88 research outputs found

    Probing Exotic Physics With Supernova Neutrinos

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    Future galactic supernovae will provide an extremely long baseline for studying the properties and interactions of neutrinos. In this paper, we discuss the possibility of using such an event to constrain (or discover) the effects of exotic physics in scenarios that are not currently constrained and are not accessible with reactor or solar neutrino experiments. In particular, we focus on the cases of neutrino decay and quantum decoherence. We calculate the expected signal from a core-collapse supernova in both current and future water Cerenkov, scintillating, and liquid argon detectors, and find that such observations will be capable of distinguishing between many of these scenarios. Additionally, future detectors will be capable of making strong, model-independent conclusions by examining events associated with a galactic supernova's neutronization burst.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Directly detecting Isospin-Violating Dark Matter

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    We consider the prospects for multiple dark matter direct detection experiments to determine if the interactions of a dark matter candidate are isospin-violating. We focus on theoretically well-motivated examples of isospin-violating dark matter (IVDM), including models in which dark matter interactions with nuclei are mediated by a dark photon, a Z, or a squark. We determine that the best prospects for distinguishing IVDM from the isospin-invariant scenario arise in the cases of dark photon- or Z-mediated interactions, and that the ideal experimental scenario would consist of large exposure xenon- and neon-based detectors. If such models just evade current direct detection limits, then one could distinguish such models from the standard isospin-invariant case with two detectors with of order 100 ton-year exposure.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Published versio

    Examining the time dependence of DAMA's modulation amplitude

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    If dark matter is composed of weakly interacting particles, Earth's orbital motion may induce a small annual variation in the rate at which these particles interact in a terrestrial detector. The DAMA collaboration has identified at a 9.3σ\sigma confidence level such an annual modulation in their event rate over two detector iterations, DAMA/NaI and DAMA/LIBRA, each with ∼7\sim7 years of observations. We statistically examine the time dependence of the modulation amplitudes, which "by eye" appear to be decreasing with time in certain energy ranges. We perform a chi-squared goodness of fit test of the average modulation amplitudes measured\ by the two detector iterations which rejects the hypothesis of a consistent modulation amplitude at greater than 80\%, 96\%, and 99.6\% for the 2--4~keVee, 2--5~keVee and 2--6~keVee energy ranges, respectively. We also find that among the 14 annual cycles there are three ≳3σ\gtrsim 3\sigma departures from the average in the 5-6~keVee energy range. In addition, we examined several phenomenological models for the time dependence of the modulation amplitude. Using a maximum likelihood test, we find that descriptions of the modulation amplitude as decreasing with time are preferred over a constant modulation amplitude at anywhere between 1σ\sigma and 3σ\sigma, depending on the phenomenological model for the time dependence and the signal energy range considered. A time dependent modulation amplitude is not expected for a dark matter signal, at least for dark matter halo morphologies consistent with the DAMA signal. New data from DAMA/LIBRA--phase2 will certainly aid in determining whether any apparent time dependence is a real effect or a statistical fluctuation.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    A Study of Dark Matter and QCD-Charged Mediators in the Quasi-Degenerate Regime

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    We study a scenario in which the only light new particles are a Majorana fermion dark matter candidate and one or more QCD-charged scalars, which couple to light quarks. This scenario has several interesting phenomenological features if the new particles are nearly degenerate in mass. In particular, LHC searches for the light scalars have reduced sensitivity, since the visible and invisible products tend to be softer. Moreover, dark matter-scalar co-annihilation can allow even relatively heavy dark matter candidates to be consistent thermal relics. Finally, the dark matter nucleon scattering cross section is enhanced in the quasi-degenerate limit, allowing direct detection experiments to use both spin-independent and spin-dependent scattering to probe regions of parameter space beyond those probed by the LHC. Although this scenario has broad application, we phrase this study in terms of the MSSM, in the limit where the only light sparticles are a bino-like dark matter candidate and light-flavored squarks.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures; as published in PRD with significant revision

    The Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment in the Reduced Minimal 3-3-1 Model

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    We study the muon anomalous magnetic moment (g−2)μ(g-2)_{\mu} in the context of the reduced minimal 3-3-1 model recently proposed in the literature. In particular, its spectrum contains a doubly charged scalar (H±±H^{\pm \pm}) and gauge boson (U±±U^{\pm \pm}), new singly charged vectors (V±V^{\pm}) and a Z′Z^{\prime} boson, each of which might give a sizeable contribution to the (g−2)μ(g-2)_{\mu}. We compute the 1-loop contributions from all these new particles to the (g−2)μ(g-2)_{\mu}. We conclude that the doubly charged vector boson provides the dominant contribution, and by comparing our results with the experimental constraints we derive an expected value for the scale of SU(3)L⊗U(1)NSU(3)_L\otimes U(1)_N symmetry breaking vχ∼2v_{\chi} \sim 2 TeV. We also note that, if the discrepancy in the anomalous moment is resolved in the future without this model then the constraints will tighten to requiring vχ>2.7v_\chi > 2.7 TeV with current precision, and will entirely rule out the model if the expected precision is achieved by the future experiment at Fermilab.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    The impact of baryons on the direct detection of dark matter

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    The spatial and velocity distributions of dark matter particles in the Milky Way Halo affect the signals expected to be observed in searches for dark matter. Results from direct detection experiments are often analyzed assuming a simple isothermal distribution of dark matter, the Standard Halo Model (SHM). Yet there has been skepticism regarding the validity of this simple model due to the complicated gravitational collapse and merger history of actual galaxies. In this paper we compare the SHM to the results of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy formation to investigate whether or not the SHM is a good representation of the true WIMP distribution in the analysis of direct detection data. We examine two Milky Way-like galaxies from the MaGICC cosmological simulations (a) with dark matter only and (b) with baryonic physics included. The inclusion of baryons drives the shape of the DM halo to become more spherical and makes the velocity distribution of dark matter particles less anisotropic especially at large heliocentric velocities, thereby making the SHM a better fit. We also note that we do not find a significant disk-like rotating dark matter component in either of the two galaxy halos with baryons that we examine, suggesting that dark disks are not a generic prediction of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. We conclude that in the Solar neighborhood, the SHM is in fact a good approximation to the true dark matter distribution in these cosmological simulations (with baryons) which are reasonable representations of the Milky Way, and hence can also be used for the purpose of dark matter direct detection calculations.Comment: Minor changes to match JCAP version. 21 pages, 9 figure
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