171 research outputs found

    Growth characteristics of Yerinia [i.e., Yersinia] enterocolitica in selected food products

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    Growth characteristics of five strains of Yersinia enterocolitica in pasteurized milk inoculated with either 10 or 1,000 CFU/ml Y. enterocolitica and stored at 4° C for up to 21 days was determined. All five strains of Y. enterocolitica competed very well with background microflora of pasteurized milk and reached level of log 5.0 to 8.0 CFU/ml after 14 days at 4° C. The initial level of inoculation had little or not effect on the total number of Y. enterocolitica after 14 or 21 days in pasteurized milk at 4° C. An improved isolation technique based upon the alkalotolerance characteristics ofY. enterocolitica was developed and compared with conventional direct plating (DP) for recovery and enumeration of Y. enterocolitica from pasteurized milk. The pre-plating alkaline diluent (PPAD) technique couple with plating on Cefsulodin-Irgasan-Novobiocin (CIN) agar virtually eliminated all interference from background microflora and allowed easy isolation and enumeration of Y. enterocolitica PPAD technique was shown to be an effective method for recovery and enumeration of Y. enterocolitica from pasteurized milk stored at 4° C, when Y. enterocolitica reached late log phase growth or stationary phase growth. The ability of Y. enterocolitica to penetrate and invade shell eggs and broken-out liquid eggs was investigated. Y. enterocolitica was recovered from shell eggs after 3 to 7 days using both the temperature differential (TD) and the pressure differential (PD) method of inocula-tions. The rate and extent of infection was substantially increased by supplementation of suspension medium with 20 ppm iron. Y. enterocolitica grew rapidly in egg yolks and whole eggs and survived and grew somewhat slower in egg whites at 4° C. Supplementation of egg whites with 10 ppm iron improved growth of Y. enterocolitica in egg whites. Additionally, it was shown that grow patterns of Y. enterocolitica in raw liquid eggs were not significantly different (P\u3c0.05) from those of pasteurized liquid eggs

    3-DOF Parallel robotics System for Foot Drop therapy using Arduino

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    This paper discusses a robotic system used for physical therapy for foot drop case, caused by brain stroke. This device provides most exercises practiced by patient for treatment at any time or any place without going to the rehabilitation center located in hospitals. The robotics system designed according to the mechanism of parallel robot and controlled by computer or microcontroller (Arduino). This robot allows the patient to do the exercise without any need for any knowledge about computer or programing. The developed robot system show a good potential to be developed and distributed for large number of physical therapy clinics with low cost and good reliability. Keywords: 3DOF Robot, Parallel Robot, Foot Drop Physical Therapy, Arduino

    Evaluation of Hydraulic Structures for Agricultural Discharge Optimization

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    The objective of the research was to evaluate the hydraulic structures on the Al-Gharraf River in southern Iraq and their ability to achieve the required discharge for agricultural areas that depend on them. Al-Gharraf head regulator discharges unstable volumes of water, ranging from 280 m3/s in winter to 100 m3/s in summer. The research aimed to determine whether the operational discharges are achievable for the offtakes branching from the Al-Gharraf River when the river's discharge ranges from 60% to 100% of the operational discharge. The researchers utilized a simulation of the irrigation channel (SIC) model to simulate river flow. The researchers used hydraulic indicators such as Delivery Performance Ratio (DPR), Discharge Deviation (∆Q), and Sensitivity (S) to evaluate the work of the hydraulic structures (regulators), determine the more and less efficient regulators in delivering water to the offtakes, and determine the reasons for inefficiency. Depending on the discharge values for each offtake from simulation results by SIC and calculating the hydraulic indicators, it is observed that some offtakes exceed their operational discharges, such as Al-Zydia and Al-Sabila. Also, some offtakes do not receive their operational discharge (Al-Dawaiya, Shatt Al-Shatra, and Al-Basra) projects, which failed to reach even 10% of their operational discharges. The researchers suggest redesigning some offtakes and ensuring reasonable control of gate openings for other offtakes to make the water distribution proportional. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2024-010-05-010 Full Text: PD

    Title Consequences of loss of sales before delivery

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    يقع على عاتق البائع  قبل تسليم المبيع واجب المحافظة لغاية التسليم، بان يبذل في ذلك العناية المطلوبة فاذا هلك المبيع قبل التسليم ان مخاطر الهلاك تقع على البائع لكون المشتري قبل التسليم لا يستطيع السيطرة على المبيع سيطرة مادية،  فلا يمكن ان يتحمل مخاطر هلاك المبيع مادام انه ليس في حيازته،  وبما ان البائع اخل بالالتزام بالمحافظة على المبيع لغاية تسليمة،  وعلى ذلك  فمخاطر الهلاك مرتبطة ليس بالملكية بل بالتسليم،  أي بحيازة المبيع، ويجب ان يكون الهلاك لا يد للمشتري فيه،  وبذلك فان حالات الهلاك هي هلاك المبيع بسبب أجنبي،  وهلاك المبيع بسبب البائع . لكن ليس في جميع الاحوال يقع الهلاك على البائع بل توجد استثناءات يكون فيها مخاطر الهلاك على عاتق المشتري قبل التسليم وهي في حالة اعذار البائع المشتري بتسلم المبيع، فاذا هلاك المبيع يهلاك على عاتق المشتري بعد اعذاره ولا يسأل البائع عن تبعة الهلاك ولا يلتزم برد الثمن للمشتري،  ولا يحكم عليه بالتعويض،  والحالة الثانية يستخدم البائع لحقة في حبس المبيع لكون المشتري لم ينفذ التزامه وهو عدم دفع الثمن،  فهنا رفض البائع لتسليم المبيع مستندا الى حق له وهو حق الحبس،  لكون الالتزامين متقابلين. فلا يعقل الوفاء بالتزام دون الاخر، الحالة الثالثة هلاك المبيع بفعل المشتري نفسه،  يجب عليه دفع الثمن كاملا ان كان لم يدفعه ولا يسترده اذا كان قد دفعه،  وقد يتفق المتعاقدين على ان يتحمل كلا الطرفين تبعة الهلاك .It is the responsibility of the seller before the seller delivers the duty of preservation until delivery, that the required care is taken. If the sale is destroyed before delivery, the risk of loss falls on the seller. The buyer can not control the sale financially until he can not control the sale. The loss of ownership is not related to the property, but rather to the delivery, that is, the possession of the sale, and the loss must be in the hands of the buyer. Thus, the loss is the loss of the sale due to an alien and the loss of the sale Because of the seller. However, in any case, there is a loss to the seller, but there are exceptions in which the risk of loss rests with the buyer before delivery, and in the case of excuses of the seller of the buyer to receive the sale. If the sale of the sale falls on the buyer after his excuses and the seller is not responsible for the loss and does not pay the buyer , And the second case the seller uses the right to lock the sale because the buyer did not fulfill his obligation not to pay the price, here the seller refused to deliver the sale based on the right of the right of imprisonment, because the obligations are opposite. Destruction of the sale by act The purchaser himself must pay the full price if he has not paid or recovered it if he has paid it, and the contractors may agree that both parties shall bear the liability for the loss

    Fabrication of Tio2 and V2o5 Thin Films by Powder Coating Technique

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) and vanadium oxide (V2O5) in different mixing percentage (100, 50, 0)% from them powders as thin film on substrate of glass .the coating thickness was ( 0.37 ±0.03 μm ). Thin films were inspection by microphotographs with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD). The results showed that thin films was prepared crystalline and also the compound (tio2, v2o5), and the structure was regular and smooth

    فاعلية برنامج إثرائي في تعزيز الوعي الأمني لدى طلبة الصف العاشر الأساسي في سلطنة عمان

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    هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن فاعلية برنامج إثرائي مقترح في ضوء أبعاد الأمن المجتمعي في تعزيز الوعي الأمني لدى طلبة الصف العاشر الأساسي في سلطنة عمان واتجاهاتهم نحوه، وقد استخدم الباحثون المنهج شبه التجريبي، وصمموا البرنامجَ الإثرائي، إضافة إلى مقياس للوعي الأمني، ومقياسًا لاتجاهات الطلبة، وبعد التأكد من صدق أدوات الدراسة وثباتها، طُبقت الأدوات على عينة الدراسة في المجموعتين الضابطة والتجريبية، وبعد ذلك أُجريت المعالجات الإحصائية لاستجابات الطلبة على المقياسَين، وأظهرت النتائج وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في التطبيق البعدي لمقياس الوعي الأمني، لصالح المجموعة التجريبية، وكذلك وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين التطبيقين القبلي والبعدي للمجموعة التجريبية لصالح التطبيق البعدي، مما يعني فاعلية البرنامج الإثرائي في تعزيز الوعي الأمني لدى طلبة المجموعة التجريبية، كما أظهرت النتائج ارتفاع اتجاهات طلبة المجموعة التجريبية نحو البرنامج الإثرائي؛ إذ بلغ المتوسط الحسابي لاستجاباتهم على المقياس (4.48)، وفي ضوء ذلك أوصت الدراسة بالاستفادة مما تضمنه البرنامج الإثرائي في تطوير مناهج التربية الإسلامية، وتعزيزها بأبعاد الأمن المجتمعي، والاستفادة من البرنامج المقترح في تعزيز الوعي الأمني لدى طلبة الصف العاشر

    An Integrated Energy Hub System based on Power-to-Gas and Compressed Air Energy Storage Technologies in presence of Multiple Shiftable Loads

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    Integrated energy carriers in the framework of energy hub system (EHS) have an undeniable role in reducing operating costs and increasing energy efficiency as well as the system's reliability. Nowadays, power-to-gas (P2G), as a novel technology, is a great choice to intensify the interdependency between electricity and natural gas networks. The proposed strategy of this study is divided into two parts: (i) a conditional value-at-risk-based stochastic model is presented to determine the optimal day-ahead scheduling of the EHS with the coordinated operating of P2G storage and tri-state compressed air energy storage (CAES) system. The main objective of the proposed strategy is to indicate the positive impact of P2G storage and tri-state CAES on lessening the system uncertainties including electricity market price, power generation of the wind turbine, and even electrical, gas, and thermal demands. (ii) A demand response program focusing on day-ahead load shifting is applied to the multiple electrical loads according to the load's activity schedule. The proposed strategy is successfully applied to an illustrative example and is solved by general algebraic modeling system software. The obtained results validate the proposed strategy by demonstrating the considerable diminution in the operating cost of the EHS by almost 4.5%

    Loss and its Social and Political References in Iraqi Nineties Poetry

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      يحاول البحث تسليط الضوء على مفهوم الفَقْد وبيان مرجعياته الاجتماعية والسياسية ومدى تأثير تلك المرجعيات في تعزيز الشعور بالفَقْد، فَقْد الذات والحرية والأحلام والجوهر الإنساني، وقد تناولنا ظاهرة الفَقْد في حقبة زمنية حرجة في تاريخ الشعر العراقي المعاصر ألا وهي حقبة الستعينيات؛ لأن نصوصه صدرت في ظل واقع مضطرب ومرحلة حرجة شهد فيها العراق أوضاعاً استثنائية، منها الحصار الاقتصادي، وتداعيات الحروب على الذات والمجتمع معاً، إلى جانب طبيعة المجتمع وما فيه من عادات وتقاليد ودورها في الكثير من القضايا ومنها قضية المرأة وعلاقتها مع ذاتها ومع المجتمع.  This study tries to shed light on the concept of loss and its social and political references and the extent of the impact of those references in promoting the feeling of loss, the loss of self, freedom, dreams, and the human essence. The study deals with the phenomenon of loss in a critical period in the history of contemporary Iraqi poetry; namely, the era of the 1990s because its texts were issued in light of a turbulent reality and a critical stage in which Iraq witnessed exceptional situations, including the economic blockade, and the repercussions of wars on the self and society together, in addition to the nature of society and its customs and traditions and their role in many issues, including the issue of women and their relationship with themselves and with society

    Common Failures in Hydraulic Kaplan Turbine Blades and Practical Solutions

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    Kaplan turbines, as one of the well-known hydraulic turbines, are generally utilized worldwide for low-head and high-flow conditions. Any failure in each of the turbine components can result in long-term downtime and high repair costs. In a particular case, if other parts are damaged due to the impact of the broken blades (e.g., the main shaft of the turbine), the whole power plant may be shut down. On the other hand, further research on the primary causes of failures in turbines can help improve the present failure evaluation methodologies in power plants. Hence, the main objective of this paper is to present the major causes of Kaplan turbine failures to prevent excessive damage to the equipment and provide practical solutions for them. In general, turbines are mainly subjected to both Internal Object Damage (IOD) and Foreign Object Damage (FOD). Accordingly, this paper presents a state-of-the-art review of Kaplan turbine failures related to material and physical defects, deficiencies in design, deficits in manufacturing and assembly processes, corrosion failures, fatigue failure, cavitation wear, types of cavitation in hydro turbines, hydro-abrasive problems, and hydro-erosion problems. Eventually, the authors have attempted to discuss practical hints (e.g., nanostructured coatings) to prevent damages and improve the performance of Kaplan turbines