16 research outputs found

    Application of the reversed LISS-DF technique in an elderly patient to salvage infection-related failure of trochanteric fracture fixation.

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    Failure of cephalomedullary fixation in geriatric trochanteric fractures is a potential complication. Attempts have been made to optimize the implant fixation (e. g. cement augmentation) and several factors (e. g. malreduction, tip apex distance) have been identified as risk factors for failure. Nevertheless, if intramedullary fixation fails, it is often associated with bone defects in mostly preexisting poor bone-stock. Accordingly, conversion to total hip arthroplasty (THA) is recommended by some authors as the only valid treatment option. However, in specific situations (e. g. implant associated infection) conversion to THA might be less reasonable than an attempt to re-osteosynthesis. This article reports on the successful use of a reversed contralateral LISS-DF (LISS for the distal femur, DePuy Synthes, Zuchwil, Switzerland) application after failed cephalomedullary fixation and failed re-osteosynthesis using a blade plate in a trochanteric fracture in an elderly patient with additional implant associated infection

    Effect of C-Clamp Application on Hemodynamic Instability in Polytrauma Victims with Pelvic Fracture.

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    Background and Objectives: C-clamp application may reduce mortality in patients with unstable pelvic fractures and hemodynamic instability. Decreasing C-clamp use over the past decades may have resulted from concerns about its effectiveness and safety. The purpose of this study was to document effective hemodynamic stabilization after C-clamp application by means of vital parameters (primary outcome parameter), and the subsequent effect on metabolic indices and volume management (secondary outcome parameters). Materials and Methods: C-clamp application was performed between 2014 and 2021 for n = 13 patients (50 ± 18 years) with unstable pelvic fractures and hemodynamic instability. Vital parameters, metabolic indices, volume management, and the correlation of factors and potential changes were analyzed. Results: After C-clamp application, increases were measured in systolic blood pressure (+15 mmHg; p = 0.0284) and mean arterial pressure (+12 mmHg; p = 0.0157), and a reduction of volume requirements (p = 0.0266) and bolus vasoactive medication needs (p = 0.0081) were observed. The earlier C-clamp application was performed, the greater the effect (p < 0.05; r > 0.6). Heart rate, shock index, and end-tidal CO2 were not significantly altered. The extent of base deficit, hemoglobin, and lactate did not correlate with changes in vital parameters. Conclusions: In the majority of hemodynamically unstable trauma patients not responding to initial fluid resuscitation and severe pelvic fracture, early C-clamp application had an additive effect on hemodynamic stabilization and reduction in volume substitution. Based on these findings, there is still a rationale for considering early C-clamp stabilization in this group of severely injured patients

    The ideal site of cement application in cement augmented sacroiliac screw fixation: the biomechanical perspective.

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    PURPOSE To compare construct stability of cement augmented sacroiliac screws using two different cementation sites in a biomechanical fragility fracture model of the pelvis. METHODS A fracture model with an incomplete fracture of the sacral ala and complete fracture of the anterior pelvic ring mimicking a FFP IIB fragility fracture of the pelvis was established in five fresh frozen human cadaveric pelvises. Sacral fracture stabilization was achieved with bilateral 7.3 mm fully threaded sacroiliac screws. Cement augmentation was performed at the tip of the screw (body of S1; Group A) on one side, and at the midshaft of the screw (sacral ala; Group B) on the contralateral side. Biomechanical testing was conducted separately on both sides comprising cyclic loading of axial forces transferred through the tested hemipelvis from L5 to the ipsilateral acetabulum. Combined angular displacement in flexion and internal rotation ("gap angle"), angular displacement of the ilium in relation to the screw ("screw tilt ilium"), and screw tip cutout were evaluated. RESULTS Relative interfragmentary movements were associated with significantly higher values in group A versus group B for "gap angle" (2.4° vs. 1.4°; p < 0.001), and for "screw tilt ilium" (3.3° vs. 1.4°; p < 0.001), respectively. No significant difference was indicated for screw tip cutout between the two groups (0.6 mm [Group A] vs. 0.8 mm [Group B]; p = 0.376). CONCLUSION The present study demonstrated less fragment and screw displacements in a FFP IIB fracture model under physiologic cyclic loading by cement augmentation of sacroiliac screws at the level of the lateral mass compared to the center of vertebral body of S1

    Less invasive lumbopelvic stabilization of posterior pelvic ring instability: technique and preliminary results

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    Lumbopelvic distraction stabilization with (triangular osteosynthesis) or without additional iliosacral screw allows anatomic reduction of the posterior pelvic ring after severely displaced sacral fractures, correction or resection osteotomies of malunions, respectively, septic sacroiliitis and permits early weight bearing. However, this technique is complicated by wound necrosis or infection in up to 20% to 30%. We describe our experience with a less invasive technique

    The pararectus approach-a versatile option in pelvic musculoskeletal tumor surgery.

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    BACKGROUND Pelvic tumors are usually resected through the utilitarian pelvic incision, an extended ilioinguinal/iliofemoral approach. The pararectus approach, an intrapelvic anatomical approach with extraperitoneal access to the pelvis, has been established previously for the treatment of pelvic and acetabular fractures. However, it has not been used to address pelvic tumors. The study aimed at investigating the feasibility of this approach for pelvic tumor surgery and the possibilities of combining this approach with standard approaches to the hip joint. METHODS Thirteen patients that underwent pelvic tumor resections were retrospectively reviewed. Tumor resections were performed through the pararectus (n = 10) or extended pararectus approach (n = 3). In six of those cases, the pararectus approach was combined with extrapelvic approaches including the modified Gibson (n = 4), the Kocher-Langenbeck (n = 1), and the trochanteric flip approach (n = 1). The mean follow-up was 32.6 ± 9.1 months. RESULTS In all cases, the tumor resections were carried out according to the preoperative plan. In seven of 13 cases, wide resections were performed; six of 13 cases were planned close resections. Four cases of major complications were observed (vascular injury, deep infection, iliac vein thrombosis, total hip arthroplasty dislocation). Minor complications were observed in two cases. One tumor recurred locally. At the final follow-up, 10 patients were alive, eight of those without evidence of disease. CONCLUSION The study demonstrated the suitability of the pararectus approach for pelvic tumor resections. The possibility to combine the approach with standard approaches to the hip joint allowed for single-stage reconstructions of the pelvis and the hip joint without sacrificing surgical margins and function. The pararectus approach is a versatile option adding to the established approaches for musculoskeletal tumor surgery of the pelvis

    Corona mortis: clinical evaluation of prevalence, anatomy, and relevance in anterior approaches to the pelvis and acetabulum.

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    PURPOSE To evaluate the clinical prevalence, characteristics, and relevance of the corona mortis (CM) in anterior approaches to the pelvis and acetabulum. METHODS Retrospective analysis of 185 theater reports from patients (73 females; mean age 62.8 ± 17.2 years) who underwent surgeries for pelvic ring injuries, acetabular fractures, or combined injuries using anterior approaches (Modified Stoppa or Pararectus) at our institution between 01/2008 to 12/2022. During procedures, the CM was routinely identified, evaluated, and occluded. Bilateral exposure of the superior pubic branch in 25 cases led to 210 hemipelvises analyzed. EXCLUSIONS CM not mentioned in report and revisions via the initial approach. RESULTS In the 210 hemipelvises examined, the prevalence of any CM vessel was 81% (170/210). Venous anastomoses were found in 76% of hemipelvises (159/210), arterial in 22% (47/210). Sole venous anastomoses appeared in 59% (123/210), sole arterial in 5% (11/210). Both types coexisted in 17% (36/210), while 19% (40/210) had none. A single incidental CM injury occurred without significant bleeding. In ten cases, trauma had preoperatively ruptured the CM, but bleeding was readily managed. Females had a significantly higher CM prevalence than males (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION Our findings show a CM prevalence aligning more with anatomical studies than prior intraoperative series. Although we observed one incidental and ten trauma-related CM injuries, we did not encounter uncontrollable bleeding. Our data suggest that in anterior pelvic approaches, when the CM is actively identified and occluded, it is not associated with bleeding events, despite its high prevalence

    Table-mounted ring retractor for consistent visualization in endoscopy-assisted anterior reconstruction of burst fractures of the thoracolumbar junction

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    The authors tested an autoclavable external ring retractor, fixed to the operation table, for the endoscopic reconstruction of anterior column injuries of the thoracolumbar junction. It served as a retractor for the diaphragm, and offered a stable support for the scope and other instruments, making an assistant superfluous. Moreover, it allowed bimanual manipulation. Of course, the two-dimensional image, provided by the scope, necessitated proper eye-hand coordination. Twenty-eight consecutive patients underwent either a monosegmental (n = 10) or a bisegmental (n = 18) anterior stabilization in the area Th11L1. Three portals were necessary, but an assistant was not needed. The overall (mean +/- SD) operating time was 196 +/- 56 min, the blood loss was 804 +/- 719 mL. Intraoperatively, one epidural bleeding and a single screw cut-out occurred. All complications were managed endoscopically. Postoperatively, evacuation of a haemothorax (n = 1) was necessary. In all patients, wounds and fractures healed uneventfully. The combination of the endoscopic technique and the retractor system was feasible, successful, safe, and time efficient. Moreover, it allowed for anterior instrumentation of thoracolumbar fractures by a single surgeon. It became the standard approach in the authors' department

    Assessment of the Breakaway Torque at the Posterior Pelvic Ring in Human Cadavers

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    PURPOSE To enhance the diminished screw purchase in cancellous, osteoporotic bone following the fixation of posterior pelvic ring injuries by iliosacral screws an increased bone-implant contact area using modificated screws, techniques or bone cement may become necessary. The aim of the study was to identify sites within the pathway of iliosacral screws requiring modifications of the local bone or the design of instrumentations placed at this site. MATERIALS AND METHODS The breakaway torque was measured mechanically at the iliosacral joint ("ISJ"), the sacral lateral mass ("SLM") and the center of the S1 ("CS1"), at a superior and an inferior site under fluoroscopic control on five human cadaveric specimens (3 female; mean age 87 years, range: 76-99) using the DensiProbe™Spine device. RESULTS The measured median (range) breakaway torque was 0.63 Nm (0.31-2.52) at the "iliosacral joint", 0.14 Nm (0.05-1.22) at the "sacral lateral mass", 0.57 Nm (0.05-1.42) at the "S1 center." The "sacral lateral mass" breakaway torque was lower than compared to that at the "iliosacral joint" (p < .001) or "S1 center" (p < .001). The median (range) breakaway torque measured at all superior measurement points was 0.52 Nm (0.10-2.52), and 0.48 Nm (0.05-1.18) at all inferior sites. The observed difference was statistically significant (p < .05). CONCLUSIONS The lateral mass of the sacrum provides the lowest bone quality for implant anchorage. Iliosacral screws should be placed as superior as safely possible, should bridge the iliosacral joint and may allow for cement application at the lateral mass of the sacrum through perforations

    Complications related to cement leakage in sacroplasty

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    Data concerning the safety of sacroplasty in terms of cement leakage is scarce. Frequency, distribution patterns and clinical consequences of cement leakage were assessed in 33 patients (28 female, mean age: 74 +/- 10 yrs; bilateral SIF: n = 30, 63 sacroplasties) treated with sacroplasty between 06/2003 and 11/2010 in a retrospective study using patients' records, operative notes and postoperative radiographs. Cement leakage was noted within the fracture gap (27%), into veins (6%), neuroforamina (3%) or in the intervertebral disc space L5/S1 (2%). In one patient, cement leakage into the fracture gap led to unilateral radiculopathy of the 5th lumbar nerve root. Leakage into the fracture gap is at high risk of affecting the 5th lumbar nerve root due to the special course of its ventral branch over the sacral promontory. The risks of cement leakage with neurological impairment should be explained to patients

    Characteristics of Prehospital Death in Trauma Victims.

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    BACKGROUND Using Injury Severity Score (ISS) data, this study aimed to give an overview of trauma mechanisms, causes of death, injury patterns, and potential survivability in prehospital trauma victims. METHODS Age, gender, trauma mechanism, cause of death, and ISS data were recorded regarding forensic autopsies and whole-body postmortem CT. Characteristics were analyzed for injuries considered potentially survivable at cutoffs of (I) ISS ≤ 75 vs. ISS = 75, (II) ISS ≤ 49 vs. ISS ≥ 50, and (III) ISS LD50 according to Bull's probit model. RESULTS In n = 130 prehospital trauma victims (45.3 ± 19.5 years), median ISS was 66. Severity of injuries to the head/neck and chest was greater compared to other regions (p < 0.001). 52% died from central nervous system (CNS) injury. Increasing injury severity in head/neck region was associated with CNS-injury related death (odds ratio (OR) 2.7, confidence interval (CI) 1.8-4.4). Potentially survivable trauma was identified in (I) 56%, (II) 22%, and (III) 9%. Victims with ISS ≤ 75, ISS ≤ 49, and ISS < LD50 had lower injury severity across most ISS body regions compared to their respective counterparts (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION In prehospital trauma victims, injury severity is high. Lethal injuries predominate in the head/neck and chest regions and are associated with CNS-related death. The appreciable amount (9-56%) of victims dying at presumably survivable injury severity encourages perpetual efforts for improvement in the rescue of highly traumatized patients