246 research outputs found

    The First Comparison Between Swarm-C Accelerometer-Derived Thermospheric Densities and Physical and Empirical Model Estimates

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    The first systematic comparison between Swarm-C accelerometer-derived thermospheric density and both empirical and physics-based model results using multiple model performance metrics is presented. This comparison is performed at the satellite's high temporal 10-s resolution, which provides a meaningful evaluation of the models' fidelity for orbit prediction and other space weather forecasting applications. The comparison against the physical model is influenced by the specification of the lower atmospheric forcing, the high-latitude ionospheric plasma convection, and solar activity. Some insights into the model response to thermosphere-driving mechanisms are obtained through a machine learning exercise. The results of this analysis show that the short-timescale variations observed by Swarm-C during periods of high solar and geomagnetic activity were better captured by the physics-based model than the empirical models. It is concluded that Swarm-C data agree well with the climatologies inherent within the models and are, therefore, a useful data set for further model validation and scientific research.Comment: https://goo.gl/n4QvU

    Analytical solution for dynamic response of curved rail subjected to moving train

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    The objective of this paper is to present an analytical solution for the dynamic response of curved rail. The detailed solution was derived for the out-of-plane vibration response of periodically supported curved Timoshenko beam subjected to moving loads. The accuracy of the solution was validated based on the results from previous study. Furthermore, the train/track interaction model was introduced into this solution to calculate the rail dynamic response in Beijing metro. The results presented herein indicated that the solution provided accurate results in comparison with both the result from previous study and the measurement data collected from Beijing metro and it can be used to derive the dynamic response for similar situations

    Asynchronous Proactive RSA

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    Nowadays, to model practical systems better, such as the Internet network and ad hoc networks, researchers usually regard these systems as asynchronous networks. Meanwhile, proactive secret sharing schemes are often employed to tolerate a mobile adversary. Considering both aspects, an asynchronous proactive threshold signature scheme is needed to keep computer systems secure. So far, two asynchronous proactive secret sharing schemes have been proposed. One is proposed by Zhou in 2001, which is for RSA schemes. The other scheme is proposed by Cachin in 2002, which is a proactive secret sharing scheme for discrete-log schemes. There exist several drawbacks in both schemes. In Zhou¡¯s scheme, the formal security proof of this scheme is missing. Furthermore, Zhou¡¯s scheme needs to resort to the system administrator as the trusted third party for further run when some Byzantine errors occur. In Cachin¡¯s scheme, the building block is based on the threshold RSA scheme proposed by Shoup. However, how to proactivize Shoup¡¯s scheme is omitted in Cachin¡¯s scheme, so this scheme is incomplete. In this paper, we present a complete provably secure asynchronous proactive RSA scheme (APRS). Our paper has four contributions. Firstly, we present a provably secure asynchronous verifiable secret sharing for RSA schemes (asynchronous verifiable additive secret sharing, AVASS), which is based on a verifiable additive secret sharing over integers. Secondly, we propose an asynchronous threshold RSA signature scheme that is based on the AVASS scheme and the random oracle model, and is capable of being proactivized. Thirdly, we present a provably secure threshold coin-tossing scheme on the basis of the above threshold RSA scheme. Fourthly, we propose an asynchronous proactive secret sharing based on the threshold RSA scheme and the coin-tossing scheme. Finally, combining the proactive secret sharing scheme and the threshold RSA scheme, we achieve a complete provably secure asynchronous proactive RSA scheme

    Effects of Elamipretide on Skeletal Muscle in Dogs with Experimentally Induced Heart Failure

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    AIMS: Elamipretide (ELAM), an aromatic-cationic tetrapeptide, interacts with cardiolipin and normalizes dysfunctional mitochondria of cardiomyocytes. This study examined the effects of ELAM on skeletal muscle mitochondria function in dogs with chronic heart failure (HF). METHODS AND RESULTS: Studies were performed in skeletal muscle biopsy specimens obtained from normal dogs (n = 7) and dogs with chronic intracoronary microembolization-induced HF (n = 14) treated with subcutaneous ELAM 0.5 mg/kg (HF + ELAM, n = 7) or vehicle (normal saline control, HF-CON, n = 7). After 3 months of therapy, triceps skeletal muscle samples were obtained from all dogs, and the proportion of type 1 and type 2 fibres was assessed. Mitochondria isolated from myofibrils of the vastus lateralis skeletal muscle exposed in vitro to ELAM for 1 h were used to assess mitochondrial function. The proportion of skeletal muscle type 1 fibres was lower in HF-CON dogs compared with normal dogs (23 ± 4 vs. 32 ± 5%, P \u3c 0.05). Treatment with ELAM restored a near-normal fibre-type composition (31 ± 7%, P \u3c 0.05 vs. HF-CON). Skeletal muscle mitochondria showed significantly lower levels of adenosine diphosphate-dependent mitochondrial respiration (100 ± 9 vs. 164 ± 15 natom O/min/mg protein, P \u3c 0.05), mitochondrial membrane potential (0.17 ± 0.03 vs. 0.53 ± 0.03 red/green fluorescence ratio, P \u3c 0.05), mitochondrial permeability transition pore (38 ± 3 vs. 62 ± 2 relative light units, P \u3c 0.05), maximum rate of adenosine triphosphate synthesis (3284 ± 418 vs. 8835 ± 423 RLU/μg protein, P \u3c 0.05), and cytochrome c oxidase activity (1390 ± 108 vs. 2459 ± 210 natom O/min/mg protein, P \u3c 0.05) compared with normal dogs. Exposure of skeletal muscle myofibrillar mitochondria from HF dogs to ELAM showed a dose-dependent improvement/normalization of all measures of mitochondrial function. In mitochondria from skeletal muscle of HF dogs exposed to 0.10 μM ELAM, adenosine diphosphate-dependent mitochondrial respiration increased to 183 ± 18 natom O/min/mg protein, membrane potential increased to 0.30 ± 0.03 red/green fluorescence ratio, mitochondrial permeability transition pore increased to 54 ± 4 RLU, maximum rate of adenosine triphosphate synthesis increased to 4423 ± 414, and cytochrome c oxidase activity increased to 2033 ± 191 natom O/min/mg protein. Exposure of skeletal muscle myofibrillar mitochondria from normal dogs to ELAM had no effect on mitochondrial function parameters. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that ELAM, previously shown to positively influence mitochondrial function of the failing heart, can also positively impact mitochondrial function of skeletal muscle and potentially help restore skeletal muscle function and improve exercise tolerance

    Advanced machine learning optimized by the genetic algorithm in ionospheric models using long-term multi-instrument observations

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    The ionospheric delay is of paramount importance to radio communication, satellite navigation and positioning. It is necessary to predict high-accuracy ionospheric peak parameters for single frequency receivers. In this study, the state-of-the-art artificial neural network (ANN) technique optimized by the genetic algorithm is used to develop global ionospheric models for predicting foF2 and hmF2. The models are based on long-term multiple measurements including ionospheric peak frequency model (GIPFM) and global ionospheric peak height model (GIPHM). Predictions of the GIPFM and GIPHM are compared with the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model in 2009 and 2013 respectively. This comparison shows that the root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) of GIPFM are 0.82 MHz and 0.71 MHz in 2013 and 2009, respectively. This result is about 20%-35% lower than that of IRI. Additionally, the corresponding hmF2 median errors of GIPHM are 20% to 30% smaller than that of IRI. Furthermore, the ANN models present a good capability to capture the global or regional ionospheric spatial-temporal characteristics, e.g., the equatorial ionization anomaly andWeddell Sea anomaly. The study shows that the ANN-based model has a better agreement to reference value than the IRI model, not only along the Greenwich meridian, but also on a global scale. The approach proposed in this study has the potential to be a new three-dimensional electron density model combined with the inclusion of the upcoming Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC-2) data
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