12 research outputs found

    Evidence That Ternary Complex (eIF2-GTP-tRNA(i)(Met))–Deficient Preinitiation Complexes Are Core Constituents of Mammalian Stress Granules

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    Environmental stress-induced phosphorylation of eIF2α inhibits protein translation by reducing the availability of eIF2-GTP-tRNA(i)Met, the ternary complex that joins initiator tRNA(Met) to the 43S preinitiation complex. The resulting untranslated mRNA is dynamically routed to discrete cytoplasmic foci known as stress granules (SGs), a process requiring the related RNA-binding proteins TIA-1 and TIAR. SGs appear to be in equilibrium with polysomes, but the nature of this relationship is obscure. We now show that most components of the 48S preinitiation complex (i.e., small, but not large, ribosomal subunits, eIF3, eIF4E, eIF4G) are coordinately recruited to SGs in arsenite-stressed cells. In contrast, eIF2 is not a component of newly assembled SGs. Cells expressing a phosphomimetic mutant (S51D) of eIF2α assemble SGs of similar composition, confirming that the recruitment of these factors is a direct consequence of blocked translational initiation and not due to other effects of arsenite. Surprisingly, phospho-eIF2α is recruited to SGs that are disassembling in cells recovering from arsenite-induced stress. We discuss these results in the context of a translational checkpoint model wherein TIA and eIF2 are functional antagonists of translational initiation, and in which lack of ternary complex drives SG assembly

    Sum1, a Component of the Fission Yeast eIF3 Translation Initiation Complex, Is Rapidly Relocalized During Environmental Stress and Interacts with Components of the 26S Proteasome

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    Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is a multisubunit complex that plays a central role in translation initiation. We show that fission yeast Sum1, which is structurally related to known eIF3 subunits in other species, is essential for translation initiation, whereas its overexpression results in reduced global translation. Sum1 is associated with the 40S ribosome and interacts stably with Int6, an eIF3 component, in vivo, suggesting that Sum1 is a component of the eIF3 complex. Sum1 is cytoplasmic under normal growth conditions. Surprisingly, Sum1 is rapidly relocalized to cytoplasmic foci after osmotic and thermal stress. Int6 and p116, another putative eIF3 subunit, behave similarly, suggesting that eIF3 is a dynamic complex. These cytoplasmic foci, which additionally comprise eIF4E and RNA components, may function as translation centers during environmental stress. After heat shock, Sum1 additionally colocalizes stably with the 26S proteasome at the nuclear periphery. The relationship between Sum1 and the 26S proteasome was further investigated, and we find cytoplasmic Sum1 localization to be dependent on the 26S proteasome. Furthermore, Sum1 interacts with the Mts2 and Mts4 components of the 26S proteasome. These data indicate a functional link between components of the structurally related eIF3 translation initiation and 26S proteasome complexes