3 research outputs found
Collision tumor consisting of a colorectal adenocarcinoma and dissemination of a gastric adenocarcinoma
Background: Collision tumors, composed of histologically distinct tumor types, are rare entities, especially in the colorectum, and corresponding evidence-based clinical management or treatment strategies are poorly defined. This is the first report of a collision tumor composed of two histologically distinct adenocarcinomas. Case presentation: A 78-year-old male showed severe anemia and a 10% body weight loss over 1 month. Preoperative examination revealed T3N1M0 stage IIIA gastric cancer and T3N0M0 stage IIA rectal cancer. Distal gastrectomy and rectectomy with regional lymph node dissection were performed. Immunohistochemistry revealed two distinct adenocarcinomas with gland duct structures – a colorectal adenocarcinoma and a disseminated gastric adenocarcinoma – that had collided to form an invasive tumor on the serosal surface of the anterior rectum wall. Conclusion: This extremely rare case of a collision tumor supports that precise immunohistochemical identification of all tumor components is needed for guiding decisions affecting overall prognosis, adjuvant treatment and survival
Study of seed plasma generation for NBI plasma start-up using non-resonant microwave launch in Heliotron J
Here, we report on a study of seed plasmas produced by non-resonant 2.45 GHz microwave heating in Heliotron J, which is useful for plasma start-up by neutral beam injection (NBI) under the conditions of low beam power (<1 MW), low accerelation voltage (<30 kV) and small device size (~1 m). The pre-ionization technique using the non-resonant heating produced the electron density in the order of 1017–1018 m−3 with the energy exceeds the CII ionization potential (30 eV). The existence of the relativistic electrons, which was essential to produce the seed plasmas, was confirmed experimentally during the pre-ionization phase by the synchrotron radiation and the hard x-ray emission measurements. The production mechanism of the relativistic electrons was considered to be stochastic interactions between the electrons and the microwave-frequency field. By optimizing the additional gas fueling during the microwave launch, a higher seed-plasma density more than 4 × 1018 m−3 was obtained, resulting that a rapid density evolution after NBI turn-on was successful even in the low NBI power (0.3 MW) condition. The seed plasmas produced by the pre-ionization method is useful to realize the plasma start-up under low absorption power condition in larger heliotron/stellarator devices such as perpendicular NBI in W7-X or deuterium NBI in LHD