17 research outputs found

    Development of an alternative technology for the production of refined ferrochrome

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    In the article presented the refined ferrochrome smelting technologies by furnace, converter and out-of-furnace methods. The main attention is paid to the new aluminum-silicothermal process for obtaining refined ferrochrome by the furnace method using a multicomponent alloy - aluminosilicochrome. The results of laboratory experiments on the smelting of ferrochrome using the multicomponent alloy are presented. As a result, melting products were obtained: ferrochrome with 63 – 68 % chromium and 1 – 3 % carbon and slag with 2 – 6 % chromium oxide

    Titanium and chrome oxides system thermodynamic diagram analysis

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    The paper presents the results of a thermodynamic diagram study of oxide smelting products from the processing of chromite and titanium raw materials in order to determine their most technologically advanced compositions, allowing for rational use of raw materials and energy resources. The reliability of the effectiveness of these developments was confirmed by tests carried out on a pilot industrial and industrial scale

    Thermodynamic-diagram analysis of Fe-Ni-C-O system

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    The paper presents the results of calculation of thermodynamic parameters of compounds formed between the system components. Complete thermodynamic-diagram analysis of the Fe-Ni-C-O system has been carried out taking into consideration the congruent compounds. The diagram of the four-component system Fe-Ni-C-O and mathematical model of its phase structure were constructed on the basis of full thermodynamic-diagram analysis and reference thermodynamic data

    The possibility of involvement in ferroalloy conversion of nickel ores of Kazakhstan

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    The article considers the method of using substandard oxidized nickel ores of the Batamsha deposit and their suitability for sintering. Laboratory studies on the agglomeration of domestic nickel ores with different reducing agents were carried out for the metallurgical evaluation of nickel ores. Agglomeration was carried out according to standard technology, the layer height averaged 24 cm. The agglomeration process proceeded intensively at a discharge of 1100 - 1200 mm Hg, the sintering temperature of which reached over 1200°C. To improve the mechanical properties of the obtained agglomerates, it is necessary to continue research with a change in the composition of charge materials and a metallurgical assessment with the smelting of nickel-containing intermediates

    Study of nickel briquettes by thermographic method

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    The results of thermogravimetric studies of nickel concentrate (briquettes) with the establishment of its characteristic features are presented. The study of nickel concentrate with different reducing agents showed the thermographic possibility of involving them in metallurgical processing. The values of the activation energy in the process of thermal studies are determined

    Remelting the high-carbon ferrochrome dust in a direct current arc furnace (DCF)

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    The paper describes the results of pilot remelting of high-carbon ferrochrome dust in a 1.8 MVA DC arc furnace. Standard grades of high-carbon ferrochrome, such as FeCh800, FeCh850 and FeCh900, were obtained with the following furnace performance: chrome extraction - 89,5 %; slag ratio - 0,5; specific power consumption - 2 272 kW·h/ton

    Research possibility of involvement Kazakhstani nickel ore in the metallurgical treatment

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    The work results of laboratory tests on the involvement of Kazakhstan oxidized (silicate) nickel ores with a 0,5 – 1 % nickel content into metallurgical proccessing to obtain nickel-containing cast iron with a 3 – 5 % nickel content. The tests include the study of nickel ores by nonisothermal kinetics, the study of the structure of the phase structure of nickel ores by petrography, the process of agglomeration of nickel ores and smelting of nickel-containing cast iron from the obtaining sinter using 2 types of reducing agents (coke and coal)

    Viscosity and crystallization temperature of ferroalloy slags from Kazakhstan ore

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    Experimental research with synthetic mixtures imitating typical ferroalloy slags is described in the paper. Samples imitating slags of high-carbon ferrochrome, ferrotitanium and high-carbon ferromanganese were made of analytical grade reagents by mixing and melting in a resistance furnace. Slag viscosity was measured with electric vibratory viscometer in the temperature range of 0 – 1 800 °C. Based on research results it is recommended to use higher basicity slags together with specific additions (fluxes) reducing slag’s viscosity and melting point