14 research outputs found

    High performance hot-deformed Nd-Fe-B magnets (Review)

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    Hot-deformed anisotropic Nd-Fe-B magnets may potentially attain high coercivity due to their fine and highly orientated crystal grain microstructure as a result of the unique production process that creates these magnets. However, despite their fine grain size of 100–500 nm, coercivity was only around 25% of the full potential of the anisotropy field. This grain size was close to the critical diameter of the single domain grain size of the Nd-Fe-B magnet. This study investigated the effects of chemical composition and deformation conditions on the magnetic properties of Nd-Fe-B magnets, observing their microstructure to obtain guidance on the ideal microstructure. We also improved the hot-deformation technique in parallel to optimize microstructure by controlling the compositions and hot-deformation conditions based on the results of basic studies. Lastly, we fabricated heavy rare-earth-free magnets with a coercivity exceeding 1600 kA/m (20 kOe), which is 20% higher than that of conventional magnets

    Local connections of excitatory neurons to corticothalamic neurons in the rat barrel cortex.

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    Corticothalamic projection neurons in the cerebral cortex constitute an important component of the thalamocortical reciprocal circuit, an essential input/output organization for cortical information processing. However, the spatial organization of local excitatory connections to corticothalamic neurons is only partially understood. In the present study, we first developed an adenovirus vector expressing somatodendritic membrane-targeted green fluorescent protein. After injection of the adenovirus vector into the ventrobasal thalamic complex, a band of layer (L) 6 corticothalamic neurons in the rat barrel cortex were retrogradely labeled. In addition to their cell bodies, fine dendritic spines of corticothalamic neurons were well visualized without the labeling of their axon collaterals or thalamocortical axons. In cortical slices containing retrogradely labeled L6 corticothalamic neurons, we intracellularly stained single pyramidal/spiny neurons of L2-6. We examined the spatial distribution of contact sites between the local axon collaterals of each pyramidal neuron and the dendrites of corticothalamic neurons. We found that corticothalamic neurons received strong and focused connections from L4 neurons just above them, and that the most numerous nearby and distant sources of local excitatory connections to corticothalamic neurons were corticothalamic neurons themselves and L6 putative corticocortical neurons, respectively. These results suggest that L4 neurons may serve as an important source of local excitatory inputs in shaping the cortical modulation of thalamic activity