179 research outputs found
Assessment of the impact of electric vehicles on the distribution network
V bližnji prihodnosti bodo elektriÄna vozila nedvomno zamenjala vozila na fosilni pogon. Pri vseh vpraÅ”anjih in razlagah o elektriÄnih vozilih in njihovem hitremu razvoju se nam porodi najbolj pomembno vpraÅ”anje: kako bi množiÄna uporaba elektriÄnih vozil vplivala na distribucijsko omrežje, o katerem ni veliko govora, vendar brez odgovora na to vpraÅ”anje ne bo mogoÄe nadaljevati z razvojem elektromobilnosti, saj imajo lahko napaÄne analize pri takem vpraÅ”anju katastrofalne posledice ā govorimo lahko o razpadu omrežja. Ker obstojeÄa energetska omrežja uÄinkovito in zanesljivo delujejo že približno sto let, želimo, da tako tudi ostane. Zato se tu sooÄimo z analizo, ki vkljuÄuje nove trende oz. nove izzive na tem podroÄju. Tu govorimo o elektriÄnih avtomobilih, ki prinaÅ”ajo naraÅ”Äanje porabe energije, ne samo poveÄanje koniÄnih moÄi, temveÄ tudi nove koniÄne obremenitve (predvsem ponoÄi zaradi cenejÅ”e energije). Te se vkljuÄujejo že v obstojeÄo problematiko, kot so okoljska problematika, razprÅ”ena proizvodnja, prostorske omejitve in težave z umeÅ”Äanjem v prostor ter trenutno tudi zelo problematiÄna ā starajoÄa se infrastruktura.
Za ugotovitev, da trenutni elektroenergetski sistem (vsaj NN) ni pripravljen na takÅ”en skok porabe elektriÄne energije, ki ga prinaÅ”a elektromobilnost, ni potrebna izÄrpna analiza, saj vemo, da se distribucijska podjetja s preobremenjenostjo omrežja in transformatorji premajhnih moÄi sreÄujejo že zdaj v sodobnem sistemu. Kot bomo videli, napoved, da trenutni elektroenergetski sistem z obstojeÄimi koncepti naÄrtovanja ni pripravljen na uÄinkovito vkljuÄevanje novih porabnikov oz. elementov, ni napaÄna. Menimo, da bodo morala distribucijska podjetja tej problematiki posvetiti Å”e veliko pozornosti, saj je razvoj elektromobilnosti, Å”e posebej v zadnjih letih, ekstremen. To bi lahko pomenilo, da nepripravljenost na nove trende privede do kolapsa omrežja. K sreÄi se razvoj takih trendov ne zgodi Äez noÄ, kar pomeni, da se elektroenergetski sistem lahko poÄasi in postopoma nadgrajuje ā lahko bi rekli, da je to nekakÅ”na finanÄna razbremenitev. Äe se to ne bo zgodilo (sprotno vlaganje v sistem), bi stanje privedlo do prevelikih finanÄnih obremenitev, kar v najboljÅ”em primeru pomeni poÄasnejÅ”i razvoj na podroÄju energetike v Sloveniji. Vsem tem negativnim scenarijem se lahko izognemo z dobro organizacijo in s pametnim programom. V programu razvoja pametnih omrežij v Sloveniji je napisan celoten naÄrt nadgradnje danaÅ”njega koncepta obratovanja in naÄrtovanja sistema in v celoto uÄinkovito vkljuÄuje tudi nove elemente, kot so npr. odjemalci z možnostjo prilagajanja porabe, elektriÄni avtomobili, hranilniki elektriÄne energije itd.In the near future, electric vehicles will undoubtedly replace fossil fuel vehicles. Among all the questions and explanations, considering electric vehicles and the rapid development of them, the most important is how can massive usage of electric vehicles affect the distribution network, which is not much discussed, but without answering this question it will not be possible to continue the development of electromobility. The consequences of an incorrect analysis of such a problem may have a catastrophic effect ā we are talking about the collapse of the network. Existing energy networks have been operating efficiently and reliably for about a hundred years, and we want it to remain so. That is why we are faced with an analysis that includes new trends and new challenges in this area. We are reffering to electric cars that bring an increase in energy consumption, not just an increase in peak power but also a new peak load (especially at night due to cheaper energy). These are included in the already existing issues, such as environmental issues, dispersed production, spatial constraints and space placement problems, and currently also very problematic ā older, aging infrastructure.
There is no need for any careful analysis in order to find out that the electricity system (at least low voltage) is not prepared for such a leap in electricity consumption caused by electromobility, as we know that distribution companies are already facing overload networks and transformers with little power in the modern energy system. As we will see, the announcement that the current power system with the existing concepts of planning is not ready to effectively integrate new consumers or elements, is not incorrect. We believe that distribution companies will have to pay a lot of attention to this problem, because the development of electromobility, especially in recent years, is extremely high. This could mean that unwillingness to new trends leads to a collapse of the networkfortunately, such trends do not develop overnight, which means that the power system can be slowly and gradually upgraded ā it could be said to be a kind of financial relief. If this does not happen, the situation would lead to excessive financial burdens and a slower development in the field of energy in Slovenia. These negative scenarios can be avoided by a good organization and a good programme. The entire plan of upgrading the present concept of operation and system design is written in the programme of smart grid development in Slovenia, where it effectively, as a whole, integrates new elements, such as consumers with the ability to adjust consumption, electric cars, power savers, etc
Bacterial adhesion to selected wood finishes
Bakterijska adhezija na povrŔinah in pozneje nastanek biofilma predstavljata glavni
vzrok kroniÄnih okužb z negativnim vplivom na zdravje ljudi. S tem problemom se
sreÄujemo tudi pri izbiri in izdelavi pohiÅ”tva, kjer stremimo k razvoju izdelkov s
takŔnimi povrŔinami, na katere naj se bakterije ali drugi mikroorganizmi praviloma
ne bi oprijemali. Predmet naŔe raziskave je bil testirati izbrana premazna sredstva za
les (laneno olje, vodna lazura, nitrocelulozni lak, nanopremaz) na adhezijo bakterij
vrste Pseudomonas aeruginosa, kjer smo kot testno povrŔino uporabili vezano
bukovo ploÅ”Äo. Topografijo testne povrÅ”ine in Å”tevilo oprijetih bakterij P.
aeruginosa smo opazovali s SEM. Na podlagi kvantitativne analize SEM slik smo
doloÄili Å”tevilo oprijetih bakterij z obkroževanjem le-teh. Preliminarne rezultate smo
predstavili v obliki posnetkov SEM. Rezultati nakazujejo, da se je najveÄje Å”tevilo
bakterij oprijelo na povrŔini, premazani z lanenim oljem. Ugotovili smo, da lahko s
SEM mikroskopom ob ustrezni metodologiji dela opazujemo adhezijo bakterij na
lesenih povrŔinah. Za potrditev in pridobitev relevantnih rezultatov bodo v
prihodnosti potrebne obŔirnejŔe in bolj poglobljene Ŕtudije.Bacterial adhesion to surfaces and subsequent biofilm formation are the main causes
of chronic infections with a negative impact to the human health, and this is a
problem in the process of manufacturing furniture. We this aimed to develop
antibacterial surfaces to which the microorganisms do not adhere. The focus of our
research was to test selected wood coatings (linseed oil, water-borne stain,
nitrocellulose varnish, nano-coating) with regard to the adhesion of Pseudomonas
aeruginosa, where we used a beech plywood as the test surface. The topography of
the test surface and number of adhering bacteria were observed on SEM
micrographs. The number of adhering bacteria was determined using quantitative
analysis of the SEM images. Preliminary results were presented in the form of SEM
recordings. The results indicate that the maximum number of bacteria adhered to the
surface coated with linseed oil. We found that by using an SEM microscope, and the
appropriate methodology of work, we can observe the adhesion of bacteria on
wooden surfaces. In the future, extensive and in-depth studies will be needed to
confirm and obtain the relevant results
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The Relationship Between Foreign Direct Investment And The Macro Economy
In this thesis, I first investigate the relation between the aggregate unemployment rate and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows and outflows. To study this relationship, I use a panel data set that contains 45 (developed and developing) countries observed from 1987 through 2008, and I employ Arellano and Bonds generalized methods of moments (ABGMM) estimation method for dynamic panel data. My results show that FDI inflows and outflows are not determinants of the aggregate unemployment rate. In addition, in line with macroeconomic theory, the previous level of aggregate unemployment has a positive impact on the current level of aggregate unemployment. Again, as macroeconomic theory suggests, my results show that per capita real gross domestic product (RGDP) has a negative effect on the current level of aggregate unemployment. Second, I study the long-run relationship between exports and per capita gross domestic product (instrumented by total population) using a panel data set of 51 countries from 1970 through 2008. To study this relationship, I employ the dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS) estimation method. I find that the percentage of exports in nominal gross domestic products (GDP) is sensitive to changes in the populations of host countries and, hence, to the changes in their GDP. In addition, my results show that the agreement on trade related investment measures increased the percentage of exports in the nominal GDP of developed host countries more than it did in developing host countries
Accuracy of the geodetic plans
This thesis investigates whether it is possible to give an overall assessment of the accuracy of geodetic plan. The introductory part presents the legal basis of geodetic plan and its definition under the Regulations of Land Survey Maps and Topographic Key. The content of the geodetic plan and description of geodetic and surveying information sources which are the graphical part of geodetic plan are introduced in the second part. This part also describes the types of land survey plans, as they are required under applicable law. The central part of the thesis is to estimate the accuracy of geodetic plan. The introductory chapter describes the work of estimating the accuracy of geodetic works, but the accuracy assessment resources that are used in the manufacture of geodetic plans are described in the second part. It is necessary to make such a division because the accuracy of the data layer depends directly on the origin of the creation of it. Some words in the thesis are also on experiences in manufacturing of geodetic plans. The collected information were submitted by the authorized operators of certain public infrastructure because this data was taken over during the manufacturing of geodetic plan and we had no control on it. A specific meaning is ascribed to communications between the client and final users of geodetic plan and geodetic companies in the process of manufacturing. In conclusion, it is suggested how the accuracy should be displayed in the certificate of geodetic plan
Unveiling the Influence of Consumer Wine Appreciation Dimension on Purchasing Behavior
Consumption values and different usage situations have received extensive interest from scholars; however, there is a lack of understanding regarding how these two constructs interact when it comes to the purchase decisions of consumers. This study examines the relationship between consumption values, consumption situations, and consumersā purchasing decisions in terms of their willingness to pay and the purchase quantity. First of all, my model proposes that all four consumption values and different situations have a positive effect on consumersā willingness to pay as well as the quantity they purchase. It also proposes that varying usage situations moderate the effect of consumption values on consumersā purchasing decisions. In my conceptual model, I have also integrated the epistemic and conditional values where there is a gap in the existing literature. Prior literature has isolated the consumption values when studying how they affect consumer behavior and has not examined how consumption situations moderate
the relationship between consumption values and purchasing decisions. Also, the existing literature has mostly focused on how consumption values affect purchase intentions, brand loyalty, or satisfaction, whereas my study focuses on purchasing decisions. For my study, the participants were randomly chosen from the general wine consumer population and the age range was between 20 and 75, which included 83 male respondents and 119 female respondents. The
data received from my respondents support my hypotheses for the model. In my final chapter, I
discuss the theoretical and managerial implications as well as suggestions for future research
Poisoned after Dinner: Dolma with Datura Stramonium
SUMMARYDatura stramonium, which is also known as Thorn Apple or Jimson Weed, is an alkaloid containing plant that is entirely toxic. The active toxic constituents of the plant are atropine, scopolamine and hyoscyamine. It has been abused worldwide for hundreds of years because of its hallucinogenic properties. Previous reports have shown that herbal medication overdose and accidental food contamination are ways it can cause poisoning. Herein we present a family that had three of its members poisoned after eating a traditional meal ādolmaā made of datura flowers. None had fatal complications and all were discharged healthy. Datura stromonium may be used accidentally as a food ingredient. Since its poisonous effects are not known, people should be informed and warned about the effects of this plant
A modular software architecture for UAVs
There have been several attempts to create scalable and hardware independent software architectures for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). In this work, we propose an onboard architecture for UAVs where hardware abstraction, data storage and communication between modules are efficiently maintained. All processing and software development is done on the UAV while state and mission status of the UAV is monitored from a ground station. The architecture also allows rapid development of mission-specific third party applications on the vehicle with the help of the core module
Adhesion of bacteria to wood coatings
Bacterial adhesion to surfaces and subsequent biofilm formation are the main causes of chronic infections with a negative impact on human health, and this is a problem in the process of manufacturing furniture. This is an important issue, relevant also to the selection and production of furniture, where there is a focus on the development of products with antibacterial surfaces to which microorganisms do not adhere. The focus of our research was to test selected wood coatings (linseed oil, water-borne stain, nitrocellulose varnish, nano-coating) with regard to the adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, where we used a beech plywood as the test surface. The topography of the test surfaces and the number of adhered bacteria were observed on SEM micrographs. The results indicate that the maximum number of bacteria adhered to the surface coated with linseed oil. In the future, extensive and in-depth studies will be needed to confirm and obtain the required results
Opredelitev zapletov srÄnih kateterizacij pri otrocih v Sloveniji
IzhodiÅ”Äa: Äeprav so srÄne kateterizacije v primerjavi s kardiokirurÅ”kimi posegi manj invazivne, imajo manj zapletov, bolniki pa po njih hitreje okrevajo, te niso brez zapletov. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti znaÄilnosti populacije, najpogostejÅ”e patologije, vrste kateterizacij, zaplete pri kateterizacijah v naÅ”em centru ter opredeliti morebitne dejavnike tveganja.
Metode: Zbrali smo podatke o vseh pediatriÄnih srÄnih kateterizacijah, opravljenih med junijem 2018 in avgustom 2021. Opredelili smo jih glede na vrsto kateterizacije (diagnostiÄne in terapevtske), težo, starost, spol bolnikov in kompleksnost patologije. Zaplete smo loÄili na lažje in težje ter z uporabo Pearsonovega testa hi-kvadrat in testa Mann-Whitney U ugotavljali njihovo povezanost z morebitnimi dejavniki tveganja.
Rezultati: V tem obdobju je bilo opravljenih 191 srÄnih kateterizacij (54 diagnostiÄnih in 137 terapevtskih) pri 175 otrocih, od tega pri 95 deÄkih in 80 deklicah. Otroci so bili stari od nekaj ur do 18 let, tehtali so od 2,6 kg do 85,5 kg. Zabeležili smo 9 zapletov, od tega 5 težjih in 4 lažje. Z naÅ”o raziskavo nismo dokazali statistiÄno pomembne povezave med dejavniki tveganja (telesna teža, spol, vrsta kateterizacije, starost, kompleksnost patologije) in pojavom zapletov.
ZakljuÄek: NajveÄ kateterizacij je bilo opravljenih pri otrocih, starih med 1 letom in 10 let in tistih, ki so tehtali med 10 in 40 kg. Nekoliko veÄ kateterizacij je bilo opravljenih pri deÄkih. NajpogostejÅ”e so bile terapevtske kateterizacije. Pojavnost zapletov v naÅ”em centru je primerljiva z drugimi centri. Telesna teža, spol, starost otroka, vrsta kateterizacije in kompleksnost patologije v naÅ”em centru niso bili statistiÄno znaÄilno povezani s pojavom zapletov ob katerizaciji
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