498 research outputs found

    Review: Postmodern Art Education in Practice. Gude, O. (Ed.). (n.d.). Spiral Art Education

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    Book review of Spiral Art Education, Olivia Gude (Editor), University of Illinois, Chicago, 2003

    Schooled in Silence

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    What is not said, is often more powerful than what is spoken about diversity, difference, and identity in U.S. classrooms. Examples are everywhere: Although no students of color may be enrolled in a course at a prominent research university, members of the class do not believe there is such a thing as institutional racism. A handful of women are discussed in course textbooks, all authored by men, but no one thinks it odd that only men have written accounts of women\u27s achievements that appear on the syllabus. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people do not speak for themselves, either, in the context of the course. Sexual orientation is mentioned in class discussions only in sentences that begin “I’m not gay myself, but .. .. Other dimensions of students\u27 and teachers\u27 identities- age, weight, ability, social class-are not mentioned at all in the professional setting of the classroom. Every day in these and a thousand other ways, silence helps protect the position and privilege of dominant groups in U.S. society

    Visual Culture Explorations: Un/Becoming Art Educators

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    What we consider to be obvious, true, or commonsense depends on the various assumptions we hold. Becoming aware of our assumptions is difficult at best. Despite our belief that we know what our assumptions are, we are hindered by the fact that we are using our own interpretive filters to become knowledgeable of our own filters. Described as a cognitive catch-22,” it is the equivalent of our trying to see the back of our head while looking directly into a mirror (Brookfield & Preskill, 1999). Becoming critical requires that we find a mirror that critically reflects our thinking and reveals our most influential assumptions

    How firms collaborate to compete internationally : An ethnographic understanding.

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    This thesis seeks to develop insights into the nature of inter-organisational collaborations in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) as a means to expand into foreign markets and improve their international competitiveness. Its interest is in internationalisation as a growth and development process as experienced by these SMEs and in the ways in which they developed inter-organisational relationships as a way to overcome the challenges of competing internationally. The central proposition of this thesis is that it is through the dynamic processes of forming inter-organisational relationships and acquiring new knowledge through inter-organisational learning that SMEs build the capability to create a sustainable 'step change' in the internationalisation process. This thesis follows a naturalistic paradigm with the aim to provide meaningful insights and acknowledge the possibility of multiple answers to SME internationalisation problems. It is an ethnographic account of the managerial behaviours of the participating firms.Analysis of the findings reveals an emergent process that is dependent upon the comparative achievements in negotiation, commitment and execution. The focus of this process incorporates the formal, legal, and informal socio-psychological dimensions by which organisational partners jointly negotiate, commit to, and execute their relationship in ways that achieve efficient and equitable outcomes and internal solutions to conflicts when they arise. Inter-organisational learning which is acquired through inter-organisational relationships can serve as an enabling mechanism for internationalisation for SMEs. Collaborative relationships can produce a win-win learning payoff through inter-organisational learning for the participating partners. Valuable learning opportunities can emerge when different firms with differentiated, unique skills and knowledge bases are brought together. If properly managed, inter-organisational learning can produce tangible learning and performance improvements for all partners

    NMR-based Structural Studies of the Glycosylated MUC1 Tandem Repeat Peptide

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    MUC1 is a glycoprotein that plays an important role in cancer pathogenesis. In order to study the effect of glycosylation on the conformational propensities of the tandem repeat domain of MUC1, we have determined the structure of the MUC1 tandem repeat peptide AHGVTSAPDTRPAPGSTAPP, O-glycosylated with the trisaccharide (α-Glc-1,4-β-Glc-1,4-α-GalNAc-) at Thr5. This glycopeptide was synthesized to model a heavily Oglycosylated threonine residue in the tandem repeat domain. The NMR experiments used in this study included TOCSY, NOESY, ROESY, DQF-COSY, HSQC and 1D NMR. The peak volumes determined using the program SPARKY were converted into distance constraints using the program CALIBA. The programs FiSiNOE and HABAS were used to generate angle constraints. Using conformational restraints obtained from NMR, the program DYANA was used to determine the structures of the peptide. Finally, structural refinement was performed within the SYBYL software package using GLYCAM parameters and Kollman-all atom types. The presence of strong sequential αN connectivities suggested an extended conformation of the peptide backbone. Strong sequential αδ connectivities were indicative of a trans conformation of the Ala-Pro peptide bonds. In addition, presence of sequential NN connectivities in the peptide segments Gly3-Val4-Thr5-Ser6, Asp9-Thr10-Arg11 and Gly-Ser16 were indicative of twist-like conformations of the peptide backbone in these peptide segments

    Symmetry Breaking in the Schr\"odinger Representation for Chern-Simons Theories

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    This paper discusses the phenomenon of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the Schr\"odinger representation formulation of quantum field theory. The analysis is presented for three-dimensional space-time abelian gauge theories with either Maxwell, Maxwell-Chern-Simons, or pure Chern-Simons terms as the gauge field contribution to the action, each of which leads to a different form of mass generation for the gauge fields.Comment: 16pp, LaTeX , UCONN-94-

    Association of Pesticide Exposure with Neurologic Dysfunction and Disease

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    Poisoning by acute high-level exposure to certain pesticides has well-known neurotoxic effects, but whether chronic exposure to moderate levels of pesticides is also neurotoxic is more controversial. Most studies of moderate pesticide exposure have found increased prevalence of neurologic symptoms and changes in neurobehavioral performance, reflecting cognitive and psychomotor dysfunction. There is less evidence that moderate exposure is related to deficits in sensory or motor function or peripheral nerve conduction, but fewer studies have considered these outcomes. It is possible that the most sensitive manifestation of pesticide neurotoxicity is a general malaise lacking in specificity and related to mild cognitive dysfunction, similar to that described for Gulf War syndrome. Most studies have focused on organophosphate insecticides, but some found neuro-toxic effects from other pesticides, including fungicides, fumigants, and organochlorine and carbamate insecticides. Pesticide exposure may also be associated with increased risk of Parkinson disease; several classes of pesticides, including insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides, have been implicated. Studies of other neurodegenerative diseases are limited and inconclusive. Future studies will need to improve assessment of pesticide exposure in individuals and consider the role of genetic susceptibility. More studies of pesticides other than organophosphates are needed. Major unresolved issues include the relative importance of acute and chronic exposure, the effect of moderate exposure in the absence of poisoning, and the relationship of pesticide-related neurotoxicity to neurodegenerative disease

    Urinary biomarker concentrations of captan, chlormequat, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin in UK adults and children living near agricultural land

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    There is limited information on the exposure to pesticides experienced by UK residents living near agricultural land. This study aimed to investigate their pesticide exposure in relation to spray events. Farmers treating crops with captan, chlormequat, chlorpyrifos or cypermethrin provided spray event information. Adults and children residing ≤100 m from sprayed fields provided first-morning void urine samples during and outwith the spray season. Selected samples (1–2 days after a spray event and at other times (background samples)) were analysed and creatinine adjusted. Generalised Linear Mixed Models were used to investigate if urinary biomarkers of these pesticides were elevated after spray events. The final data set for statistical analysis contained 1518 urine samples from 140 participants, consisting of 523 spray event and 995 background samples which were analysed for pesticide urinary biomarkers. For captan and cypermethrin, the proportion of values below the limit of detection was greater than 80%, with no difference between spray event and background samples. For chlormequat and chlorpyrifos, the geometric mean urinary biomarker concentrations following spray events were 15.4 μg/g creatinine and 2.5 μg/g creatinine, respectively, compared with 16.5 μg/g creatinine and 3.0 μg/g creatinine for background samples within the spraying season. Outwith the spraying season, concentrations for chlorpyrifos were the same as those within spraying season backgrounds, but for chlormequat, lower concentrations were observed outwith the spraying season (12.3 μg/g creatinine). Overall, we observed no evidence indicative of additional urinary pesticide biomarker excretion as a result of spray events, suggesting that sources other than local spraying are responsible for the relatively low urinary pesticide biomarkers detected in the study population