3 research outputs found
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Seasonal movements and habitat preferences for the spotted turtle and eastern box turtle in Massachusetts
Seasonal habitat use and population dynamics of a spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) population and an eastern box turtle (Terrapene c. carolina) population in southeastern Massachusetts are presented in this paper. The two-year study, conducted between March 1998 and December 1999, was part of a mitigation plan proposed by the Massachusetts Highway Department (MassHighway) and approved by the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP) to mitigate for 1.0 hectares of direct rare species habitat loss and 1.6 hectares of indirect habitat loss associated with a highway relocation project in Carver, Kingston, and Plymouth, Massachusetts. Sixty individual spotted turtles were captured in a 29-hectare study area consisting of upland and wetland habitat in Carver. Of these, 11 spotted turtles were radio tracked. Thirty-seven box turtles were also captured and 7 were radio tracked. Spotted turtles were observed in wetlands 96 percent of the time, and box turtles 15 percent of the time. During the spring and nesting season, spotted turtles were found exclusively in wetlands. Most activity was observed in an open emergent wetland and a forested vernal pool, with movement between the two habitat types via a stream channel and secondarily via overland travel through the forested wetland. Most turtles estivated in the emergent or forested wetland; only one turtle consistently estivated in forested upland. Hibernacula were found in the forested vernal pool (3) and the emergent wetland (3). The southern ramp of new Route 44 alignment will bisect the spotted turtle population. A proposed 1.8-meter by 1.8-meter box culvert that will convey the stream channel under one of the highway entrance ramps may provide a passageway connecting the emergent wetland to the forested vernal pool; its use will be determined during a future study. Box turtles were generally found in forested upland in the spring, in open upland during the nesting season and summer, with some summer migration to wetlands. Five hibernacula were found, all in forested upland. The new alignment should have less impact on the box turtle population, but will likely result in some loss of nesting habitat and some shifts in home range. Use of nearby replacement nesting habitat will be monitored during a future study. Home ranges averaged 1.43 hectares for spotted turtles and 3.26 hectares for box turtles. For both species, home ranges were larger for males than for females. The population density for spotted turtles was estimated to be 18.8 turtles per hectare, and for box turtles was estimated to be 3.0 turtles per hectare
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Spotted turtle use of a culvert under relocated Route 44 in Carver, Massachusetts
A new highway alignment for relocated Route 44 in Carver, Massachusetts, resulted in the direct alteration of 2.5 acres and indirect alteration of 3.9 acres of habitat for three statelisted turtle species: the wood turtle (Clemmys insculpta), spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata), and eastern box turtle (Terrapene c. carolina). As part of the mitigation requirements for impacts to rare species habitat, the Massachusetts Highway Department (MassHighway) conducted a two year preconstruction study to determine the habitat preferences and seasonal movements of the statelisted species. The study determined that no wood turtles were present in the study area, that there was a large but declining population of box turtles, and that two highly used spotted turtle habitats would be bisected by the proposed highway entrance ramp. An intermittent stream channel proposed to be piped under the new entrance ramp was identified as a primary travel corridor between the two habitats. Based on the findings of the preconstruction study, MassHighway identified a simple solution to allow the stream channel to continue to provide a migratory corridor for spotted turtles. To achieve this goal, MassHighway increased the proposed culvert size from a 24inch pipe to a 6foot by 6foot box culvert. In the spring and summer of 2004, postconstruction monitoring was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the culvert as a spotted turtle crossing structure. Nine turtles were fitted with radio transmitters and thread bobbins and followed three times per week in the spring and early summer, and once per week in the late summer to determine culvert effectiveness. Direct evidence (thread trails, visual observation) was documented for seven turtles, and indirect evidence (radio telemetry points on both sides of the culvert, visual observation) was documented for 13 turtles, confirming the use of the culvert as a crossing structure. A future study is recommended to document potential effects of traffic and noise on the spotted turtle population, continued use of the culvert, and potential changes to rare species habitat from the highway construction
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Spotted turtle use of a culvert under relocated Route 44 in Carver, Massachusetts
A new highway alignment for relocated Route 44 in Carver, Massachusetts, resulted in the direct alteration of 2.5 acres and indirect alteration of 3.9 acres of habitat for three statelisted turtle species: the wood turtle (Clemmys insculpta), spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata), and eastern box turtle (Terrapene c. carolina). As part of the mitigation requirements for impacts to rare species habitat, the Massachusetts Highway Department (MassHighway) conducted a two year preconstruction study to determine the habitat preferences and seasonal movements of the statelisted species. The study determined that no wood turtles were present in the study area, that there was a large but declining population of box turtles, and that two highly used spotted turtle habitats would be bisected by the proposed highway entrance ramp. An intermittent stream channel proposed to be piped under the new entrance ramp was identified as a primary travel corridor between the two habitats. Based on the findings of the preconstruction study, MassHighway identified a simple solution to allow the stream channel to continue to provide a migratory corridor for spotted turtles. To achieve this goal, MassHighway increased the proposed culvert size from a 24inch pipe to a 6foot by 6foot box culvert. In the spring and summer of 2004, postconstruction monitoring was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the culvert as a spotted turtle crossing structure. Nine turtles were fitted with radio transmitters and thread bobbins and followed three times per week in the spring and early summer, and once per week in the late summer to determine culvert effectiveness. Direct evidence (thread trails, visual observation) was documented for seven turtles, and indirect evidence (radio telemetry points on both sides of the culvert, visual observation) was documented for 13 turtles, confirming the use of the culvert as a crossing structure. A future study is recommended to document potential effects of traffic and noise on the spotted turtle population, continued use of the culvert, and potential changes to rare species habitat from the highway construction