6,143 research outputs found

    On the mean values of L-functions in orthogonal and symplectic families

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    Hybrid Euler-Hadamard products have previously been studied for the Riemann zeta function on its critical line and for Dirichlet L-functions in the context of the calculation of moments and connections with Random Matrix Theory. According to the Katz-Sarnak classification, these are believed to represent families of L-function with unitary symmetry. We here extend the formalism to families with orthogonal & symplectic symmetry. Specifically, we establish formulae for real quadratic Dirichlet L-functions and for the L-functions associated with primitive Hecke eigenforms of weight 2 in terms of partial Euler and Hadamard products. We then prove asymptotic formulae for some moments of these partial products and make general conjectures based on results for the moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices

    Random matrices and quantum spin chains

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    Random matrix ensembles are introduced that respect the local tensor structure of Hamiltonians describing a chain of nn distinguishable spin-half particles with nearest-neighbour interactions. We prove a central limit theorem for the density of states when n→∞n \rightarrow\infty, giving explicit bounds on the rate of approach to the limit. Universality within a class of probability measures and the extension to more general interaction geometries are established. The level spacing distributions of the Gaussian Orthogonal, Unitary and Symplectic Ensembles are observed numerically for the energy levels in these ensembles.Comment: Updated figures, as accepted in 'Markov Processes and Related Fields' on 3 March 201

    Spectra and eigenstates of spin chain Hamiltonians

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    We prove that translationally invariant Hamiltonians of a chain of nn qubits with nearest-neighbour interactions have two seemingly contradictory features. Firstly in the limit n→∞n\rightarrow\infty we show that any translationally invariant Hamiltonian of a chain of nn qubits has an eigenbasis such that almost all eigenstates have maximal entanglement between fixed-size sub-blocks of qubits and the rest of the system; in this sense these eigenstates are like those of completely general Hamiltonians (i.e. Hamiltonians with interactions of all orders between arbitrary groups of qubits). Secondly in the limit n→∞n\rightarrow\infty we show that any nearest-neighbour Hamiltonian of a chain of nn qubits has a Gaussian density of states; thus as far as the eigenvalues are concerned the system is like a non-interacting one. The comparison applies to chains of qubits with translationally invariant nearest-neighbour interactions, but we show that it is extendible to much more general systems (both in terms of the local dimension and the geometry of interaction). Numerical evidence is also presented which suggests that the translational invariance condition may be dropped in the case of nearest-neighbour chains.Comment: Updated figures, as accepted in 'Communications in Mathematical Physics' on 5 January 201

    Passion & Purpose: Raising the Fiscal Fitness Bar for Massachusetts Nonprofits

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    Presents data on and financial analyses of the state's nonprofit sector by organization type, budget, focus area, and location. Recommends better financial stewardship, restructuring, repositioning, and reinvestment to enhance nonprofits' sustainability

    On the variance of sums of arithmetic functions over primes in short intervals and pair correlation for L-functions in the Selberg class

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    We establish the equivalence of conjectures concerning the pair correlation of zeros of LL-functions in the Selberg class and the variances of sums of a related class of arithmetic functions over primes in short intervals. This extends the results of Goldston & Montgomery [7] and Montgomery & Soundararajan [11] for the Riemann zeta-function to other LL-functions in the Selberg class. Our approach is based on the statistics of the zeros because the analogue of the Hardy-Littlewood conjecture for the auto-correlation of the arithmetic functions we consider is not available in general. One of our main findings is that the variances of sums of these arithmetic functions over primes in short intervals have a different form when the degree of the associated LL-functions is 2 or higher to that which holds when the degree is 1 (e.g. the Riemann zeta-function). Specifically, when the degree is 2 or higher there are two regimes in which the variances take qualitatively different forms, whilst in the degree-1 case there is a single regime
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