301 research outputs found

    Studies on the Water-Holding Capacity of Pork : I. Effect of various food additives on the water-holding capacity of pork and on the distribution of muscle proteins existing in sol state in pork

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    各種食品添加物が塩漬豚肉の保水性と肉中ゾル状筋タンパク質の分布におよぼす影響を明らかにするため豚肉の背最長筋を用い研究が行なわれた.今回の実験で得られた結果の要点はつぎのとおりである. 1. 豚肉に食塩2.00%を添加し塩漬した場合,肉の保水性と肉中ゾル状筋タンパク質の全タンパク質,ミオシンおよびアクトミオシンなどが無添加のものに比較し著しく増加した.また硝酸カリウム0.10%,亜硝酸ナトリウム0.02%を食塩2.00%と共に混合添加した場合は,食塩2.00%だけ添加したものよりやや低値を示した. 2. 豚肉にソルビン酸カリウム0.20%を添加し塩漬した場合,保水性とゾル状に存在する筋タンパク質の量は,これらを添加しないものに比較しやや増加することが認められたが,AF-2 0.025%を添加した場合は変化が認められなかった. 3. 豚肉にピロリン酸ナトリウム0.30%,トリポリリン酸ナトリウム0.30%,ヘキサメタリン酸ナトリウム0.30%を,それぞれ添加し塩漬した場合,いずれの場合も肉の保水性,ゾル状筋タンパク質および肉のpHが著しく増加した.特にトリポリリン酸塩の作用効果が一番顕著で,つづいてピロリン酸ナトリウム,ヘキサメタリン酸ナトリウムの順であった. 4. 豚肉にアスコルビン酸ナトリウム0.03%,エリソルビン酸ナトリウム0.03%を添加し塩漬した場合,肉の保水性に顕著な変化は認められなかったが,肉中ゾル状筋タンパク質の分布において,全タンパク質,アクトミオシンがやや増加しミオシンはかなり減少した. 5. 豚肉にエリソルビン酸ナトリウム0.03%,トリポリリン酸ナトリウム0.30%,ソルビン酸カリウム0.20%,AF-2 0.025%を混合添加し塩漬した場合,肉中のゾル状に存在する筋タンパク質,肉の保水性およびpHが大いに増加した.特にゾル状のアクトミオシンの増加が顕著であった. 以上の結果から,豚肉に各種食品添加物,特に食塩とポリリン酸塩の混合添加により肉のpH,保水性は顕著に増加することが認められ,この場合肉中ゾル状に存在する全タンパク質,ミオシン,アクトミオシンなどが増加し肉の保水性を増加するものと思考され,特にアクトミオシンの増加と肉の保水性との間には密接な関連が認められた.The effect of various food additives on the water holding capacity (WHC) and on the distribution of muscle protein existing in sol state was studied with the M. longissimus dorsi of cured pork. 1) The WHC and the amount of sol state of muscle protein (total protein, myosin, actomyosin) in pork increased markedly by the addition of 2.00% sodium chloride. On the other hand, a mixture of 0.10% potassium nitrate, 0.02% sodium nitrite and 2.00% sodium chloride decreased slightly the WHC and the amount of sol state of muscle protein. 2) The WHC and the amount of muscle protein in sol state increased slightly by the addition of 0.20% potassium sorbate in cured pork, but was not affected by an addition of AF-2. 3) The WHC, the amount of muscle protein and the pH increased markedly by the separate addition of 0.30% sodium pyrophosphate, 0.30% sodium tripolyphosphate and 0.30% sodium hexametaphosphate in cured pork. However, the effect was highest with 0.30% sodium tripolyphosphate, followed by 0.30% sodium pyrophosphate and 0.30% sodium hexametaphosphate. 4) The addition of 0.03% sodium ascorbate and 0.03% sodium erythorbate in cured pork did not affect the WHC, but increased the total protein and actomyosin slightly, while decreasing the myosin considerably. 5) A combination of 0.03% sodium erythorbate, 0.30% sodium tripolyphosphate, 0.20% potassium sorbate and 0.025% AF-2 in cured pork produced a marked increase in the pH, the WHC and in the amount of muscle protein, particularly actomyosin. In general, the addition of food additives, especially a combination of sodium chloride and sodium polyphosphate increased the amount of sol state of muscle protein, the pH and WHC. The WHC of cured pork is supposed to increase through the increasing of the amount of muscle protein, especially actomyosin.本報の要旨は,第62回日本畜産学会大会(昭和48年8月,岩手大学)において発表した

    A Case of Hypereosinophilic Syndrome with Bladder Involvement in a 7-Year-Old Boy

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    Hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) is characterized by the presense of hypereosinophilia with evidence of target organ damage. We report a patient diagnosed with eosinophilic cystitis and HES. A 7 year old boy had hematuria, dysuria, and increased urinary frequency for 1 day. Laboratory examinations revealed hypereosinophilia (eosinophils, 2,058/µL), hematuria, and proteinuria. Abdominal sonography revealed diffuse and severe wall thickening of the bladder. The patient was treated initially with antibiotics. However, his symptoms did not improve after 7 days. A computed tomography scan demonstrated severe wall thickening of the bladder and the hypereosinophilia persisted (eosinophils, 2,985/µL). The patient complained of chest discomfort, dyspnea, epigastric pain, and vomiting on hospital day 10. Parasitic, allergic, malignancy, rheumatologic, and immune workups revealed no abnormal findings. Chest X-rays, electrocardiography, and a pulmonary function test were normal; however, the hypereosinophilia was aggravated (eosinophils, 3,934/µL). Oral deflazacort was administered. A cystoscopic biopsy showed chronic inflammation with eosinophilic infiltration. The patient’s respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary symptoms improved after 6 days of steroids, and he was discharged. The eosinophil count decreased dramatically (182/µL). The hypereosinophilia waxed and waned for 7 months, and the oral steroids were tapered and stopped. This case describes a patient diagnosed with eosinophilic cystitis and HES

    Electric field control of nonvolatile four-state magnetization at room temperature

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    We find the realization of large converse magnetoelectric (ME) effects at room temperature in a multiferroic hexaferrite Ba0.52_{0.52}Sr2.48_{2.48}Co2_{2}Fe24_{24}O41_{41} single crystal, in which rapid change of electric polarization in low magnetic fields (about 5 mT) is coined to a large ME susceptibility of 3200 ps/m. The modulation of magnetization then reaches up to 0.62 μ\muB_{B}/f.u. in an electric field of 1.14 MV/m. We find further that four ME states induced by different ME poling exhibit unique, nonvolatile magnetization versus electric field curves, which can be approximately described by an effective free energy with a distinct set of ME coefficients

    Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation of Unusual Lingual Masses: Part II: Benign and Malignant Tumors

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    Because the tongue is superficially located and the initial manifestation of most diseases occurring there is mucosal change, lingual lesionscan be easily accessed and diagnosed without imaging analysis. Some lingual neoplasms, however, may manifest as a submucosal bulge and be located in a deep portion of the tongue, such as its base; their true characteristics and extent may be recognized only on cross-sectional images such as those obtained by CT or MRI

    Tailored Graphene Micropatterns by Wafer-Scale Direct Transfer for Flexible Chemical Sensor Platform

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    2D materials, such as graphene, exhibit great potential as functional materials for numerous novel applications due to their excellent properties. The grafting of conventional micropatterning techniques on new types of electronic devices is required to fully utilize the unique nature of graphene. However, the conventional lithography and polymer-supported transfer methods often induce the contamination and damage of the graphene surface due to polymer residues and harsh wet-transfer conditions. Herein, a novel strategy to obtain micropatterned graphene on polymer substrates using a direct curing process is demonstrated. Employing this method, entirely flexible, transparent, well-defined self-activated graphene sensor arrays, capable of gas discrimination without external heating, are fabricated on 4 in. wafer-scale substrates. Finite element method simulations show the potential of this patterning technique to maximize the performance of the sensor devices when the active channels of the 2D material are suspended and nanoscaled. This study contributes considerably to the development of flexible functional electronic devices based on 2D materials.

    Experience of non-vascular complications following endovascular aneurysm repair for abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    Endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) for the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a widely used method, and its decreased invasiveness compared to traditional surgical repair has brought about reduced rates of morbidity and mortality. Several vascular complications related to the procedure have been reported, but non-vascular complications have rarely occurred. We report herein the case of a 78-year-old man who underwent EVAR for AAA and presented with active duodenal ulcer bleeding and acute acalculous cholecystitis as complications after the procedure. We must consider that a wide spectrum of complications may occur following EVAR, and therefore it is important to evaluate the risks of complication and to take the necessary measures to minimize them