95 research outputs found

    Irish kings and Caranthian dukes: John Lynch revisited

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    Colmán Ó Clabaigh: The Friars in Ireland, 1224-1540

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    Le sacrifice du cheval

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    Vom Rossopfer zur Kaiserkrönung?

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    Der homo miserabilis oder: die menschliche BefÀhigung zum "Heimweh nach der Traurigkeit"

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    Le corps fragile du prince dans les rites d‘investiture medieval

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    List of medieval religious houses on islands: Ireland

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    The first survey of Island Monasteries in Ireland dates back to 1891 when George T. Stokes, Irish ecclesiastical historian published results of field trips to “Island Monasteries in Wales and Ireland” in the Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Inspired by Gabriela Signori, host of this International conference on the monastic island of Reichenau at Lake Constance in January 2017, the plan to provide an up-to-date survey took shape. Of course we expected a significant number of island monasteries in Ireland, itself famous as “Isle of the Saints” (Lisa Bitel). Thus the Research project was started with great expectations. However, the results amply exceeded all expectations by far: Over 100 monastic islands in Ireland could be identified so far. The first results of this research project are presented here in the conference proceedings as an annotated “List of Medieval Religious Houses on Islands in Ireland”

    Das Das Kirchheimer Rechnungsbuch der Barbara von Speyer (1478-1486) : Auswahltranskription Hauptsstaatsarchiv Stuttgart A 493 BĂŒ I

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      Das Rechnungsbuch der Schaffnerin Barbara von Speyer listet Einnahmen und Ausgaben des Dominikanerinnenkonvents St. Johannes Baptista in Kirchheim unter Teck fĂŒr die Jahre 1481 bis 1485 auf. Neben AuskĂŒnften ĂŒber die verschiedenen Handelspartner der Klosterfrauen wie Bauern, Winzer oder Handwerker, informiert die Quelle auch ĂŒber Details, wie z.B. die Kosten fĂŒr ein neues Fenster im Refektorium oder ĂŒber den Lohn eines klösterlichen Fuhrunternehmers. Die Quelle ermöglicht Einblicke in den Alltag und die WirtschaftsfĂŒhrung einer mittelalterlichen Lebensgemeinschaft von Frauen. Im hier vorgelegten Beitrag konzentrieren wir uns auf die Ausgaben fĂŒr Lebensmittel, besonders fĂŒr Fisch, FrĂŒchte, Fleisch oder GewĂŒrze (fol. 75r bis 86v) und damit auf Fragen zur ErnĂ€hrung, zu den Lebenshaltungskosten und zum Lebensstandard in einem schwĂ€bischen Frauenkloster.   The paper presents a partial transcription of the account book of Barbara of Speyer, of Kirchheim under Teck in the years 1478 to 1486. It illustrates daily life of women living in a Dominican community in the South of Germany. Barbara, in charge of book keeping, carefully lists revenues and expenditures of the communities household. We learn about the cost of eggs, fish, wine, butter, fruit and vegetable etc., but also luxury goods, such as fur or expensive spices, like safran. Her book keeping also offers insights into the wages paid by the nuns to their workers in the vineyards, the carpenters or for transport and repair services.&nbsp
