1,458 research outputs found

    Bounds for mixing time of quantum walks on finite graphs

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    Several inequalities are proved for the mixing time of discrete-time quantum walks on finite graphs. The mixing time is defined differently than in Aharonov, Ambainis, Kempe and Vazirani (2001) and it is found that for particular examples of walks on a cycle, a hypercube and a complete graph, quantum walks provide no speed-up in mixing over the classical counterparts. In addition, non-unitary quantum walks (i.e., walks with decoherence) are considered and a criterion for their convergence to the unique stationary distribution is derived.Comment: This is the journal version (except formatting); it is a significant revision of the previous version, in particular, it contains a new result about the convergence of quantum walks with decoherence; 16 page

    Fast Universal Quantum Computation with Railroad-switch Local Hamiltonians

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    We present two universal models of quantum computation with a time-independent, frustration-free Hamiltonian. The first construction uses 3-local (qubit) projectors, and the second one requires only 2-local qubit-qutrit projectors. We build on Feynman's Hamiltonian computer idea and use a railroad-switch type clock register. The resources required to simulate a quantum circuit with L gates in this model are O(L) small-dimensional quantum systems (qubits or qutrits), a time-independent Hamiltonian composed of O(L) local, constant norm, projector terms, the possibility to prepare computational basis product states, a running time O(L log^2 L), and the possibility to measure a few qubits in the computational basis. Our models also give a simplified proof of the universality of 3-local Adiabatic Quantum Computation.Comment: Added references to work by de Falco et al., and realized that Feynman's '85 paper already contained the idea of a switch in i

    Few-body spin couplings and their implications for universal quantum computation

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    Electron spins in semiconductor quantum dots are promising candidates for the experimental realization of solid-state qubits. We analyze the dynamics of a system of three qubits arranged in a linear geometry and a system of four qubits arranged in a square geometry. Calculations are performed for several quantum dot confining potentials. In the three-qubit case, three-body effects are identified that have an important quantitative influence upon quantum computation. In the four-qubit case, the full Hamiltonian is found to include both three-body and four-body interactions that significantly influence the dynamics in physically relevant parameter regimes. We consider the implications of these results for the encoded universality paradigm applied to the four-electron qubit code; in particular, we consider what is required to circumvent the four-body effects in an encoded system (four spins per encoded qubit) by the appropriate tuning of experimental parameters.Comment: 1st version: 33 pages, 25 figures. Described at APS March Meeting in 2004 (P36.010) and 2005 (B17.00009). Most figures made uglier here to reduce file size. 2nd version: 19 pages, 9 figures. Much mathematical detail chopped away after hearing from journal referee; a few typos correcte

    Universal 2-local Hamiltonian Quantum Computing

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    We present a Hamiltonian quantum computation scheme universal for quantum computation (BQP). Our Hamiltonian is a sum of a polynomial number (in the number of gates L in the quantum circuit) of time-independent, constant-norm, 2-local qubit-qubit interaction terms. Furthermore, each qubit in the system interacts only with a constant number of other qubits. The computer runs in three steps - starts in a simple initial product-state, evolves it for time of order L^2 (up to logarithmic factors) and wraps up with a two-qubit measurement. Our model differs from the previous universal 2-local Hamiltonian constructions in that it does not use perturbation gadgets, does not need large energy penalties in the Hamiltonian and does not need to run slowly to ensure adiabatic evolution.Comment: recomputed the necessary number of interactions, new geometric layout, added reference

    Node Sampling using Random Centrifugal Walks

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    Sampling a network with a given probability distribution has been identified as a useful operation. In this paper we propose distributed algorithms for sampling networks, so that nodes are selected by a special node, called the \emph{source}, with a given probability distribution. All these algorithms are based on a new class of random walks, that we call Random Centrifugal Walks (RCW). A RCW is a random walk that starts at the source and always moves away from it. Firstly, an algorithm to sample any connected network using RCW is proposed. The algorithm assumes that each node has a weight, so that the sampling process must select a node with a probability proportional to its weight. This algorithm requires a preprocessing phase before the sampling of nodes. In particular, a minimum diameter spanning tree (MDST) is created in the network, and then nodes' weights are efficiently aggregated using the tree. The good news are that the preprocessing is done only once, regardless of the number of sources and the number of samples taken from the network. After that, every sample is done with a RCW whose length is bounded by the network diameter. Secondly, RCW algorithms that do not require preprocessing are proposed for grids and networks with regular concentric connectivity, for the case when the probability of selecting a node is a function of its distance to the source. The key features of the RCW algorithms (unlike previous Markovian approaches) are that (1) they do not need to warm-up (stabilize), (2) the sampling always finishes in a number of hops bounded by the network diameter, and (3) it selects a node with the exact probability distribution

    Encoded Universality for Generalized Anisotropic Exchange Hamiltonians

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    We derive an encoded universality representation for a generalized anisotropic exchange Hamiltonian that contains cross-product terms in addition to the usual two-particle exchange terms. The recently developed algebraic approach is used to show that the minimal universality-generating encodings of one logical qubit are based on three physical qubits. We show how to generate both single- and two-qubit operations on the logical qubits, using suitably timed conjugating operations derived from analysis of the commutator algebra. The timing of the operations is seen to be crucial in allowing simplification of the gate sequences for the generalized Hamiltonian to forms similar to that derived previously for the symmetric (XY) anisotropic exchange Hamiltonian. The total number of operations needed for a controlled-Z gate up to local transformations is five. A scalable architecture is proposed.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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