133 research outputs found

    Induction of cyclooxygenase-2 in human synovial cells by β2-microglobulin

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    Induction of cyclooxygenase-2 in human synovial cells by β2-microglobulin.BackgroundProstaglandins (PGs) are important mediators of inflammation in arthritis. We evaluated the role of the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme, which regulates PG biosynthesis, in osteoarthropathy associated with hemodialysis-associated amyloidosis (HAA) by characterizing COX-2 expression in β2-microglobulin–treated human synovial cells.MethodsWe examined the effects of β2-microglobulin (β2m), a major constituent protein of amyloid fibrils in HAA, on the COX-2 protein and mRNA expression in human synovial cells using Western blot and reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.Resultsβ2m selectively increased the biosynthesis of COX-2 protein and induction of COX-2 mRNA in a dose-dependent manner. Immunoabsorption of β2m–containing media by anti-β2m–specific antibody abrogated β2m–mediated COX-2 expression on synovial cells. On the other hand, dexamethasone markedly suppressed the induction of COX-2 protein and mRNA in β2m–stimulated synovial cells.ConclusionsOur results suggest that induction of COX-2 expression by β2m may be an important component of the inflammatory process in hemodialysis-associated osteoarthropathy

    No Different Sensitivity in Terms of Whole-Body Irradiation between Normal and Acatalasemic Mice

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    To elucidate the radiosensitivity of an acatalasemic mouse, we examined the time and dose-dependency in the survival rates, the lymphocytes and the intestinal epithelial cells, and the antioxidant function after 3.0 to 12.0 Gy whole body irradiation. Results showed that no significant differences between acatalasemic mice and normal mice were observed in the survival rates and the histological changes in spleens and small intestine after each irradiation. The catalase activities in livers and spleens of acatalasemic mice were significantly lower than those of normal mice and the glutathione peroxidase activity in livers of acatalasemic mice was significantly higher than that of normal mice. At 10 days after 6.0 Gy irradiation, the catalase activities in livers of acatalasemic and normal mice and that in spleens of normal mice significantly decreased compared with no-irradiation control, and there were no differences between those catalase activities. The total glutathione content in acatalasemic mice was significantly higher than that in normal mice at 10 days after 6.0 Gy irradiation. These findings suggested that the radiosensitivity of acatalasemic mice in terms of whole body irradiation doesn’t significantly differ from that of normal mice, probably due to compensated sufficient contents of glutathione peroxidase and total glutathione in acatalasemic mice

    Basic Study on Positive Effects of Radon Inhalation on Pet's Health

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    著者らは今までに,共同開発したラドン吸入装置を用いマウスにラドン吸入をさせた場合,諸臓器中の抗酸化機能が亢進する可能性などを明らかにしてきた。本研究では,ラドン吸入の獣医療への応用の可能性について新たに検討するため,健常なイヌ5頭(オス:2(1,9才),メス:3(1~5才))及び慢性腎不全症のネコ8頭(オス:3(2~6才),メス:5(5~7才))を対象に基礎的な検討をした。すなわち,約5500Bq/m3のラドンを1回30分で隔日に30日間(計15回)それぞれ吸入させた。その結果,イヌにおいて,中性脂肪が減少する可能性が示された。また,その効果は吸入開始20~30日後に現れることも示唆できた。他方,ネコにおいて,飲水量が改善し血清中クレアチニンが基準値内に減少する症例がみられるなど,慢性腎不全症に対し一定の効果が期待できる可能性が示唆された。Radon inhalation using our radon exposure device activated anti-oxidative function in some organs of mouse. To assess the possibility of its application to veterinary care, healthy dogs and cats with chronic renal failure were inhaled radon at a concentration of 5500Bq/m3 for 30 minutes every 2 days for 30 days. In result, radon inhalation within a relatively long time period significantly decreased the triglyceride level of dogs. On the other hand, some cats increased the volume of drinking water by radon inhalation and the creatinine level in blood of these cats was decreased to normal level. These findings suggest that radon inhalation may have curative properties against chronic renal failure

    Abnormal Liver Function in Patients with Sjogren\u27s Syndrome

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    We measured the liver function tests of 145 patients with Sjogren\u27s syndrome (SjS) (75 patients with primary SjS, 70 patients with secondary SjS), and characterized the SjS patients with abnormal liver function tests from several points of view : 1, the incidence of them in the primary SjS comparing with that in secondary SjS. 2, the staining pattern of anti-nuclear antibodies, and 3, the existence of antihepatitis C virus (HCV) antibody, hepatitis B surface (HBs) antigen, and antibody against human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I). Abnormal liver function tests were detected in 38 out of 145 patients (26.2%) with SjS. Fifteen of the 38 patients (20.0%) had primary SjS while the remaining patients (32.9%) had secondary SjS. Histopathological examination identified primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) in 2 patients, autoimmune hepatitis in 4 patients, and autoimmune cholangitis in a single patient with SjS. No significant difference in the presence of antinuclear antibody (ANA) was found between SjS patients with and without abnormal liver function tests. However, the incidence of discrete speckled pattern was significantly higher in SjS patients with abnormal liver function than in the patients with normal liver function. Two sera showing cytoplasmic pattern of ANA were also positive for anti-mitochondrial M2 antibody, allowing the diagnosis of PBC. All 11 sera exhibiting discrete speckled pattern contained significant amounts of anti-centromere antibody. Abnormal liver function tests were detected in 8 of 11 sera with these antibodies, 2 patients with PBC, 2 patients with autoimmune hepatitis, one patient with autoimmune cholangitis, one patient with chronic hepatitis B and 2 other patients with unconfirmed diagnosis. The percentages of anti-HCV antibody-positive, HBs-Agpositive and anti-HTLV-I antibody-positive in sera of patients were higher than those of blood donors from the same geographical area. However, no significant difference was seen of these percentages in sera between the patients with and without abnormal liver function. Taken together, present study indicated that SjS patients with anti-centromere antibody may have some susceptibility for acquiring autoimmune liver disease

    A study on the scattering exposure dose in radiotherapy.

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    現代の医療のなかで癌治療において不可欠な存在となった放射線治療。一方,放射線被曝はたとえわずかであってもリスクが伴い,厳しく規制されている。ただし医療被曝はこの限りになく,過去においては癌患者に放射線治療をおこなう際の患部以外の被曝についてはあまり問題視されなかった。これには癌の治療という前提に加え,長期生存の可能性が低く,存命中に晩発障害が発生することが低いと考えられていたからである。しかし,集学的治療が確立した今後の放射線治療においては完治する放射線治療患者が多くなり,治癒後の余命が長くなることが予測される。放射線被曝による確率的影響は閾値がなく,影響は当然現れるであろう。そこで,放射線治療をおこなう際の患者の散乱線被曝線量,治療室内散乱線量,さらに高エネルギー放射線発生装置を取り扱うときに問題となっている中性子を測定した。その結果,測定線量は治療患部外被曝,室内散乱線量ともに無視できない量であることがわかった。中性子については,人体に影響がある線量は検出されなかったが,中性子の存在は室内物品の放射化の可能性を示唆するもので定期的な測定管理が必要である。また,Ⅹ線撮影室用の防護衣による散乱線被曝の低減効果は放射線治療室では無意味であった。In modern medicine, radiotherapy has proved indispensable in the treatment of cancer. However. radiation exposure is a health hazard. and is thus strictly regulated. In the past, incidental exposure was not considered to pose a considerable risk, and because radiotherapy was an effective treatment for cancer and because the possibility of the long-term survival was generally poor, the prevalence of radiation injury was thought to be low. In recent years, however, more patients are making complete recoveries, and it is believed that long-term survival is possible with future radiotherapy techniques. There is no threshold for the stochastic effects of radiation exposure, and thus such effects may be detected even at low levels. In the present study, we measured the radiation exposure due to scattered rays from the patient, incidental radiation levels in the radiotherapy room, and levels of neutron radiation. which is a problem when high-energy X-ray radiotherapy systems are used. The results showed that exposure due to scattered rays and incidental levels in the radiotherapy room cannot be dismissed. and that further investigation is warranted. As for neutron radiation, dosages were below those that are known to influence the human body, but regular measurement is necessary because it may induce radioactivity in otherwise benign equipment. In addition, a protective apron had no effect on the exposure due to scattered rays in the radiotherapy room