1,019 research outputs found
Simultaneous Analysis of Sensor Data for Breath Control in Respiratory Air
There is a broad field of applications of breath monitoring in human health care, medical applications and alcohol control. In this report, an innovative mobile sensor system for breath control in respiratory air called AGaMon will be introduced. The sensor system is able to recognize a multitude of different gases like ethanol (which is the leading component of alcoholic drinks), H2S (which is the leading component for halitosis), H2 (which is the leading component for dyspepsia and food intolerance), NO (which is the leading component for asthma) or acetone (which is the leading component for diabetes), thus ,covering almost all significant aspects. An innovative calibration and evaluation procedure called SimPlus was developed which is able to evaluate the sensor data simultaneously. That means, SimPlus is able to identify the samples simultaneously; for example, whether the measured sample is ethanol or another substance under consideration. Furthermore, SimPlus is able to determine the concentration of the identified sample. This will be demonstrated in this report for the application of ethanol, H2, acetone and the binary mixture ethanol-H2. It has been shown that SimPlus could identify the investigated gases and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) very well and that the relative analysis errors were smaller than 10% in all considered applications. View Full-Tex
Understanding Site Structure by Reverse Engineering Web Navigation Elements
In this thesis, new methods are presented for mining the logical hierarchy of pages of a Web site and it is demonstrated that search engine user interfaces can be improved based on the extracted structures. The described methods are based on automatically identifying and analyzing the navigation design patterns used on a Web site. This task can be solved with high accuracy by conducting a combined analysis of the HTML-structure and hyperlink structure
This paper presents a physical, crank angle resolved model of spark ignited (SI) engine process and gas exchange developed by Continental AG for real‐time engine management system. Transient 1D flow in pipe systems is the most time‐consuming part of the numerical solution. A so‐called detailed model, including intake and exhaust pipe components, is defined and reduced to its fast‐running version where pipes are neglected. Experimental validation confirms that the detailed model captures transient effects and fulfills accuracy targets over the entire engine operation range, while the fast‐running model requires additional empirical parameterization. Both models, however, provide more detailed information on dynamic gas exchange process and the in‐cylinder state for each individual engine cycle than today’s data driven models do (e.g., transient gas states and internal engine exhaust gas recirculation). Finally, simplifications according to classical acoustic theory are proposed for pipe components to solve the conflict between accuracy and real‐time capability.Tento článek prezentuje fyzikální model čtyřdobého procesu a výplachu zážehového spalovacího motoru. Model byl vyvinut u Continental AG pro účely sériových řídících jednotek. Nestacionární 1D proudění v potrubních systémech je časově nejnáročnější součástí numerického řešení. Proto je nejprve definován podrobný model, zahrnující řešení sacích a výfukových potrubí, který je dále zjednodušen na rychle fungující verzi se zanedbáním zákona zachování impulsu v potrubních systémech. Experimentální ověření potvrzuje, že podrobný model zachycuje přechodové jevy a splňuje cíle přesnosti v celém rozsahu provozu motoru, zatímco zjednodušený model vyžaduje další empirickou parametrizaci. Oba modely však poskytují podrobnější informace o výplachu a termodynamickém stavu ve válcích než to činí běžné datově orientované modely (např. přechodné stavy plynu, nebo vnitřní recirkulace výfukových plynů motoru). Nakonec jsou navržena zjednodušení řešení proudění v potrubích podle klasické akustické teorie s cílem vyřešení rozporu mezi přesností a schopností dosáhnout řešení v reálném čase na daném hardwaru (ECU 240 MHz)
Don't Just Judge the Spelling! The Influence of Spelling on Assessing Second-Language Student Essays
When judging subject-specific aspects of students’ texts, teachers should assess various characteristics, e.g., spelling and content, independently of one another since these characteristics are indicators of different skills. Independent judgments enable teachers to adapt their classroom instruction according to students’ skills. It is still unclear how well teachers meet this challenge and which intervention could be helpful to them. In Study 1, N = 51 pre-service teachers assessed four authentic English as a Second Language (ESL) essays with different overall text qualities and different qualities of spelling using holistic and analytic rating scales. Results showed a negative influence of the experimentally manipulated spelling errors on the judgment of almost all textual characteristics. In Study 2, an experimental prompt was used to reduce this judgment error. Participants who were made aware of the judgment error caused by spelling errors formed their judgments in a less biased way, indicating a reduction of bias. The determinants of the observed effects and their practical implications are discussed
Structure liming reduces draught requirement on clay soil
Liming with ‘structure lime’, comprising approximately 80–85% ground limestone and 15–20% slaked lime, has been promoted in subsidised environmental schemes in Sweden since 2010 to increase clay aggregate stability and mitigate particulate phosphorus losses to surface waters. To date, approximately 65,000 ha have been structure-limed. Apart from stabilising aggregates, liming may also improve other physical properties, such as soil strength. This study examined the effect of increasing application rate (0–16 t ha-1) of structure lime on soil strength, approximated by horizontal (draught requirement) and vertical (penetrometer resistance) measurements, in eight field soils (clay content 26–38%) to which structure lime had been applied two, three, four or six years previously. Draught requirement when cultivating with a multipurpose cultivator significantly decreased (by 11%) with the highest application rate of structure lime (16 t ha-1) compared with an unlimed control. This reduced the wheel power requirement by 7.1 kW and diesel consumption by 1.2–1.4 L ha-1, and lowered CO2 emissions by 3–4 kg ha-1. To clarify the general effect of structure liming, the mean value of all limed treatments was compared with that of the unlimed control. This showed that structure liming in general significantly reduced the draught requirement (by 7%). However, penetrometer resistance measurements revealed no significant effects of structure liming and no relation between draught requirement and penetrometer resistance measurements. Overall, the results indicate that structure liming can reduce fuel consumption, due to easier soil tillage, and thus lower CO2 emissions
Passagerudvikling og forklarende faktorer
Med baggrund i de store takstændringer i januar 2004 har takstfællesskabet mellem HUR, DSB, DSB S-tog og Ørestadsselskabet (ØSS) sammen gennemført en analyse af effekten af takstændringerne. Undersøgelsen er udvidet til også at inddrage årsager til den passagernedgang, der siden 1999 er sket i den samlede kollektive trafik i hovedstadsregionen. Målet er gennem analyserne at identificere betydende faktorer for udviklingen i den kollektive trafik og indkredse det råderum, takstfællesskabets deltagere har for at påvirke udviklingen i positiv retning.Det er første gang, at selskaberne bag takstfællesskabet har gennemført en ana-lyse, der på tværs samler forklarende faktorer til passagerudviklingen i den kollektive trafik i hovedstadsregionen. Dette har sat fokus på nødvendigheden af at benytte en fælles spørgeramme og -teknik i forbindelse med gennemførelse af individuelle undersøgelser
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