1 research outputs found

    Bio-Energy Generation: A Sustainable Environmental Technology for Waste Management

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    Abstract: -The paper reports prototype system has been developed, which is suitable for waste management. In Indian context Hostel & hotel industries increased vigorously during last two decades in most of the urban centers in India. The survey of some hostels, hotels showed that various kinds of solid wastes get generated and disposed off in nearby area without caring for any kind of treatment. These wastes can be grouped as Dry waste & Wet Waste. Amongst the various methodologies used for treating solid waste the reuse and / recycling methodology for dry waste whereas Biogas method for treatment of wet biodegradable solid waste found to be most suitable, feasible and economically viable method; It is eco friendly and purely natural process. The entire quantity of solid waste will get converted into biogas and NPK-rich organic manure. The process is very simple and. does not require highly technical personnel to operate it even to run in mega scale plants. The process is anaerobic decomposition of organic matter by a group of micro flora to produce biogas. It is alternative fuel for cooking, which will reduce the demand for fossil fuel. In this paper an Environmental Sound Technology (EST), pertaining to its experimental model with integration of various bio-systems discussed & a typical 25 cum Biogas digester is being design. Enhancing ecological literacy for waste material segregation at source