3 research outputs found

    Parallel Batch-Dynamic Graph Connectivity

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    In this paper, we study batch parallel algorithms for the dynamic connectivity problem, a fundamental problem that has received considerable attention in the sequential setting. The most well known sequential algorithm for dynamic connectivity is the elegant level-set algorithm of Holm, de Lichtenberg and Thorup (HDT), which achieves O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) amortized time per edge insertion or deletion, and O(logn/loglogn)O(\log n / \log\log n) time per query. We design a parallel batch-dynamic connectivity algorithm that is work-efficient with respect to the HDT algorithm for small batch sizes, and is asymptotically faster when the average batch size is sufficiently large. Given a sequence of batched updates, where Δ\Delta is the average batch size of all deletions, our algorithm achieves O(lognlog(1+n/Δ))O(\log n \log(1 + n / \Delta)) expected amortized work per edge insertion and deletion and O(log3n)O(\log^3 n) depth w.h.p. Our algorithm answers a batch of kk connectivity queries in O(klog(1+n/k))O(k \log(1 + n/k)) expected work and O(logn)O(\log n) depth w.h.p. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first parallel batch-dynamic algorithm for connectivity.Comment: This is the full version of the paper appearing in the ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), 201

    Fully-dynamic minimum spanning forest with improved worst-case update time

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    We give a Las Vegas data structure which maintains a minimum spanning forest in an n-vertex edge-weighted dynamic graph undergoing updates consisting of any mixture of edge insertions and deletions. Each update is supported in O(n^{1/2 - c}) expected worst-case time for some constant c > 0 and this worst-case bound holds with probability at least 1 - n^{-d} where d is a constant that can be made arbitrarily large. This is the first data structure achieving an improvement over the O(n^{1/2}) deterministic worst-case update time of Eppstein et al., a bound that has been standing for nearly 25 years. In fact, it was previously not even known how to maintain a spanning forest of an unweighted graph in worst-case time polynomially faster than Theta(n^{1/2}). Our result is achieved by first giving a reduction from fully-dynamic to decremental minimum spanning forest preserving worst-case update time up to logarithmic factors. Then decremental minimum spanning forest is solved using several novel techniques, one of which involves keeping track of low-conductance cuts in a dynamic graph. An immediate corollary of our result is the first Las Vegas data structure for fully-dynamic connectivity where each update is handled in worst-case time polynomially faster than Theta(n^{1/2}) w.h.p.; this data structure has O(1) worst-case query time.Comment: Small changes to Section 1.1 and a minor fix of the analysis for maintaining an MSF of small clusters. 61 pages, 7 figures, 3 with pseudocode. Submitted to STOC'17. Builds on an earlier (unpublished, submitted to FOCS'16) version by the same author which had a similar bound for fully-dynamic connectivit