16 research outputs found

    Estimation of broad-leaved canopy growth in the urban forested area using multi-temporal airborne LiDAR datasets

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    Inter-annual canopy growth is one of the key indicators for assessing forest conditions, but the measurements require laborious field surveys. Up-to-date LiDAR remote sensing provides sufficient three-dimensional morphological information of the ground to monitor canopy heights on a broad scale. Thus, we attempted to use multi-temporal airborne LiDAR datasets in the estimation of vertical canopy growth, across various types of broad-leaved trees in a large urban park. The growth of broad-leaved canopies in the EXPO '70 urban forest in Osaka, Japan was assessed with 19 plots at the stand level and 39 selected trees at the individual-tree level. Airborne LiDAR campaigns repeatedly observed the park in the summers of 2004, 2008, and 2010. We acquired canopy height models (CHMs) for each year from the height values of the uppermost laser returns at every 0.5 m grid. The annual canopy growth was calculated by the differences in CHMs and validated with the annual changes in field-measured basal areas and tree heights. LiDAR estimations revealed that the average annual canopy growth from 2004 to 2010 was 0.26 ± 0.11 m m−2 yr−1 at the plot level and 0.26 ± 0.10 m m−2 yr−1 at the individual-tree level. This result showed that growing trends were consistent at different scales through 2004 to 2010 despite uncertainty in estimating short-term growth for small crown areas at the individual-tree level. This LiDAR-estimated canopy growth shows a moderate relation to field-measured increase of basal areas and average heights. The estimation uncertainties seem to result from the complex canopy structure and irregular crown shape of broad-leaved trees. Challenges still remain on how to incorporate the growth of understory trees, growth in the lateral direction, and gap dynamics inside the canopy, particularly in applying multi-temporal LiDAR datasets to the large-scale growth assessment

    Recovery of tree community composition across different types of anthropogenic disturbances and characterization of their effect using Landsat time series in Bornean tropical montane forest

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    Anthropogenic pressure in tropical montane forests is rapidly increasing, becoming a major threat to these complex ecosystems. Studies have shown that the wide variety of human activities in tropical uplands results in different ecological responses of secondary forests, but basic information on the disturbance impacts and underlying recovery processes is lacking. Here, we compared structural characteristics and tree community composition of old growth forest and secondary forests in a montane region of Sabah, Malaysia, which experienced five different anthropogenic disturbances. We also investigated the use of metrics from spectral trajectories of a Landsat time series (LTS) change detection algorithm (LandTrendr) to identify characteristics of disturbance events and their linkage to the recovery of tree community composition, with field validation. Five LTS metrics—time since the greatest disturbance (TSD), magnitude of disturbance (MD), distance to undisturbed forests (d_UND), recovery indicator (RI), and years to recovery (Y2R) were derived and were related to field-based tree community composition. Our analysis revealed a gradient of recovery patterns in community composition and structural attributes among forest disturbance types, suggesting the importance of community composition as an indicator of forest recovery. Among derived LTS metrics, TSD, MD, d_UND, and Y2R 100% were significantly related with the similarity in community composition. Our results suggest that spectral trajectories from LTS can serve as a useful predictor of community composition change in recovering stands. This approach provides an efficient means for developing systematic conservation strategies for high-elevation regions in the tropics, where human-modified landscapes are expanding

    Performance of a photogrammetric digital elevation model in a tropical montane forest environment

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    Digital photogrammetry has advanced to the point where digital elevation models (DEMs) can be derived in full automation from stereo images, offering new opportunities in various fields including forestry. However, the performance and limitations of digital photogrammetry need to be carefully investigated in forest environments where both scientific studies and forest management depend on accurate information. We evaluated the performance of a photogrammetric digital surface model (photo-DSM) derived from small-format aerial photographs over approximately 2000 ha of tropical montane forest in northern Borneo, Malaysia. The accuracy of the photo-DSM was evaluated by using a reference dataset derived from airborne laser scanning (ALS) with an approximate density of 15 pulses/m2. The vertical accuracy over the total area (18,349,288 pixels) was represented by a mean error of 0.006 m and RMSE of 3.003 m, with 61.1% of all measured heights accurate to within ±1 m, 81.9% accurate to within ±2 m, and 88.7% accurate to within ±3 m. More detailed local accuracy evaluation was conducted at block level: 31 1-ha blocks and one 0.25-ha block located over different forest types and characterized by the mean canopy height (range=8.4-41.1 m) and standard deviation (range=2.0-9.8 m) of the ALS-canopy height model (ALS-CHM). RMSE of the forest blocks ranged from 1.01 to 4.19 m, and this variance in RMSE could be explained by 78.6% of standard deviation of the ALS-CHM. Canopy slope and dark areas also had an effect on the RMSE: in areas of higher canopy slope and in darker areas within the forest blocks, the RMSE increased by up to 8.6 and 5.8 m, respectively. No-data areas accounted for 3.24% in the forest blocks and were also influenced by canopy slope and darker areas. RMSE of non-forest areas was 0.39 m (n=5243 pixels). Research and development on image-matching algorithms (which achieved 86.1% successful alignment of the aerial photographs in our study), cameras, unmanned aerial vehicles, and flight parameters are ongoing; as a result, digital photogrammetry and its capacity for use in various forestry applications are also continuing to improve

    Evaluation of allometries for estimating above-ground biomass using airborne LiDAR data in tropical montane forest of Northern Borneo

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    Tropical forests play a crucial component of the terrestrial carbon pool and estimate of above-ground biomass (AGB) with high accuracy is important in quantifying tropical forest carbon stocks. There are several allometries available for estimating tropical forest tree AGB using field measurements, the choice of allometric equation is a decisive factor that can influence the AGB estimation accuracy. This study examined the use of allometric equations to accurately estimate AGB using airborne LiDAR data. The LiDAR data of Ulu Padas area was acquired using Optech Orion C200. 56 field plots were established to collect data on diameter at breast height, tree height and tree species. Field AGB was calculated from allometric equations of Yamakura et al. (1986), Basuki et al. (2009), Chave et al. (2005) and Chave et al. (2014). All LiDAR-derived height metrics and variables were correlated with field AGB (R: 0.30-0.88). Based on stepwise multiple regression analysis, Chave et al. (2014) allometry had highest model R 2 , explaining 81% of the variance of the field AGB. In short, allometry that includes wood density should be used in LiDAR applications on tropical forest AGB estimation

    Estimating aboveground biomass changes in a human-modified tropical montane forest of Borneo using multi-temporal airborne LiDAR data

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    Estimating aboveground biomass changes in tropical mountains is difficult due to the small-scale anthropogenic land use activities such as selective logging. This study examined how multitemporal airborne LiDAR data could estimate AGB changes in Borneo’s tropical montane forest. Using airborne LiDAR data acquired in 2012 and 2017, we compared direct and indirect approaches to estimating the AGB changes. The direct method predicts the AGB change directly based on differences in LiDAR variables between the two time points whereas, the indirect method first constructs a model for predicting the AGB for each time point and then estimates the changes. The direct approach produced a model with an adjusted R2 of 0.321 and a relatively high RMSE (6.37 Mg/ha/year; relative RMSE: 134.36%). On the other hand, annual AGB changes derived from the indirect approach had a low RMSE value (1.413 Mg/ha/year; relative RMSE: 29.80%) and were strongly correlated with the field AGB changes (R2 = 0.988). We estimated the AGB changes using the indirect approach to be − 7.49 Mg/ha/year for AGB loss and 8.91 Mg/ha/ year for AGB gain. We identified land use conversion as the primary driver of AGB changes in the montane forest since the rate of AGB decrease in state-land was higher than in the managed forest. The LiDAR-based approach provides high-resolution estimates of AGB changes by enlarging field plots to more extensive area coverage, facilitating the adoption of incentive-based carbon conservation mechanisms

    Aboveground biomass changes in tropical montane forest of Northern Borneo estimated using spaceborne and airborne digital elevation data

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    Monitoring anthropogenic disturbances on aboveground biomass (AGB) of tropical montane forests is crucial, but challenging, due to a lack of historical AGB information. We examined the use of spaceborne (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission Digital Elevation Model (SRTM) digital surface model (DSM)) and airborne (Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)) digital elevation data to estimate tropical montane forest AGB changes in northern Borneo between 2000 and 2012. LiDAR canopy height model (CHM) mean values were used to calibrate SRTM CHM in different pixel resolutions (1, 5, 10, and 30 m). Regression analyses between field AGB of 2012 and LiDAR CHM means at different resolutions identified the LiDAR CHM mean at 1 m resolution as the best model (modeling efficiency = 0.798; relative root mean square error = 25.81%). Using the multitemporal AGB maps, the overall mean AGB decrease was estimated at 390.50 Mg/ha, but AGB removal up to 673.30 Mg/ha was estimated in the managed forests due to timber extraction. Over the 12 years, the AGB accumulated at a rate of 10.44 Mg/ha/yr, which was attributed to natural regeneration. The annual rate in the village area was 8.31 Mg/ha/yr, which was almost 20% lower than in the managed forests (10.21 Mg/ha/yr). This study identified forestry land use, especially commercial logging, as the main driver for the AGB changes in the montane forest. As SRTM DSM data are freely available, this approach can be used to estimate baseline historical AGB information for monitoring forest AGB changes in other tropical regions

    Estimation of above-ground biomass of a tropical forest in Northern Borneo using high-resolution satellite image

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    Estimating above-ground biomass is important in establishing an applicable methodology of Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) System for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation-Plus (REDD+). We developed an estimation model of diameter at breast height (DBH) from IKONOS-2 image that led to above-ground biomass estimation (AGB). The IKONOS image was preprocessed with dark object subtraction and topographic effect correction prior to watershed segmentation for tree crown delineation. Compared to the field observation, the overall segmentation accuracy was 64%. Crown detection percent had a strong negative correlation to tree density. In addition, satellite-based crown area had the highest correlation with the field measured DBH. We then developed the DBH allometric model that explained 74% of the data variance. In average, the estimated DBH was very similar to the measured DBH as well as for AGB. Overall, this method can potentially be applied to estimate AGB over a relatively large and remote tropical forest in Northern Borneo

    Supporting forest conservation through community-based land use planning and participatory GIS – lessons from Crocker Range Park, Malaysian Borneo

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    In tropical regions, expanding human activities have become increasingly threatening to the ecological integrity of protected areas. Shifting cultivation and other agricultural activities around the protected areas by rural communities often lead to increased carbon emissions, wildlife habitat destruction and increasing hunting pressure. Land use planning, with the participation of local communities in the buffer zones, is being considered to strengthen the implementation of the Man and the Biosphere Program at Crocker Range Park, Sabah, Malaysia. As part of the European Union’s ‘Tackling Climate Change Through Sustainable Forest Management and Community Development’ program, we emphasized the participatory geographic information systems (PGIS) approach to support village-scale land use planning that considers the needs of multiple stakeholders in the community. The PGIS was applied within a multi-criteria framework to determine the location of a potential community conservation area (CCA) and to plan future land use activities in the village. Key informant interviews were followed by a participatory mapping workshop, attended by various stakeholders and experts, which was convened to discuss and elicit local knowledge to generate the environmental and resource indicators for determining potential land use activities within the village (e.g., agriculture, tourism and recreation, and forest restoration). Based on the discussions and spatial analyses, a land use zoning map with a potential CCA was presented at a follow-up land use decision making workshop. The villagers and external stakeholders reached a consensus on the land use zoning; leading to the designation process of the CCA. The PGIS-based land use planning has effectively supported the community forest conservation and is potentially applicable to other Southeast Asia regions with similar environmental and socio-economic settings