38 research outputs found

    Voltage control coordination of distributed generators in cell-based active networks

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    This paper gives an introduction on the Cell-based Active Network (CBAN), a potential system concept for future distribution networks. One of its functions, to deal with limiting the network voltage changes, is focused on with a proposed control scheme. This is based on an appropriate dispatch of DG’s active and reactive power which is implemented autonomously within cells (feeders) of the CBAN. The test results show that the voltage regulation in the CBAN can help to control and mitigate voltage deviations effectively. The simulations are performed with a detailed model of a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG)

    Une méthode de couplage éléments finis-conditions absorbantes de type-padé pour les problèmes de diffraction acoustique

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    Nous nous intéressons aux problèmes harmoniques de diffraction acoustique en milieu infini régis par l'équation de Helmholtz. La simulation numérique de ces phénomènes est complexe notamment lorsqu'il est question de fréquences élevées et d'obstacles de forme allongée tel qu'un sous-marin. Les codes éléments finis commerciaux sont incapables de cerner tous les aspects liés à ce type de problèmes. De plus, ce genre d'applications fait appel à de grandes ressources de calcul. En effet, la taille du système d'équations à résoudre (plusieurs millions de ddl) engendre souvent l'épuisement des ressources des calculateurs traditionnels. Notre objectif est de solutionner ce type de problèmes avec une précision pratique en utilisant le minimum de ressources. Nous proposons ainsi une méthode de couplage éléments finis de type Lagrange et à base d'ondes planes avec les conditions absorbantes d'ordre élevé basées sur les approximants complexes de Padé. A travers une série d'expériences numériques, nous montrons l'efficacité de ces conditions absorbantes en comparaison avec les conditions absorbantes de Bayliss-Gunzburger-Turkel d'ordre deux implémentées dans les codes commerciaux. La méthodologie proposée permet non seulement une réduction de la taille du domaine de calcul sans dégradation de la précision mais conduit également à la résolution de systèmes d'équations de taille relativement réduite

    Real-time dispatch of a portfolio with intermittent generation via model predictive control

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    Most renewable energy sources are intermittent by nature and limited controllable and therefore increase the risk of increment imbalance when integrated in the production portfolio. When imbalance increases, higher imbalance fees are payed to the Transmission System Operator (TSO) and will result in higher incremental costs. This study is to determine the influence of an intelligent dispatch of the production portfolio of Electrabel NL on the imbalance reduction and economic dispatch. The result is an cost comparison based on a number of normal operating days The second part evaluates the influence of the integration of 5%, 15%, and 25% of intermittent sources in the production portfolio. There are three scenarios simulated: no forecasting, persistence forecasting and perfect forecasting of the wind power output

    Comparative analysis of the switched reluctance motor as an alternative to the permanent magnet motor for automotive applications

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    This paper presents comparative analysis of several configurations of the switched reluctance motor (SRM) for In-wheel drive of the automotive series hybrid system. The SRM motor is regarded as the primary candidate for possible replacement of the permanent magnet (PM) motor. The analysis is performed using magnetostatic FEM and transient modelling techniques

    Voltage control in distribution networks using fast model predictive control

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    Voltage control is a growing issue in distribution networks operation, due to the increase in load and also distributed generation. In this work model predictive control (MPC) is proposed as a better solution as compared to conventional ones to deal with this problem. A fast MPC algorithm is used to allow online optimization of voltage profile. the algorithm is tested on a 20 kV distribution network

    B-Spline neural network approach to inverse problems in switched reluctance motor optimal design

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    This paper presents a novel strategy of switched reluctance motor optimal design. The strategy is based on the so called flux linkage characteristic. The flux linkage characteristic contains most of the information of the machine and thus could be regarded as the "footprint" of the machine performance. In this work, first the desired flux linkage characteristic is identified, and then the optimal design parameters are sought after starting form this "idealized characteristic". This could be regarded as an inverse problem. In this paper, neural networks are proposed to identify the mapping between the design variables and the flux linkage curve of the machine, and thus overcoming the nonlinearities that are inherent to this type of problems. Finite elements analysis is used to validate this approach

    Taking the experience from flexible AC transmission systems to flexible AC distribution systems

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    FACTS (flexible AC transmission systems) devices are today a well known technology and the existing installations give some good examples of the state of the art of such power electronics based devices. It will be expected that such technology could also be used to solve problems in the distribution system caused by a high penetration level of distributed generation (DG). The aim of this paper is to outline possible applications of the existing FACTS into the distribution system. So taking the experience from a flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) to a flexible AC distribution system (FACDS)

    Voltage control in distribution networks using fast model predictive control

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    Voltage control is a growing issue in distribution networks operation, due to the increase in load and also distributed generation. In this work model predictive control (MPC) is proposed as a better solution as compared to conventional ones to deal with this problem. A fast MPC algorithm is used to allow online optimization of voltage profile. the algorithm is tested on a 20 kV distribution network