122 research outputs found
デザイン学部長特別研究費科学技術とデザイン 公共性の高い移動手段としてのタクシーは、社会の要請として都市計画を含めた総合的な見地から改革を迫られている。特に都市公共交通としての役割を果たす上でユニバーサルデザインの視点が望まれている。タクシーは汽車や電車・バスのような大量輸送手段ではなく、戸口から戸口へのきめ細かい輸送手段である。社会福祉が定着現代、タクシーにおいても寝台や車椅子対応等の福祉タクシー、食事の配達まで担当するデリバリータクシー、患者の発生を病院にいち早く通報して患者を運搬するタクシー等々、様々な需要に応えたタクシーが増えている。しかし現状では量産の車両がタクシー仕様となっているために、乗降性、運転手の健康、料金の授受、人間工学からの客席の検討、昼夜の視認性等々新規の設計が望まれている。また、IT化に対応する可能性も視野に入れて提案した
Detection of Human Papillomavirus Type 2 Related Sequence in Oral Papilloma
Oral papilloma is a benign tumourous lesion. Part of this lesion is associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. We analysed the genetical and histopathological evidence for HPV type 2 infection in three oral papillomas. Southern blot hybridization showed HPV 2a sequence in one lesion. Cells of the positive specimen appeared to contain high copy numbers of the viral DNA in an episomal state. In situ staining demonstrated virus capsid antigen in koilocytotic cells and surrounding cells in the hyperplastic epithelial layer. Two other specimens contained no HPV sequences by labeled probe of full length linear HPVs 2a, 6b, 11, 16, 18, 31 and 33 DNA under low stringency hybridization conditions. These results showed the possibility that HPV 2 plays a role in oral papilloma
Yolk-sac absorption, mouth size development, and first exogenous feeding of sultan fish, leptobarbus hoevenii
Sultan fish, Leptobarbus hoevenii is an important species for aquaculture in several Southeast Asian countries, including Thailand and Malaysia. However, knowledge on its yolk absorption, mouth size development, and first food ingestion timing is still lacking up-to-date. This information on the correct feeding of the L. hoevenii larvae are crucial to farmers. The present study hence examined these parameters in the L. hoevenii. The newly hatched L. hoevenii larvae were obtained through natural spawning with the aid of chemicals injection, and sampled consecutively every 2 hours to measure their yolk volumes, mouth height, and to confirm the ingestion time of the first Moina into the larval gut. Also, a starvation experiment was conducted to detect the larval point-of-no-return (PNR). It was found that the yolk sac volume of the newly hatched L. hoevenii larvae was 77.51 µm, and it was completely absorbed at 108 hours after hatching (hAH). The larval mouth has first opened at 36 hAH (mouth height 215±22.59 µm) but the larvae only commenced first exogenous feeding on Moina (approximately 207 μm in width) at 62 hAH, when its mouth height reached 372.91±79.11 µm. The L. hoevenii larvae required about 18 hrs from 62–80 hAH, to adapt themselves to feed on the given Moina, and the PNR was estimated to happen at 70–72 hAH. It was recommended that Moina should be given to the L. hoevenii larvae best within 62–72 hAH, at the rearing water temperature of 27 to 29°C
Artificial placenta support of extremely preterm ovine fetuses at the border of viability for up to 336 hours with maintenance of systemic circulation but reduced somatic and organ growth
Introduction: Artificial placenta therapy (APT) is an experimental life support system to improve outcomes for extremely preterm infants (EPI) less than 1,000 g by obviating the need for pulmonary gas exchange. There are presently no long-term survival data for EPI supported with APT. To address this, we aimed to maintain 95d-GA (GA; term-150d) sheep fetuses for up to 2 weeks using our APT system.Methods: Pregnant ewes (n = 6) carrying singleton fetuses underwent surgical delivery at 95d GA. Fetuses were adapted to APT and maintained for up to 2 weeks with constant monitoring of key physiological parameters and extensive time-course blood and urine sampling, and ultrasound assessments. Six age-matched in-utero fetuses served as controls. Data were tested for group differences with ANOVA.Results: Six APT Group fetuses (100%) were adapted to APT successfully. The mean BW at the initiation of APT was 656 ± 42 g. Mean survival was 250 ± 72 h (Max 336 h) with systemic circulation and key physiological parameters maintained mostly within normal ranges. APT fetuses had active movements and urine output constantly exceeded infusion volume over the experiment. At delivery, there were no differences in BW (with edema in three APT group animals), brain weight, or femur length between APT and in-utero Control animals. Organ weights and humerus lengths were significantly reduced in the APT group (p < 0.05). Albumin, IGF-1, and phosphorus were significantly decreased in the APT group (p < 0.05). No cases of positive blood culture were detected.Conclusion: We report the longest use of APT to maintain extremely preterm fetuses to date. Fetal systemic circulation was maintained without infection, but growth was abnormal. This achievement suggests a need to focus not only on cardiovascular stability and health but also on the optimization of fetal growth and organ development. This new challenge will need to be overcome prior to the clinical translation of this technology
3種の経口的に使用できる抗膣トリコモナス剤について,男子尿性器由来保容膣トリコモナス株48株を用いてMIC分布を測定した. ニトロフラントインは8-10γ/ml,メニトロニダゾールは0.8-0.9γ/ml,チニダゾールは0.3-0.9γ/mlのMICが得られた。相乗効果について4種の薬剤の組合わせで検討したところ,メトロニダゾールとニトロフラントイン,チニダゾールとニトロフラントインの組合わせで軽度にみとめられた
薬剤の膀胱壁透過性に関する研究 第5報 : ホルマリンの膀胱腔内注入について
膀胱内に注入したホルマリンについて, その血清への移行を検討した.ウサギ正常膀胱からはホルマリンは血清にほとんど移行しない.薬物により膀胱炎を起させたウサギの膀胱に, ホルマリンを注入すると血清中に移行するが, その移行のしかたは膀胱炎の起し方により異なる.移行するホルマリンの量は, 注入したホルマリンの量や濃度と平行しないWhen some drug is injected into the bladder, it has been found to permeate through the bladder wall, and appear in the serum. Similarly, formaldehyde, which is in some clinical cases injected into the bladder on hemostatic purposes, could produce side effects if a large part of its injected dose is transferred into the serum. We, therefore measured the transfer of the agent into the serum in both experimental animals and human patients. Formaldehyde was found to be transferred into the serum through the bladder of rabbits with cystitis, but only a trace of it appeared in the serum through the normal bladder. The injection of 10 ml of a 10% solution of formaldehyde to rabbits with cystitis was followed by a peak level of 8 gamma/ml in the serum. Judging from this level, the same amount injected to humans would not be high enough to cause any particular problems. In the actual study, the formaldehyde level in the serum of human patients was not detectable by the assay method used
男子尿性器由来の陸トリコモナス保存株を経代培養すると,薬剤に対する感受性が変化し,経代を重ねるほどMICが低下する。つまり薬剤が効きやすくなることが判明した。 またin vitroでの薬剤効果と臨床効果にも差のあることが判明した。したがって,膣トリコモナスの薬剤感受性を測定し, それを臨床的に利用しようとするには, 1. 経代数については,なるべく代数を重ねない株がよい。2. 培地,虫体数などは,常に一定する, ということが必要であることがわかっているが, さらに, 3. 臨床無効例より検出した虫体の感受性の検討,および誌験管内感受性との間の差がなぜ起こるかについての検討。 4. 耐性獲得という現象が本当にあるのか? 5. 男子尿性器へ薬剤が如何なる濃度で分布するか,また膣トリコモナスが,どこに感染するか? 等についての追及が必要となろう。 それには,資料として,男子TV感染者の発見と,その株の保存が大切である。本論文の要旨は第22回日本化学療法学会総会において発表した
今日, 膣トリコモナスの臨床材料からの検出には, 市販の培地が使用されているが, その検出感度は必ずしも満足できるものではない。感度のよい培地には保存性がわるいなどの欠点がある。泌尿器科的立場からより好ましい培地を追求し, 今回新しく肝エキスを除いた培地について従来の日水培地, 浅見培地と比較し, この2種の培地の中間に位置する検出感度であることをたしかめた。For demonstration of Trichomonas vaginalis, commercial liquid media commonly used in most clinical laboratories but none has proven to be fully satisfactory in respect of presrvation, trichomonad detect ability and price. Experiments were performed to assess usefulness of a trial preparation of liver extract-free medium. The results indicate that the new medium is superior to the conventional media with respect to cost and preservability but there is no appreciable difference in trichomonad detectability between them
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