208 research outputs found

    Full analysis of a high-bandwidth microring-based PIN modulator

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    This study presents a new simulation strategy for a high-speed microring-based PIN modulator using the finite element method. It includes dc and transient simulations of the electro-optical behavior of the device. Variations in the effective refractive index and their effect on the optical output fields are determined by applying a reverse bias voltage pulse to the device. The frequency responses have been calculated for the microring modulator and 3 dB bandwidth. Calculations show a 3 dB bandwidth of over 115 GHz for a ring with a radius of 8 µm and a width of 0.5 µm at -7 V biasing voltage

    Perhetyön kehittäminen Pohjois-Porin neuvolassa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää perhetyön toimintamalli neuvolatyöskentelyn tueksi hyödyntäen moniammatillista yhteistyötä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kehittämistehtävänä Pohjois-Porin neuvolassa vuosien 2006 ja 2007 aikana. Opinnäytetyö koostui perhetyöntekijän toiminnan ennakkoarvioinnista, toiminnan tarpeen kartoituksesta sekä toiminnan mallittamisesta ja arvioinnista. Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa LAPSOS-hanketta. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuus koostuu lapsiperheiden voimavarojen sekä yhteiskunnallisen tilanteen tarkastelusta. Teoreettisessa osuudessa tarkastellaan myös neuvolan ja perhetyöntekijän toimintaa sekä moniammatillisen yhteistyön ja ennaltaehkäisevän työn merkitystä lapsiperheiden tukemisessa. Opinnäytetyössä kehittämistehtävän empiirinen osuus toteutettiin toimintatutkimuksena. Aineistot koostuivat teksteistä, kuten kirjallisuudesta ja tutkimuksista sekä fokusryhmän haastatteluista ja kirjallisista muistiinpanoista. Osa aineistosta kerättiin kyselylomakkeella ja tehtävää varten laadittiin kyselylomake. Kerätyt aineistot analysoitiin käyttämällä apuna taulukkolaskentaohjelmaa ja sisällön analyysin menetelmää. Opinnäytetyössä tulokset esitetään kuvioiden ja taulukoiden avulla. Kyselyn keskeinen tulos oli kotikäyntien lisääminen ja sosiaalialan osaamisen tarve Pohjois-Porin neuvolassa. Kyselyn tulosten pohjalta neuvolaan suunniteltiin perhetyön toimintamalli, jota lähdettiin käytännössä kokeilemaan kuuden kuukauden kokeilujakson aikana. Kokeilujakson edetessä toimintaa arvioitiin kolme kertaa ja sitä kehitettiin paremmin neuvolatyöhön sopivaksi. Opinnäytetyön toteuttaminen perustui lapsiperheiden tuentarpeen muuttumiseen ja neuvolatoiminnan kehittämisen tarpeeseen. Opinnäytetyö tuki käytännön toiminnan kehittämistä. Neuvolan perhetyön toimintamalli muotoutuu moniammatillisen yhteistyökokemuksen karttuessa ja tulevaisuudessa toimintamallia voisi kehittää entistä paremmin lapsiperheiden tarpeita vastaavaksi.The purpose of this thesis was to develop an operating model for family work to support child health clinic services and utilize multiprofessional cooperation. The research was conducted as a development project in the Northern Pori Child Health Clinic during 2006 and 2007. The study consisted of pre-evaluation, needs analysis, modelling, and evaluation of family workers’ actions. This thesis is a part of project called LAPSOS. In the theoretical part of the study, the resources of families with children and their social situations were examined. In this same context, the services of the Child Health Clinic and actions of the family worker were studied and the importance of pre-emptive actions in supporting families was determined. In this thesis, the empirical part of the development project was implemented as action research. The study data consisted of text references, such as literature and previous research in the field, as well as focus group interviews and written notes. Some of the data was gathered with a questionnaire, which was specially designed for this task. The data was analysed by using spreadsheets and content analysis method and the results are presented as charts and tables. The key result of this survey was to increase health visits. The Northern Pori Child Health Clinic also needed more expertise in the field of social services. An operating model for family work was designed on the basis of these results. The model was implemented in practice as a pilot project for a period of six months. As the pilot project progressed, its functionality was evaluated three times. In addition, the project was further developed to meet the child health clinic needs. This thesis was based on the changing needs of families and the demand for the development of child health clinic activities. It also supported the development of practical work. The Child Health Clinic operating model for family work will find its shape as multiprofessional cooperation increases. In the future, the operating model could be further developed to better meet the families’ needs


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the appropriate method for micaceous iron ore processing and production per-industrial application standards. After identifying the characteristics of the samples (with XRF, XRD, mineralogical analyzes), gravity and magnetic separation tests were carried out. Quartz and hematite are the main minerals of micaceous hematite ores. Silica grade as the major impurity varies from 10% to 68%. The total iron content of the samples also varies from 15% to 62%. A jig and shaking table did not provide a good result in micaceous hematite beneficiation to achieve the standard of its specific applications. Gravity concentration by the spiral in the size range of -200 and -300 μm has led to the production of iron concentrates with a grade of 62.34% and 64.84%, respectively. The recovery values for the two experiments are 13.50% and 12.60%, respectively. Therefore, the spiral did not provide a good result in the micaceous iron ore beneficiation. High-intensity magnetic separation (1.2 T) has resulted in a product with a grade and recovery of 65.98% and 88.35%, respectively. The experimental design utilizing the Taguchi method considering the increasing of grade or recovery priority indicated that for micaceous iron beneficiation with a priority of recovery increasing, the feeder frequency, roll speed, and adjustable gate angle should be at 6.5 Hz, 95 rpm, and 20°, respectively. However, for micaceous iron beneficiation with a priority of grade increasing, the feeder frequency, roll speed, and adjustable gate angle should be at 2.5 Hz, 135 rpm, and 60°, respectively.Svrha je ovoga istraživanja odrediti prikladnu metodu za oplemenjivanje liskunaste željezne rude te izrada standarda primjenjivih u industriji. Nakon utvrđivanja karakteristika uzoraka (s XRF, XRD, mineraloškim analizama) provedena su ispitivanja gravitacijskom i magnetskom separacijom. Kvarc i hematit glavni su minerali liskunastih hematitnih ruda. Udio silicija kao glavne nečistoće varira od 10 % do 68 %. Ukupni sadržaj željeza u uzorcima također varira od 15 % do 62 %. Plakalica i koncentracijski stol nisu dali dobre rezultate u obogaćivanju liskunastoga hematita za postizanje standar-da njegove specifične primjene. No, gravitacijska koncentracija spiralom veličine zrna -200 i -300 μm rezultirala je kvali-tetom koncentrata željeza od 62,34 odnosno 64,84 %. Vrijednosti iskorištenja bile su 13,50 odnosno 12,60 %. Stoga ni spirala nije dala dobar rezultat u obogaćivanju liskunaste željezne rude. Visokointenzivna magnetska separacija (1,2 T) rezultirala je kvalitetom koncentrata od 65,98 % i iskorištenjem od 88,35 %. Eksperimentalni dizajn prema Taguchiju s obzirom na povećanje kvalitete ili iskorištenja pokazao je da za povećanje iskorištenja frekvencija dodavača, brzina bub-nja i kut separacijskoga noža trebaju biti na 6,5 Hz, 95 o/min i 20°. Međutim, za obogaćivanje liskunaste željezne rude s prioritetom povećanja kvalitete koncentrata frekvencija dodavača, brzina bubnja i kut separacijskoga noža trebaju biti 2,5 Hz, 135 o/min, odnosno 60°

    Application of integrated fuzzy VIKOR & AHP methodology to contractor ranking

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    Contractor selection is a critical activity, which plays an important role in the overall success of any construction project. The implementation of fuzzy multiple criteria decision attribute (MCDA) in selecting contractors has the advantage of rendering subjective and implicit decision making more objective and transparent. An additional merit of fuzzy MCDA is the ability to accommodate quantitative and qualitative information. In this paper, an integrated VIKOR–AHP methodology is proposed to make a selection among the alternative contractors in one of Iranian construction industry projects. In the proposed methodology, the weights of the selection criteria are determined by fuzzy pairwise comparison matrices of AHP

    The Effect of Spiritual and Religious Group Psychotherapy on Suicidal Ideation in Depressed Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Introduction: Suicide is a great economical, social and public health problem. It is prevalent worldwide and has a lot of negative effects on individuals, families and society. Depression is often prelude to Suicide. An important part of the treatment of the mentally ill patients is spiritual-religious psychotherapy which should be done after physical treatment. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of spiritual and religious group psychotherapy on suicidal ideation in depressed patients. Methods: 51 depressed patients with suicidal ideation from Razi hospital (Tabriz, Iran) participated in this clinical trial. To collect Data questionnaire was used which included demographic and Beck Suicide Scale Ideation. Experimental group participated in 10 sessions of group psychotherapy. Each section lasted 1 hour. Two weeks after the last section post test was done. Statistical software SPSS ver 13 was used for data analysis. Results: Results of independent t-test revealed no difference between two groups in terms of suicidal ideation before intervention but after study there is a statistical difference. Also the results of ANCOVA test showed a significant relationship between spiritual group therapy and decrease in suicidal ideation, so that this intervention can make 57% of variance in suicidal ideation of experimental group.Conclusion: Regarding positive effect of spiritual and religious group psychotherapy on decreasing suicidal ideation of depressed patients, we suggest this intervention to be held in Psychiatric Wards and also more study on depression and other psychiatric patients with greater sample size would be helpful

    Structural-Based Modeling in Protein Engineering. A Must Do

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    Biotechnological solutions will be a key aspect in our immediate future society, where optimized enzymatic processes through enzyme engineering might be an important solution for waste transformation, clean energy production, biodegradable materials, and green chemistry, for example. Here we advocate the importance of structural-based bioinformatics and molecular modeling tools in such developments. We summarize our recent experiences indicating a great prediction/success ratio, and we suggest that an early in silico phase should be performed in enzyme engineering studies. Moreover, we demonstrate the potential of a new technique combining Rosetta and PELE, which could provide a faster and more automated procedure, an essential aspect for a broader use.This work has also been supported by predoctoral fellowships FPU19/00608 and PRE2020-091825, and the PID2019-106370RBI00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft


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    Iron-bearing minerals are the most important interfering compounds that are found with bauxite reserves. The element iron has adverse effects on bauxite applications, including the use of bauxite in refractory soils. The purpose of this research is to investigate the possibility of iron removal from low-grade bauxite ores to utilize them in refractory industries. For achieving this purpose, iron removal tests were performed on bauxite samples with an alumina to silica modulus of 0.73. After determining the appropriate iron removal method among the magnetic separation, calcination, and leaching (with H2SO4 and HCl) processes, optimal separation conditions were determined by tests that were designed using the Taguchi method. According to leaching results, using HCl for raw feed (un-calcined) provided the best result for iron removal. During this test, Fe2O3 grade decreased from 5.14% to 0.08%, and the alumina to silica modulus increased to 0.75. Calcination of the concentrate obtained from this test has led to favorable results in reducing the Fe2O3 grade (0.04%) and increasing the Al2O3 grade. Afterwards, in tests designed by the Taguchi method, the effect of parameters such as time, process temperature, HCl concentration, and feed grain size on iron removal from bauxite by HCl leaching processes are discussed. According to the results, the best efficiency of iron removal for a feed grain size of 250 µm is achieved in the following conditions: 30% HCl, process temperature of 25°C, and process time of 120 minutes. In this case, iron removal efficiency and Fe2O3 grade in process concentrate are 92.78% and 0.56%, respectively.Minerali nosioci željeza najvažnije su nečistoće koje se nalaze u rezervama boksita. Željezo ima štetne učinke na primjenu boksita, uključujući korištenje boksita u vatrostalnim tlima. Svrha je ovoga rada istražiti mogućnost uklanjanja željeza iz ruda boksita niske kvalitete radi iskorištavanja u vatrostalnoj industriji. U tu svrhu provedena su ispitivanja izdvajanja željeza na uzorcima boksita s modulom aluminijeva oksida i silicija od 0,73. Nakon utvrđivanja odgovarajuće metode za izdvajanje željeza, uključujući magnetsku separaciju, kalcinaciju i luženje (s H2SO4 i HCl), određeni su optimalni uvjeti izdvajanja uz upotrebu Taguchijeve metode. Rezultati luženja HCl-om rovne sirovine (nekalcinirane) dali su najbolji rezultat izdvajanja željeza. Tijekom ovoga ispitivanja udio Fe2O3 smanjio se s 5,14 % na 0,08 %, a modul aluminijeva oksida i silicija povećao se na 0,75. Kalciniranje koncentrata dobivenoga ovim ispitivanjem dovelo je do povoljnih rezultata u smanjenju nekorisne komponente Fe2O3 (0,04 %) i povećanju korisne komponente Al2O3 . Nakon toga u ispitivanjima dizajniranim Taguchijevom metodom određen je utjecaj parametara kao što su vrijeme, temperatura procesa, koncentracija HCl i veličina zrna sirovine, na uklanjanje željeza iz boksita procesima luženja HCl. Prema dobivenim rezultatima najbolja učinkovitost uklanjanja željeza za veličinu ulaznoga zrna od 250 µm postiže se u sljedećim uvjetima: 30 % HCl, temperatura procesa od 25°C i vrijeme procesa 120 minuta. U ovome slučaju učinkovitost uklanjanja željeza i sadržaj Fe2O3 u procesnome koncentratu iznosi 92,78 % odnosno 0,56 %