conducted to study the reaction of timothy grass to different clipping heights. In the greenhouse of the Agronomy Department of Agricultural Faculty of Ankara University, 20 pots planted with young timothy grass were clipped in 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 cm heights for 86 whenever they reached 15 cm for 86 days in the spring of 1997. No fertiliser was applied but they watered as needed. The forage obtained from every cut was weighted and recorded. The experiment was terminated when the control plants had spikes. After the soil washed away, roots were dried at 70 °C for 24 h and weighted. Results obtained indicate that plants cut in 2.5 cm gaye the lowest usable forage, total forage, tiller number, dry root weight. The number of cuttings depended on the clipping height and ranged from 7 to 12. The higher the clipping height, the higher the number of cuttings. Plants cut to 2.5 cm gaye the lowest tiller number. The highest forage yields, tiller numbers and root weights were obtained from the plants cut to 7.5 and 10 cm heights, which is representative of moderate grazing. The strongest effect of deep cutting grazing was on the root development. Plants cut to a height of 2.5 cm produced 6 times less root weight than the control plants. There were no significant differences among the plants cut down to 7.5 and 10 cm. Forage yields, number of cuttings, root weights, tiller numbers were increased with the clipping heights. Clipping to low heights reduced the development of timothy grass; this suggests heavy grazing would also arrest development of timothy gras

    Seed Yields and Yield Components of Common Chickling (Lathyrus safiyus L.) Lines

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    Hayvancılık sektörünün ihtiyacı olan yemin bol ve ucuz olarak üretiimesi için yeni bitkilerin tarımımıza kazandırılması gereklidir. Bu çalışmada değişik kökenlere sahip 16 farklı adi mürdümük hattının Ankara koşullarında tohum verimleri ve bazı bltkisei|özelikleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. A.Ü.Zıraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü deneme tada|arında 2 yıl sürdürülen araştırma sonuçlarına göre; bitki boyu 90.83-132.83 cm, dal sayısü 5.50-7.50 adet, bakla sayısı 12.,17_20.83 adet, ilk bakla yüksekliği 19.33:30.83 cm, bak|a boyu 30.00-35.67 mm, baklada tohum sayısı 3.00- 3.83 adet, biyolojik verim 529.42 -891.52 kg/da, tane verimi kglda, hasat indeksi %23.27-32.33, bin tane ağırlığı 105,42-170.69 g olarak belirlenmiştir. Kontrol hattı dışında, çalışmada kullanılan hatlann olgunlaşma gün sayıları 94 olurken kontrot hattının olgunlaşma gün sa)/ısı 98.5 olmuştur. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre uzun yıliardır yetiştiriciliği yapılan bu bitkinin 456, 560, 471,565,453, 563 numaralı hatlarının diğerlerinden daha üstün olduğu görülmüştür

    Ayaş (Ankara)'ta Doğal Bir Meranın Bitki Örtüsü, Yem Verimi ve Mera Durumu

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    Ankara ili Aya ş ilçesindeki doğal bir meran ı n bitki örtüsü, yem verimi ve mera dururnunun belirlenmesi amac ı ile 1997 ve 1998 y ı lları nda yap ı lan bu çalışma Ankara- Beypazan Karayolu üzerinde bulunan, e ğ imi oldukça fazla toprak örtüsü yüzlek olan bir mera kesimi üzerinde yürütülmü ştür. Transekt metodu kullan ı larak yap ı lan vejetasyon incelemelerinden elde edilen sonuçlara göre, mera topra'g ı n ı n % 85.54'Iük bir k ı sm ı hiç bir bitki örtüsü ile kapl ı olmay ı p. ç ı plak bir halde bulunmaktad ı r. Vejetasyonu oluşturan türlerinin 9/.49.64'u bu ğdaygiller farnilyas ı , %38 39'u diğ'er familyalardan ve geri kalan %11.97'si ise baklagiller familyas ı bitkilerinden oluşmaktad ı r. Botanik kompozisyonda bulunan 42 bitki türünden, en fazla tekrar edenler koyun yuma'ğı %49 , kekik %28 ve sorguçlu güm.ii ş otu %15 olmuştur. Meran ı n yem verimi 102.12 kg/da kuru ot olarak bulunmu ş , mera durumu zay ı f olarak 3.71 saptanm ışt ı r. Bir büyükbaş hayvan birimine gerekli mera alan ı 42.30 da olarak hesaplanm ışt ı r