18 research outputs found

    Readers reading practices of EFL Yemeni students: recommendations for the 21st century

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    This paper investigates the reading practices of forty-five second year EFL Yemeni undergraduate students using the Four Resources Model of multiliteracy practices. The Four Resources Model of multiliteracy practices organizes reading practices into four key practices: code breaking, text participating, text uses and text analysing levels. Quantitative and qualitative methods, designed based on the Four Resources Model constructs, were used to collect data from a sample of students studying English as a Foreign Language at a university in Yemen. Quantitative data was collected through a questionnaire, while qualitative data was gathered using semi-structured interviews guided by the research objectives. The findings reveal that Yemeni students were medium users of the code breaker and text user practices whereas the meaning making and text analysis practices were reported to be used in low usage. On the whole, these early findings suggest that the reading practices and reading abilities of the Yemeni students are still limited even at the tertiary level and have not developed fully with regard to reading in English. This paper reports in detail, the use of the Four Resources Model as a tool to determine reading efficacy while examining the aforementioned findings. Discussion is put forward on the implications for teaching of reading and its approaches in a Yemeni context, especially in view of the students‟ reading needs at the tertiary level in Yemen

    Understanding English speaking practice in public schools in Kazakhstan: a case study in Almaty

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    Teaching and learning of English as a spoken language in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) still remains a major concern in Asian context as evident from recent studies. The situation is similar in Central Asian classrooms where it received little attention. Specifically, this study investigates a classroom in a local public school in Kazakhstan through the lens of a teacher and the students during speaking activities. A case study qualitative approach was employed using interviews, classroom observations, and document analysis as data collection methods. In total, 21 individual interviews and 30 hours of classroom observations were conducted and recorded. Analyses and interpretations of data show that firstly the speaking activities lack in negotiation of meaning as they are predominantly aimed at predetermined monological performance-based speech. Secondly, out-of-school learning was prevalent among the majority of students at private learning centres. Also, self-learning at home was practiced by male students via interacting with foreign players in online video games and by female students via watching English movies. Thirdly, classroom interactions were accountable in facilitating and inhibiting the practice of speaking. Finally, there was a mismatch between the perceptions of the teacher and the students on the challenges of the speaking practice. The teacher indicated insufficient teaching hours and students’ limited background knowledge, while the students emphasised the teacher’s unwillingness to use English as a language of instruction and to practice impromptu speech in class. In summary, the findings highlight some of the apprehensions faced by the teacher and the students which reveals the current English speaking practice in Kazakhstani classroom

    The validation of assessment for learning audit instrument: a mixed methods approach

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    The CEFR-aligned curriculum promotes integration in the implementation of Assessment for Learning (AfL) by English language teachers in primary schools. This paper depicts the mixed methods pilot and validation of the Assessment for Learning Audit Instrument (AfLAi) for the purpose of examining the use and understanding of AfL among the teachers in primary schools. In Phase 1, three subject matter experts were consulted, and nine English language teachers provided consensual validation. In Phase 2, 53 English language teachers responded to the adapted instrument. AfLAi was further discussed with the validators in Phase 3. This procedure was adapted from Phase 8 of the Instrument Development and Construct Validation mixed research techniques. Among the emerging themes were on language correction, item/ instrument difficulty, and useful items. The quantitative data was compared with the scales from the original authors regarding the four key strategies of AfL in AfLAi: Sharing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria, Questions and Classroom Discussions, Feedback and Peer- and Self- Assessment. Based on the mixed data arranged in a joint display, some parts in the items were adapted to accommodate the local context. Among the findings were (i) the key strategy known as Learning Intentions in AfLAi was not applicable in the target context, and (ii) some examples in the items needed to be changed to fit the Malaysian syllabus. The implications of this pilot study and validation process included 16 changes in the instrument and the translation of the instrument into Bahasa Melayu

    English oral communication in public secondary schools in Kazakhstan: understanding its practice and challenges

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    The teaching of oral communication (OC) has been addressed in different ESL and EFL contexts, though mainly in a university setting. However, it has received little attention in the Central Asian context. This paper will provide preliminary insights into the practice of teaching English OC and the challenges associated with it in public schools in Kazakhstan (KZ), a country in Central Asia. For the pilot study reported here, data was collected from 18 KZ learners from 9 different schools via e-mail interviews. The study was guided by a theoretical model representing three levels of influence on OC practice: micro, meso, and macro. The current OC activities were found to be lacking in spontaneity, too teacher-centred and individual-oriented. At the micro level, emotional constraints were considered to have a greater impact on female students’ oral performance, while limited linguistic repertoire affected male students’ oral production. At the meso level, females found a lack of emotional support from their teachers, while males preferred to have out-of-class help from their friends to practise English. At the macro level, males were found to be more influenced by a wider sociocultural context than females. Firstly, the findings reveal the gap between the actual and preferred OC practices in KZ public schools, which can be further addressed by the stakeholders. Secondly, they illustrate how gender influences the way learners engage in OC activities. And lastly, they underline the importance of examining OC in relation to learners’ self, their social communities and the overarching context that shapes their attitude towards a language

    The washback effect of the General Secondary English Examination (GSEE) on teaching and learning

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    This paper reports on a study investigating the washback effect of the General Secondary English Examination (hereinafter referred to as GSEE), a high-stakes exit test for secondary school students (12thgrade) in Yemen. The main aim of this study is to gain preliminary insights into the relationship between teaching and learning factors affected by the washback effect. It focuses on eight pedagogical dimensions: four of them concerned the teachers (teaching methods, teaching experiences, content assessment, and beliefs) and four concerned the students (learning styles, learning activities, attitudes and motivation). A semi-structured interview was conducted with three English teachers who have over ten years of teaching experience. Based on the interview, a questionnaire was constructed and then administered to 30 Yemeni English teachers of the 12thgrade English classes. The data were analysed using SPSS software, version 20. The results showed that the test had a great influence on the learners and teachers mainly on teaching methodology and on learning styles. Triangulation with the qualitative data confirmed the findings. Hence, the study provides a clear evidence of the washback effect of the exam on the components of the language teaching-learning processes in Yemen and its influence on what and how the teachers teach, and the learners learn

    New learning spaces and transformations in teacher pedagogy and student learning behavior in the language learning classroom

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    Many Malaysian classrooms have been redesigned to include technology and foster the development of twenty first century learning. The availability of this platform and the new learning space created by redesigning the language classroom has opened up new and exciting possibilities for teaching and learning the English language. This paper will investigate if the new learning space has impacted teacher’s pedagogical strategies and student’s learning behavior and engagement for English language teaching and learning. A qualitative approach employing a multiple case study research design was taken and data was collected using classroom observations, teacher interviews and teacher and student focus group discussions from eight English language teachers and 37 students. Findings reveal significant transformations in teachers’ teaching approaches, use of class activities and on students’ learning behavior and outcomes. Technology did feature in the learner centric approach with students functioning as facilitators and allowing more student participation and interaction. The use of multimedia and online materials helped make learning more interesting and improved student attention in class. Students in turn were more focused and engaged in the collaborative tasks and also reported developing better peer relationships and learning from each other

    Using blogs to encourage ESL students to write constructively in English

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    This paper reports on a study incorporating blog projects as part of an integrated English project assignment. Students did the project outside classroom hours to practice their language skills in an authentic environment, using blogs to communicate with each other. This study seeks to assess the usefulness of blogs in developing students’ ability to write constructively. We collected data through questionnaires that requested students’ feedback on their attitudes and perspectives pertaining to the integrated blog project and how the project motivated them and helped them increase their interest in writing in English. We found that students had a positive attitude about blogging. The students perceived blogging as an interesting and motivating learning environment because interacting through blogs helped with the critical thinking and peer feedback facets of their writing projects. We also found that social interaction helped students improve their writing skill

    Students’ critical consciousness through critical literacy awareness

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    To think critically is undeniably one of the major elements of “first class human capital” in a knowledge economy. It is most regrettable that Malaysian students, even at the tertiary level, tend to be uncritical due to socialisation processes in the educational and sociocultural environment. Responding to this identified need to raise the critical consciousness of students, this paper examines how a Higher Education teacher challenged her postgraduate students to be critical learners through the use of CLA (Critical literacy awareness) strategies in her Language and Literacy course. The paper suggests that the use of CLA strategies has increased student engagement and strengthened student voices. This paper concludes by proposing that CLA should be included in pedagogical practices in Higher Education given that active participation in knowledge economies is the vision of the Malaysian Higher Education Action Plan (MoHE 2007a, b)

    Gender differences in the language use of Malaysian teen bloggers

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    Past researches have shown that there is a difference in language use between males and females attributed by their roles and society’s stereotyping or perceptions. Fast changing technology has provided another means for young people to express themselves using language as a tool. This study investigates the differences in language use by female and male Malaysian teenage bloggers who use blogs as a diary to express their daily issues about life. The language used is informal and similar to spoken language. Using a qualitative approach, this study aims to examine gender differences observed in the language features used by male and female teenagers in their blogs. The findings show that there are differences between male and female bloggers in the frequencies of five language features which are ‘intensifiers’, ‘hedging’, ‘tag questions’, ‘empty adjectives’and ‘adverbs’. The results of the study show that differences in language use among teenage bloggers may largely be attributed to gender

    Konsepsi pelajar terhadap pembacaan dalam Bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa kedua

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    Sejak kebelakangan ini, kajian yang bertumpu kepada konsepsi pelajar terhadap pembelajaran amatlah giat dijalankan. Dua pandangan utama telah terhasil daripada kajian ini; pandangan pertama berkait dengan pemahaman permukaan yang merangkumi penyimpanan maklumat, penghasilan semula ilmu dan penambahannya, manakala pandangan kedua meliputi konstruksi makna dan perubahan pemahaman secara peribadi. Kajian-kajian berkaitan yang lain juga mendapati pandangan yang sama dengan dua pandangan di atas. Bagaimanapun, kajian-kajian tersebut tidak menunjukkan wujudnya kesepakatan pandangan dalam memahami makna sebenar konsepsi pelajar terhadap pembelajaran. Ini disebabkan oleh wujudnya kepelbagaian cara pembelajaran yang telah menghasilkan kepelbagaian konsepsi pembelajaran. Justru, kajian ini akan mengutarakan hasil dapatan yang dijalankan ke atas sekumpulan pelajar ‘Limited English Proficiency’ (LEP) di sebuah institusi pengajian tinggi awam terhadap konsepsi pembacaan dalam konteks pembacaan dalam bahasa Inggeris sebagai bahasa kedua. Menerusi soalan terbuka dan tinjauan, dapatan menunjukan terdapat persamaan dan juga perbezaan kualitatif pada konsepsi pembelajaran pelajar LEP. Seterusnya, implikasi hasil dapatan ke atas pengajaran dan pembelajaran pembacaan dalam bahasa kedua juga akan di bincangkan