10 research outputs found

    Circulating microRNAs as a potential diagnostic marker in chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer

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    Introduction. We evaluated the expression of selected circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) in chronic pancreatitis (CP), pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), and colorectal cancer (CRC) patients and healthy volunteers to test for differences in their levels and potential use as biomarkers.  Material and methods. A study of plasma miRNAs expression was performed in 88 patients: 40 (45%) CP patients, 20 (23%) PDAC patients, and 28 (32%) CRC patients. Expression of miRNA-17-5p, miRNA-93-5p, miRNA-320a-5p, miRNA-519d-3p, miRNA-526b-3p, and miRNA-5590-3p was assessed by the qRT-PCR method.  Results. Higher expression of miRNA-93-5p was observed in patients with PDAC (p = 0.02) and CRC (p = 0.005) compared to healthy individuals. Lower expression of miRNA-519d-3p was found in PC (p = 0.01) and PDAC (p = 0.02) compared to healthy volunteers. Higher expression of miRNA-93-5p was observed in patients with CP who had a higher concentration of CA-19-9 compared to patients with a low level or unknown status of this marker (p = 0.03). Examination of miRNA-519-3p expression distinguished patients with CP from healthy volunteers with sensitivity and specificity of 60% and 80%, respectively. Testing miRNA-93-5p and miRNA-519 expression distinguished PDAC patients and healthy participants with sensitivity and specificity of 60% and 77% (for miRNA-93-5p examination), as well as 59% and 79% (for miRNA-519-3p examination). Examination of miRNA-17 and miRNA-93-5p distinguished CRC patients and healthy donors. Sensitivity and specificity of this test were 78% and 50% for miRNA-17 examination, as well as 78% and 80% for miRNA-93-5p examination.  Conclusions. Our data indicate that miRNA-93, miRNA-17, and miRNA-519 demonstrate potential as biomarker molecules in the diagnosis of CP, PDAC, and CRC.

    HLHS – wrodzona wada serca na materiale Kliniki Patologii Ciąży w latach 2001-2007

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    Abstract Background: HLHS (hypoplastic left heart syndrome) is a serious congenital heart defect. In neonates with congenital heart disease HLHS accounts for nearly 25% of neonatal deaths. The etiology of HLHS is unknown. At present we expect to have those cases diagnosed in the second trimester of pregnancy. Aim: The main aim was to find the rate and outcome of the congenital heart defect – left heart hypoplasia (HLHS). Material and methods: All cases of this heart defect found in the High Risk Pregnancy Clinic in 2001-2007 were presented. Twice the congenital malformation was diagnosed after delivery and once during pregnancy - in the second trimester. All babies were delivered between 38 and 39 weeks of pregnancy, one by the spontaneous normal delivery, one by elective caesarean section and one by emergency caesarean section because of fetal distress during the delivery. All of the newborns were transported to the Pediatric Cardio surgery Unit of M.U. and operated in first weeks after delivery. Results: In two cases the operation was complicated and children died due to the cardiac arrest. One of the babies died before surgical correction. Two of the women, whose babies died after the operation gave birth to healthy newborns with no cardiac abnormalities. Conclusion: The HLHS is the most serious heart congenital malformation diagnosed often after the delivery because of lack of sufficient diagnostic system in healthy women. The prognosis for the children is bad, but the chance of giving birth to healthy children in the future is good.Streszczenie Wstęp: HLHS (Zespół niedorozwoju lewego serca) należy do ciężkich zespołów wrodzonych wad serca. Wśród noworodków urodzonych z różnymi wadami, 25% zgonów dotyczy dzieci z ta anomalia. Etiologia zespołu HLHS jest ciągle nieznana. Obecnie spodziewamy się rozpoznania tej wady już w II trymestrze ciąży. Cel: Głównym celem pracy była ocena częstości występowania zespołu HLHS oraz dalszych losów osób z tą wadą. Materiał i metody: Wszystkie przypadki z rozpoznaniem tej anomalii w Klinice Patologii Ciąży z lat 2001-2007 zostały zaprezentowane. Dwukrotnie wada została rozpoznana podczas ciąży, a w jednym przypadku pourodzeniowo. Wszystkie noworodki były urodzone o czasie- między 38 a 39 tygodniem ciąży, jeden drogami natury a dwa drogą cięcia cesarskiego – jeden cięciem elektywnym a kolejny z powodu zagrożenia wewnątrzmacicznego podczas porodu. Wszystkie noworodki po porodzie przenoszone były do Kliniki Kardiochirurgii Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Łodzi, a następnie – przygotowywane do operacji w pierwszym tygodniu życia. Wyniki: W dwóch przypadkach wystąpiły komplikacje pooperacyjne na kolejnych etapach złożonych operacji i dzieci zmarły na skutek nagiego zatrzymania krążenia. Jeden noworodek zmarł przed wykonaniem korekty operacyjnej. Dwie kobiety, których dzieci zmarły w trakcie kolejnych etapów korekcji chirurgicznej w 2007 roku urodziły zdrowe donoszone noworodki. Wnioski: HLHS jest poważna anomalią budowy serca, która często rozpoznawana jest dopiero po urodzeniu ze względu na niedostatecznie skuteczną diagnostykę ultrasonograficzną w grupie zdrowych ciężarnych. Rokowanie dla dzieci jest poważne, chociaż szansa na urodzenie zdrowego dziecka w kolejnej ciąży jest duża

    The effects of operative SUI treatment established using Burch colposuspension and IVS tape and evaluated through various urogynecologic tests

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    Objectives: Numerous diagnostic instruments have been used in modern urogynecology; alas, sufficient comparative analysis between most of them has not been carried out in world literature. Design: The aim of the study was to compare the results of selected urogynecology tests, used to analyze the effectiveness of SUI treatment, using Burch colposuspension and IVS tape. Material: The study was conducted among 76 patients selected for operative treatment of SUI II and III degree, using of Burch colposuspension (I group, n=47) and IVS tape, Tyco (II group, n=29). Methods: The following investigations: urogynecologic anamnesis and examination with cough test, miction diary, pad test, urodynamic exam and UDI-6 questionnaire, have been used to evaluate SUI symptoms before and half a year after the operation. Results: The percentage of the cured, depending on the adopted urogynecology investigation, oscillated in group I between 56,8% to 91,5%, and 56,5% to 86,2% in group II. The best results were obtained in anamnesis and cough test. Conclusions: 1. The analyzed methods of urogynecology tests correlate with anamnesis as far as SUI symptoms after operative treatment are concerned. 2. There are relevant differences between several tests, in case of the estimation of SUI cure rate after colposuspension, as well as when using IVS tape.

    The influence of SUI operative treatment with use of IVS tape on quality of life

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    Objectives: Real influence of urinary incontinence symptoms and adopted modes of treatment on patient’s quality of life is not known. Design: Assessment of influence of operative SUI treatment with the use of IVS tape on patient’s quality of life. Material and methods: Prospective study was conducted among 57 patients with SUI symptoms II and III degree (type III according to Blavais), who were classified to apply IVS tape. Diagnostic investigations were completed by questionnaires: IIQ-7 and UDI-6, which were filled by patients. In analysis there were included results obtained before the operation and 6 months after procedure. Results: We recognized women as cured: based on physicians anamnesis – 80,7% of patients, according to UDI-6 – 71,93%. Half year after operation relevant improvement of quality of life, evaluated by IIQ-7 questionnaire, showed 89,47%. Improvement of quality of life correlated with lack of SUI symptoms in anamnesis (r=0,631;

    The Lesniowski-Crohn disease and pregnancy – case report

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    Abstract Lesniowski-Crohn disease is an inflammatory process, involving all layers of the intestine, mesentery and regional lymph nodes. During the development of the disease, a thickening of the intestine wall, stricture of its lumen and adhesions have been observed. The aim of the study was to present the case of a 27-year-old pregnant woman with Crohn’s disease, a very rare complication of gestation

    24-hour Holter measurement of blood pressure in pregnant women and effectiveness of the treatment

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    Objectives: Hypertension remains a very serious obstetric problem and a severe pregnancy complication. Hypertension in pregnancy influences the intrauterine fetal growth. Proper monitoring of antihypertensive therapy effects enables us to make suitable modifications of the treatment. The aim of the study was to evaluate the benefits of 24-hour Holter arterial pressure monitoring method in hypertensive pregnant women. Material and methods: Pregnant women hospitalized and treated for hypertension in the Department of Pathology of Pregnancy of Medical University o

    The analysis of the uterine cervix biocenosis in pregnant women

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    Objectives: Infections of the vagina and the uterine cervix are some of the most frequently diagnosed and treated complications during pregnancy. Aims: The aim of the study was to carry out biocenosis of the uterine cervix among pregnant women and the assessment of the resistance of the previously isolated types of bacteria to antibiotics. Material and methods: The study was done in a group of 244 pregnant women, aged from 17 to 43, hospitalized and treated for various reasons in the Department of Pathology of Pregnancy at Medical University in ,ode. The biocenosis of the uterine cervix and the results of microbiological bacterial culture have been analyzed and the sensitivity of bacterial flora on the applied antibiotics has been assessed. Results: Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis were the most frequent bacteria found in the smear from the uterine cervix. Negative culture was obtained in 2 % of the pregnant women. The most frequently observed resistance to antibiotics manifested itself in case of amoxicillin, ampicillin, penicillin, erythromycin, clarithromycin and azithromycin. The bacteria showed least resistance to cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones. Staphylococcus epidermidis showed the highest resistance to antibiotics in general. Conclusions: In cases of bacterial vaginal infections, with unknown sensitivity to bacteria, treatment the use of cephalosporins is highly recommended

    The influence of parity on the body mass of neonates

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    Abstract Objectives: The purpose of the study was to determine whether there exists a positive correlation between the mother's parity and the child's weight on delivery. Materials and methods: A retrospective study has been conducted on a selected group of 86 multiriparas with three deliveries. Only in term babies of healthy mothers were taken into consideration. Data derived from cases has been analyzed by means of Microsoft Excel and Statistica 6.0 software. Results: In 65,1% of the cases, the birth weight of the second neonate exceeded the weight of the first one. The rate diminishes to 51,2% when we compare the third child with the second. In 2,3% of the records no changes have been observed. The abovementioned criteria enabled us to form three groups out of the initial cohort and perform further analysis. Conclusions: Significant correlation between birth weight of the first and second newborn has been found. No such correlation was found in the case of the second compared to the third delivery

    Kadry z przeszłości. Adaptacja zabytkowego budynku dawnej zbrojowni na centrum wystawienniczo-edukacyjne muzeum fotografii w Krakowie

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    There are many examples of adaptations of historical buildings into art museums in Poland and across Europe. Nevertheless, the adaptation of a historical building is still a major design challenge and requires an individual approach. On the one hand, the architect's task is to adapt the existing building to its new function, and on the other hand, he faces the challenge of preserving the historical value of the building. The article presents an example of the adaptation of the former armory building into a museum of photography, in which, despite a relatively large interference in the existing structure, it was possible to retain the character of a monument. There were analyzed project measures which have enabled the adaptation of the former armoury for museum purposes with the reference to the historical structure. The article also highlights the relationship between historic architecture and the presented photographs.Zarówno w Polsce, jak i w Europie istnieje wiele przykładów zestawienia zabytku z funkcją muzeum sztuki. Pomimo to praca przy historycznych obiektach jest nadal dużym wyzwaniem projektowym, wymagającym indywidualnego podejścia. Z jednej strony architekt ma za zadanie dostosować istniejący budynek do nowej funkcji, a z drugiej staje przed wyzwaniem zachowania walorów historycznych obiektu. Artykuł przedstawia przykład adaptacji budynku dawnej zbrojowni na muzeum fotografii, w którym pomimo stosunkowo dużej ingerencji w istniejącą strukturę udało się zachować charakter zabytku. Przeanalizowano działania projektowe, które pozwoliły na dostosowanie historycznego obiektu do nowej funkcji oraz dokonano oceny ich wpływu na zabytek. Artykuł zwraca również uwagę na relacje między zabytkową architekturą a prezentowanymi fotografiami