11 research outputs found

    Involvement of Bird-related IgG Antibodies in Interstitial Pneumonia

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    Background and Objective:Chronic interstitial pneumonia (IP) might include chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) and chronic bird-related hypersensitivity pneumonitis (BRHP). A specific antigen is difficult to identify in these diseases, and such evidence would provide important clues suggesting a diagnosis of HP. In this study, we used an ImmunoCAP analysis system to measure specific IgG antibodies against pigeons and budgerigars in the sera of patients with IP and investigated the involvement of bird-related IgG antibodies in IP.Methods:The study group comprised 22 patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), 8 with chronic IP, 7 with subacute HP, 7 with chronic HP, and 10 with control diseases. All cases were diagnosed from 2000 through 2011 at the Institute of Pulmonary Medicine and Clinical Immunology, Dokkyo Medical University. Clinical features, results of laboratory examinations, and levels of serum IgG antibodies against pigeons and budgerigars were compared.Results:There were no significant differences among the disease groups in C-reactive protein, leukocyte count, lactate dehydrogenase, and the results of blood gas analysis. KL-6 and surfactant protein D were significantly higher in subacute HP and chronic HP. The levels of anti-pigeon IgG antibodies and anti-budgerigar IgG antibodies in each disease group were respectively as follows:IPF, 11.02±5.97&#8200;mg/l, 5.03±3.97&#8200;mg/l;chronic IP, 10.04±8.55&#8200;mg/l, 3.30±1.47&#8200;mg/l;subacute HP, 14.39±9.13&#8200;mg/l, 7.96±6.47&#8200;mg/l;chronic HP, 24.97±16.19&#8200;mg/l, 11.50±13.80&#8200;mg/l;and control diseases, 8.66±3.15&#8200;mg/l, 3.77±1.05&#8200;mg/l. The mean levels of anti-pigeon IgG antibodies and anti-budgerigar IgG antibodies were significantly higher in chronic HP. There was a positive correlation between anti-pigeon IgG antibodies and anti-budgerigar IgG antibodies (R2 = 0.715, p<0.001). Conclusions:In patients with clinically diagnosed chronic HP, high levels of anti-pigeon IgG antibodies or anti-budgerigar IgG antibodies were confirmed using an ImmunoCAP analysis system. In general, HP (especially chronic HP) is difficult to diagnose definitively, and this analysis system is expected to facilitate diagnosis

    ソウキ ノ ゼンシン ステロイド リョウホウ ニヨリ キドウ ノ ハンコン キョウサク オ カイヒ デキタ キカンシ ケッカク ノ 1ショウレイ

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    35歳男性.入院約6週前より喀痰,咳嗽出現.数日前に左上肺空洞影指摘,喀痰中抗酸菌(3+)検出され入院.INH,RFP,PZA 及びEB による標準化学療法が開始された.咳嗽,呼吸困難,両肺野狭窄音聴取及び多量排菌持続し,気管支鏡所見上気管&#12316;両側主気管支に隆起性潰瘍病変を認め,気管支結核を確定.高度の呼吸器症状遷延のため中等量のステロイド点滴投与を開始し,症状ならびに気道粘膜病変は改善した.高率に気管・気管支瘢痕収縮へ移行しうる気道粘膜像であったが,中等量の全身ステロイド療法により回避された.気道瘢痕狭窄回避のため,気管支結核活動性病変には中等量以上の全身ステロイド療法を考慮すべきと考えられた.A 35-year-old man admitted to the hospital because of acavitary lesion in the lung and acid-fast bacilli (AFB) (3+) in a sputum specimen, a polymerase-chain-reaction ofwhich revealed positive for M. tuberculosis. He had beenwell until approximately 6 weeks before admission, whenproductive cough developed. He also had temperature of upto 38 ℃, hoarseness, and shortness of breath couple of daysbefore. Intractable cough, dyspnea, wheeze in both lungfields, and numerous AFB in a sputum sustained, despiteprompt introduction of conventional chemotherapy containingINH, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. Diagnosisof EBTB was confirmed by fibroptic bronchoscopy,which revealed granulomatous ulceration in the mucosa oftrachea and both main bronchi. Accordingly, intravenousmedium-dose methylprednisolone was administered, resultingrelief from serious respiratory manifestation and avoidanceof cicatricial stenosis of trachea and bronchi. This outcomesuggested that the current early intervention withglucocorticoid should be considered in serious active lesionof tracheal and bronchial mucosa in patients with EBTB

    キョウクウ センパ ニヨル ノウキョウ ガッペイ オ ミトメタ セイジュクガタ ジュウカク キケイシュ ノ 1レイ

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    症例は16 歳女性,咳嗽,発熱,左前胸部痛を主訴に来院.胸部CT にて内部不均一な径7 cm の前縦隔腫瘍及び左舌区・下葉の完全無気肺を確認,また,MRI にて前縦隔腫瘍内に脂肪組織と同一の吸収域を認め,成熟型奇形腫穿破による膿胸と診断.膿胸に対し胸腔内繊維素溶解療法,ドレナージ及び抗生剤にて加療,膿胸改善を確認した上で,前縦隔腫瘍摘出術施行,病理にて嚢胞性成熟型奇形腫と診断した.病理組織にて膵類似の腺組織を確認,穿破の原因として,腫瘍内膵酵素の存在が考えられた.成熟型縦隔奇形腫は穿破により重篤な合併症発生の危険性があり,また経過中悪性転化する可能性もあることから,早期の外科治療が重要と考えられた.A 16-year-old female visited our hospital, complaining ofcough, fever, and left precordial pain. Chest computed tomographyshowed a heterogeneous anterior mediastinal tumormeasuring 7 cm in diameter and complete atelectasis inthe lingula and lower lobe of the left lung. Magnetic resonanceimaging also showed an area of intensity identical tothat of adipose tissue in the anterior mediastinal tumor.Thus, empyema due to rupture of a mature teratoma wasdiagnosed. The empyema was treated with intra-pleural fibrinolytictherapy, drainage, and antibiotics. After confirmingresolution of the empyema, we resected the anteriormediastinal tumor and pathologically diagnosed it as cysticmature teratoma. Histopathological examination showedglandular tissue resembling the pancreas, suggesting thatthe rupture had been caused by pancreatic enzymes in thetumor. Mediastinal mature teratoma carries a risk of seriouscomplications developing due to rupture and the possibilityof malignant transformation during the diseasecourse. Thus, early surgical treatment is important

    ドッキョウ イカ ダイガク ビョウイン コキュウキ・アレルギー ナイカ ニオケル HIVカンセン カンジャ ノ カイセキ : トクニ ニューモシスチス ハイエン ノ ガッペイ レイ ニ ツイテ

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    獨協医科大学病院呼吸器・アレルギー内科を受診したHIV感染者を解析し,わが国および栃木県のHIV 感染者との比較検討を行った.対象は,2002年7月より2009年6月までの間,当科に受診歴のある34名(男27名,女7名,日本人29名,外国人5名),平均年齢は44.2歳(29歳&#12316;67歳).男性の感染理由は,異性間(風俗,不特定)40.7%,同性間37.0%,女性はパートナーからの感染が57.1 %であった.64.7%がAIDS 発症によりHIV感染が判明し,HIV感染判明時の精査では79.4%がAIDSを発症しており,全症例の55.9%にニューモシスチス肺炎の合併を認めた.治療開始が推奨されているCD4陽性細胞低値(350/m l以下)は,97.1%の症例に認めた.以上の結果より,感染理由や年齢層については,全国の平均と同様な傾向を認めた.全国的には,HIV感染判明者の約7割がAIDS 発病前のキャリアの状態でHIV 感染が判明し,栃木県でも同様の傾向である.しかし,当科では大多数がAIDS 発症後およびAIDS 発症直前の低免疫状態でHIV 感染が判明しており,早期発見および早期介入が課題と考えられた.To be clear the clinical characteristics in Tochigi, we analyzedpatients with HIV infection in our department. Patientswith HIV infection between July 2002 and June 2009were 34 subjects (Man:Woman=27:7, Japanese:Foreigner=29:5), and mean age was 44.2 years old. In reasonof HIV infection for men, men who were infected by sexualintercourse with indefinite women were 40.7 % and menwho were infected by sexual intercourse with men were37.0 %. Women who were infected by their partners were57.1 %. 64.7 % of patients were recognized HIV infection byshowing AIDS. 79.4% of patients already had complicationsindicating AIDS, when they came to our hospital, and 55.9% of patients had pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia. In 97.1% of patients, the number of CD4 positive cells were under350/m l. In conclusion, around 70 % of patients were recognizedHIV infection before they become AIDS in Japan. But,a large majority of patients in our department were withbecoming AIDS or just before AIDS. We need to developthe system of early intervention for HIV infection

    IgE サンセイ ニ アタエル コウサンキュウ ジョウ リガンド ノ ヤクワリ

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    気管支喘息は気道への好酸球を中心とする慢性アレルギー性炎症性疾患として認識され,その患者は各種IgE抗体を発現し,対応するアレルゲン暴露により気道にIgEを介するアレルギー性炎症が惹起される.一方,CD40LigandはTリンパ球,肥満細胞などに発現し,CD40との伝達を介してBリンパ球のIgE産生細胞への分化,増殖に働いており,IgE産生において重要な働きをしている.しかし好酸球におけるCD40Ligand発現とIgE産生へ役割は明確ではない.我々は気管支喘息患者末梢血好酸球のCD40Ligand発現とそれがBリンパ球IgE産生誘導に与える影響について検討した.(方法)気管支喘息患者末梢血より好酸球を分離精製し,各種サイトカインで刺激しCD40L発現を検討した.また精製Bリンパ球と混合培養し上清中のIgEを測定した,(結果)気管支喘息患者群の末梢血好酸球は健常者群に比較し優位にCD40Ligandを発現し,またBリンパ球は好酸球との混合培養によりIL-4,IL-13存在下にIgEを産生した.(考案)気管支喘息患者好酸球はTリンパ球とは別個に独立してBリンパ球のIgE産生に関与する可能性が示唆された.Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airway.The accumulation of eosinophils in the airway is one of characteristic seen in patients with bronchial asthma. Asthmatic patients have a large number of IgE antibodies to environmental allergens. The exposure of these allergens induces IgE mediated allergic inflammation in the airway. Allergic reaction is a most important aspect of airway inflammation of the bronchial asthma. It is well known that CD40/CD40-Ligand interaction is a key factor for IgE production. CD40-Ligand, a surface molecule which can be expressed by T cells, mast cells and basophils has been shown to be involved in the control of B cell proliferation. We have observed following in vitro study. It have been shown that freshly isolated eosinophils from asthmatic subjects can be induced to express CD40-Ligand but not from normal controls. IgE synthesis can be induced by the interaction of B cells with eosinophils in the presence of exogenous IL-13. These result suggest that eosinophils can induce the production of IgE, independently of T cells