40 research outputs found

    The Atlanta conference on “Telecommunications and the city"

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    Kellerman Aharon. The Atlanta conference on “Telecommunications and the city". In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 12 n°1-3, juin 1998. Geospace & Cyberspace. Henry Bakis, Joana Maria Segui Pons (editors) p. 362

    Geographic interpretations of the Internet

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    Proposal for a commission on the “Geography of Information Society” 2000-2004

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    Kellerman Aharon. Proposal for a commission on the “Geography of Information Society” 2000-2004. In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 14 n°3-4,2000. Built Space, New Technologies and Networks. pp. 207-212

    A new journal : INFO

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    Kellerman Aharon. A new journal : INFO. In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 13 n°1-2,1999. Exploring and navigating electronic space - II / L’espace des réseaux électroniques: exploration et navigation - II p. 169

    Space and place in internet information flows

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    The objective of this article is to examine the rather scattered literature on the relationships between the local and the global for the intangible movement of computerized information transmitted via Internet, and to highlight some of the processes which bring them about, through notions of space, place, and technoligical change. Global flows of information are expressed in four dimensions : simulation, metaphor and language, virtual communities, and place production.Cet article se penche sur la littérature concernant les rapports entre le local et le global indusits par la circulation d'informations informatisées (Internet).Kellerman Aharon. Space and place in internet information flows. In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 13 n°1-2,1999. Exploring and navigating electronic space - II / L’espace des réseaux électroniques: exploration et navigation - II pp. 25-35

    Broadband penetration and its implications : The case of France

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    The objectives of this article are, first, to portray broadband penetration in France, and the current specific European leadership of France in this regard Second, the article attempts to interpret the possible implications of the wide adoption of broadband in France, in light of the previously emerging and rather global leadership of first Korea and then japan in broadband adoption. France enjoyed in 2006 the third largest Internet market at large in Europe, coupled with its being the third largest broadband market in Europe. Simultaneously it led among the larger. European countries in broadband subscriber base among its Internet users. This leadership was attained Iry pricing and policy. France was in 2006 the cheapest country in Europe for initial costs, and third in its low monthly costs. The higher broadband penetration led to more intensive uses of the Internet : France led in late 2006 in the number of sessions per person per month, in the number of domains visited per person per month. However, broadband Internet has not yet yielded growth in e-commerce and e-learning in France. Judging from the American, Korean and Japanese experiences one may expect such growth to emerge within the upcoming five years.Cet article vise à décrire tes progrès de l’Internet à haut débit en France, et la position de ce pays en Europe en la matière. Il tente aussi d’interpréter les implications possibles de cette diffusion à la lumière des expériences de la Corée et du Japon. I m France se positionne en 2006 comme le troisième marché d’Internet (et d'Internet à haut-débit) en Europe. Cette position conduite résulte de la tarification (meilleur marché en Europe pour les coûts initiaux, et en troisième rang pour les coûts mensuels) et d’aspects politiques. La plus grande pénétration de l’Internet à bande large a eu pour conséquence une utilisation plus intensives de l'Internet, même si, à ce jour, on ne constate pas encore un essor significatif de l'e-commerce et l'enseignement en France. A partir des expériences américaines, coréennes et japonaises on peut s’attendre à une croissance dans ces domaines dans les cinq prochaines années.Kellerman Aharon. Broadband penetration and its implications : The case of France. In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 20 n°3-4, december 2006. Réseaux sociaux, réseaux techniques et usages des TIC / Social and Technical Networks and Uses of I.C.T. pp. 237-245

    Commuting as experience and its ramifications for telecommuting

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    Telecommuting has been assessed so far mainly through the merits and demerits of the two terminals involved, namely home and work, whereas commuting between the two has usually been negatively viewed. However, commuting has importance as an experience in time and space, with some negative effects if excessively performed. Commuting serves as temporal separation between the two different domains of home and work, with 20-30 minutes as optimal duration. Commuting serves as a daily geographical experience, or as commuters' absolute space, and also as part of their more general activity space, or relative space. On the other hand, commuting may bring about physical impedance which may develop mainly beyond 30 minutes and 15 miles of driving. These various dimensions of commuting as experience should lead to a careful assessment of a potential massive adoption of telecommuting, since most workers would require some commuting.Kellerman Aharon. Commuting as experience and its ramifications for telecommuting. In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 8 n°1, avril 1994. pp. 225-234

    Objectives of the IGU Commission on information society (2000-2004)

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    Kellerman Aharon. Objectives of the IGU Commission on information society (2000-2004). In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 14 n°3-4,2000. Built Space, New Technologies and Networks. p. 431

    A new journal : INFO

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    Kellerman Aharon. A new journal : INFO. In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 13 n°1-2,1999. Exploring and navigating electronic space - II / L’espace des réseaux électroniques: exploration et navigation - II p. 169

    Communication and telecommunication geography in Israel

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    Kellerman Aharon. Communication and telecommunication geography in Israel. In: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires / Networks and Communication Studies, vol. 3 n°1, mai 1989. Communications and Telecommunications Geography. 26th IGU Congress, Sydney - Australia, 1988. pp. 167-172