2 research outputs found

    Characterization of Combined Effects of Urban Built-Up and Vegetated Areas on Long-Term Urban Heat Islands in Beijing

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    With the development of urbanization and industrialization, megacities have experienced more severe surface urban heat island (SUHI) effects. Land surface temperatures (LSTs) are retrieved; spatial distribution of temperature is characterized, and the relationship among temperatures or SUHIs and land-use and land cover (LULC) in Beijing City are discussed. The changing LSTs in Beijing, from 1990 to 2017, were calculated by a radiative transfer equation and mono-window algorithm. To estimate the effect of SUHI, Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TRIS) and Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data were selected. There is an increasing trend toward high LSTs for different LULC types. The connection with building and vegetation density is analyzed. Results indicate that for every 1% increase in the density of buildings, the increase in amplitude of temperature in 2017 was twice as large as it was in 1995 for the study area. In terms of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) values, the decrease in amplitude of LST was 10 times that of the year 1995, where there is only a slight increase in the NDVI values of the area

    Analysis of Benefits of an Energy Imbalance Market in the NWPP

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    The Northwest Power Pool (NWPP) Market Assessment Committee (MC) Initiative, which was officially launched on March 19, 2012, set out to explore a range of alternatives that could help the Balancing Authorities and scheduling utilities in the NWPP area address growing operational and commercial challenges affecting the regional power system. The MC formed an Analytical Team with technical representatives from each of the member Balancing Areas in the NWPP and with staff of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). This Analytical Team was instructed to conduct extensive studies of intra-hour operation of the NWPP system in the year 2020 and of the NWPP region with 14,671 MW of wind penetration. The effort utilized a sub-hourly production cost model (the PLEXOS® computer model) that inputs data from the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)-wide Production Cost Model (PCM) to evaluate potential production cost savings. The Analytical Team was given two general options to evaluate: •Energy Imbalance Market (EIM): establishment of an automated, organized NWPP area market for economically supplying energy imbalance within the hour. •Enhanced Market-Operational Tools (EMT) that might augment or replace an EIM. The Analytical The Analytical Team built on the WECC-wide PCM data from prior work done in the WECC and carried forward the evolution of the original WECC Transmission Expansion Planning Policy Committee (TEPPC) 2020 PC0 data base. A large number of modifications and improvements were made to this case and the data were subjected to extensive review by the team members to improve the model representation of the Northwest (NW). MC meetings that were open to the public were held for interested parties to review and provide input to the study. Results for the test, base, and sensitivity case studies performed by the MC Initiative Analytical Team indicate that there are a wide range of benefits that could be obtained from the operation of an EIM in the NWPP depending on what assumptions are made. The instructions from the MC were to determine a "minimum high confidence" range of potential benefits. The results for the Base Case indicate that the EIM benefits ranged from approximately 40millionto40 million to 70 million in annual savings from the operation of an EIM in the NWPP footprint. A number of additional relevant sensitivity cases were performed, including low and high water conditions, low and high natural gas prices, and various flex reserve requirements, resource operations, and amounts of resource capability held back during the preschedule period. Along with the results for the Base Case, the results for these studies yielded EIM benefits that clustered within the range of 70to70 to 80 million dollars per year with potential benefits ranging from approximately 125milliontoaslittleas125 million to as little as 17 million per year. Because the design and operation of an EIM could enable participating Balancing Authorities (BAs) to collectively lower the quantity of resources they must carry to meet within-hour balancing needs, a sensitivity case was also performed to analyze the impact that such reductions might have on the benefits from an EIM. The results for this sensitivity case indicate that such reductions could increase the benefits from the operation of an EIM in the NWPP into the range of approximately 130millionto130 million to 160 million per year. Also, a sensitivity case for a WECC-wide EIM was performed with the results indicating that the potential benefits to the NWPP could increase into the range of 197millionto197 million to 233 million per year. While there may be potential reliability benefits from the coordinated dispatch process underlying the operation of an EIM, reliability benefits from an EIM were out of the scope of this study. The EIM benefit analyses that were performed by the Analytical Team are provided in this report