20 research outputs found

    Structural and molecular interrogation of intact biological systems

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    Obtaining high-resolution information from a complex system, while maintaining the global perspective needed to understand system function, represents a key challenge in biology. Here we address this challenge with a method (termed CLARITY) for the transformation of intact tissue into a nanoporous hydrogel-hybridized form (crosslinked to a three-dimensional network of hydrophilic polymers) that is fully assembled but optically transparent and macromolecule-permeable. Using mouse brains, we show intact-tissue imaging of long-range projections, local circuit wiring, cellular relationships, subcellular structures, protein complexes, nucleic acids and neurotransmitters. CLARITY also enables intact-tissue in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry with multiple rounds of staining and de-staining in non-sectioned tissue, and antibody labelling throughout the intact adult mouse brain. Finally, we show that CLARITY enables fine structural analysis of clinical samples, including non-sectioned human tissue from a neuropsychiatric-disease setting, establishing a path for the transmutation of human tissue into a stable, intact and accessible form suitable for probing structural and molecular underpinnings of physiological function and disease

    Recombinase-Driver Rat Lines: Tools, Techniques, and Optogenetic Application to Dopamine-Mediated Reinforcement

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    Currently there is no general approach for achieving specific optogenetic control of genetically-defined cell types in rats, which provide a powerful experimental system for numerous established neurophysiological and behavioral paradigms. To overcome this challenge we have generated genetically-restricted recombinase-driver rat lines suitable for driving gene expression in specific cell-types, expressing Cre recombinase under control of large genomic regulatory regions (200–300 Kb). Multiple tyrosine hydroxylase (Th)::Cre and choline acetyltransferase (Chat)::Cre lines were produced that exhibited specific opsin expression in targeted cell-types. We additionally developed methods for utilizing optogenetic tools in freely-moving rats, and leveraged these technologies to clarify the causal relationship between dopamine (DA) neuron firing and positive reinforcement, observing that optical stimulation of DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of Th::Cre rats is sufficient to support vigorous intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS). These studies complement existing targeting approaches by extending generalizability of optogenetics to traditionally non-genetically-tractable but vital animal models

    Targeting cells with single vectors using multiple-feature Boolean logic

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    Precisely defining the roles of specific cell types is an intriguing frontier in the study of intact biological systems and has stimulated the rapid development of genetically encoded tools for observation and control. However, targeting these tools with adequate specificity remains challenging: most cell types are best defined by the intersection of two or more features such as active promoter elements, location and connectivity. Here we have combined engineered introns with specific recombinases to achieve expression of genetically encoded tools that is conditional upon multiple cell-type features, using Boolean logical operations all governed by a single versatile vector. We used this approach to target intersectionally specified populations of inhibitory interneurons in mammalian hippocampus and neurons of the ventral tegmental area defined by both genetic and wiring properties. This flexible and modular approach may expand the application of genetically encoded interventional and observational tools for intact-systems biology

    The 10,000 Immunomes Project: Building a Resource for Human Immunology

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    Summary: There is increasing appreciation that the immune system plays critical roles not only in the traditional domains of infection and inflammation but also in many areas of biology, including tumorigenesis, metabolism, and even neurobiology. However, one of the major barriers for understanding human immunological mechanisms is that immune assays have not been reproducibly characterized for a sufficiently large and diverse healthy human cohort. Here, we present the 10,000 Immunomes Project (10KIP), a framework for growing a diverse human immunology reference, from ImmPort, a publicly available resource of subject-level immunology data. Although some measurement types are sparse in the presently deposited ImmPort database, the extant data allow for a diversity of robust comparisons. Using 10KIP, we describe variations in serum cytokines and leukocytes by age, race, and sex; define a baseline cell-cytokine network; and describe immunologic changes in pregnancy. All data in the resource are available for visualization and download at http://10kimmunomes.org/. : Zalocusky et al. report the development of a data resource comprising curated, integrated, and normalized immunology measurements from all healthy normal human subjects in the ImmPort database

    Sex-Specific Cross Tissue Meta-Analysis Identifies Immune Dysregulation in Women With Alzheimer's Disease.

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    Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder and the most common cause of dementia in the United States. In spite of evidence of females having a greater lifetime risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and greater apolipoprotein E4-related (APOE ε4) AD risk compared to males, molecular signatures underlying these differences remain elusive. Methods: We took a meta-analysis approach to study gene expression in the brains of 1,084 AD patients and age-matched controls and whole blood from 645 AD patients and age-matched controls in seven independent datasets. Sex-specific gene expression patterns were investigated through use of gene-based, pathway-based and network-based approaches. The ability of a sex-specific AD gene expression signature to distinguish Alzheimer's disease from healthy controls was assessed using a linear support vector machine model. Cell type deconvolution from whole blood gene expression data was performed to identify differentially regulated cells in males and females with AD. Results: Strikingly gene-expression, network-based analysis and cell type deconvolution approaches revealed a consistent immune signature in the brain and blood of female AD patients that was absent in males. In females, network-based analysis revealed a coordinated program of gene expression involving several zinc finger nuclease genes related to Herpes simplex viral infection whose expression was modulated by the presence of the APOE ε4 allele. Interestingly, this gene expression program was missing in the brains of male AD patients. Cell type deconvolution identified an increase in neutrophils and naïve B cells and a decrease in M2 macrophages, memory B cells, and CD8+ T cells in AD samples compared to controls in females. Interestingly, among males with AD, no significant differences in immune cell proportions compared to controls were observed. Machine learning-based classification of AD using gene expression from whole blood in addition to clinical features produced an improvement in classification accuracy upon stratifying by sex, achieving an AUROC of 0.91 for females and 0.80 for males. Conclusion: These results help identify sex and APOE ε4 genotype-specific transcriptomic signatures of AD and underscore the importance of considering sex in the development of biomarkers and therapeutic strategies for AD

    Bioinformatics Analysis of Publicly Available Single-Nuclei Transcriptomics Alzheimer's Disease Datasets Reveals APOE Genotype-Specific Changes Across Cell Types in Two Brain Regions.

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    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a complex neurodegenerative disease that gravely affects patients and imposes an immense burden on caregivers. Apolipoprotein E4 (APOE4) has been identified as the most common genetic risk factor for AD, yet the molecular mechanisms connecting APOE4 to AD are not well understood. Past transcriptomic analyses in AD have revealed APOE genotype-specific transcriptomic differences; however, these differences have not been explored at a single-cell level. To elucidate more complex APOE genotype-specific disease-relevant changes masked by the bulk analysis, we leverage the first two single-nucleus RNA sequencing AD datasets from human brain samples, including nearly 55,000 cells from the prefrontal and entorhinal cortices. In each brain region, we performed a case versus control APOE genotype-stratified differential gene expression analysis and pathway network enrichment in astrocytes, microglia, neurons, oligodendrocytes, and oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. We observed more global transcriptomic changes in APOE4 positive AD cells and identified differences across APOE genotypes primarily in glial cell types. Our findings highlight the differential transcriptomic perturbations of APOE isoforms at a single-cell level in AD pathogenesis and have implications for precision medicine development in the diagnosis and treatment of AD