1 research outputs found

    A lumped mucosal wave model of the vocal folds revisited: Recent extensions and oscillation hysteresis

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    This paper examines an updated version of a lumped mucosal wave model of the vocal fold oscillation during phonation. Threshold values of the subglottal pressure and the mean (DC) glottal airflow for the oscillation onset are determined. Depending on the nonlinear characteristics of the model, an oscillation hysteresis phenomenon may occur, with different values for the oscillation onset and offset threshold. The threshold values depend on the oscillation frequency, but the occurrence of the hysteresis is independent of it. The results are tested against pressure data collected from a mechanical replica of the vocal folds, and oral airflow data collected from speakers producing intervocalic ∕h∕. In the human speech data, observed differences between voice onset and offset may be attributed to variations in voice pitch, with a very small or inexistent hysteresis phenomenon