16 research outputs found

    Collective dynamics in relativistic nuclear collisions studied with ALICE at the LHC

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    ALICE is a detector designed to study strongly interacting matter at extreme temperatures and energy densities, where the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is formed, but it also allows one to perform unique measurements in proton– proton and proton–lead collisions. In these proceedings, we present a selected set of correlation measurements done by ALICE, in both heavy-ion collisions and in small collision systems. The results indicate that long-range correlations are present in pp and p–Pb collisions.The analysis of the collective behaviour in small and large collision systems could shed some light on the formation and evolution of the QGP

    Native Sheep Breeds in Poland—Importance and Outcomes of Genetic Resources Protection Programmes

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    The sheep population of native breeds, despite their unique features and the ability to adapt to harsh environmental conditions, has significantly decreased in recent years. Due to the low profitability of breeding, many local breeds of sheep in Poland were exposed to the risk of extinction. Many years of crisis in sheep farming have exacerbated this situation. The aim of this paper was to present the current situation of native sheep breeding in Poland, in terms of significance and effects of genetic resources protection programmes. The conservation of genetic resources of sheep aims to maintain and increase the population size while striving to maintain the greatest possible genetic variability. There are 17 native breeds included in the Polish sheep genetic resources conservation programme. A positive element of the implementation of the conservation of genetic resources programme for sheep is the accompanying measures which are based on the use of the non-productive role of the species. Extensive sheep grazing, as a form of nature conservation, serves to preserve valuable natural landscapes and the culture of local communities associated with sheep farming. Production and promotion of quality products, especially using niche markets and short production chains, are essential to ensure the economic viability of farms. These activities must be accompanied by raising public awareness of indigenous breeds and their alternative use in environmental activities, as well as their role in preserving the cultural heritage of local communities, for example through mountain grazing and the production of traditional products

    Assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Puck region (denudation moraine upland) using vertical seepage method

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    Degradation of groundwater quality can cause a serious water supply and environmental problems. The identify of potential groundwater pollution can be determined by assessment of groundwater vulnerability method. The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution was based on estimation of migration time of potential conservative contamination through the vadose zone. Area of investigation is a type of denudation moraine upland, which is situated at the eastern part of the Puck Isolated Morainic Plateau (north of Poland). Time of vertical seepage was estimated with four widely use in Poland equations and numerical modelling with HYDRUS 1D numerical code. The results were compared with major groundwater basin (MGWB) vulnerability classification. The calculations indicate variable results of migration times for conservative contamination, depending on the chosen equation. The conducted research is a part of a project which main aim is a development of groundwater contaminant transport model and detailed identification of a potential agriculture pollutant sources in the selected watersheds of the Puck Bay

    Chemical composition of groundwater discharged from the Kashubian Coast to the Bay of Puck

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    This study presents preliminary results of investigation of groundwater chemical composition (major ions, nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) in a coastal multi-aquifer groundwater system in the Puck Municipality. It was found that the groundwater composition is specific for each aquifer and shows some local variation. There is also a clear vertical geochemical inversion within the aquifers, with the highest concentrations of dissolved components in the shallowest aquifer. In general, all of the aquifers represent groundwater quality classes I, II and III, which can be evaluated as good quality according to Polish environmental law. An increase in the concentrations of principal pollution indicators over time has been observed only in the shallow aquifer. Distribution of basic pollution indicators in the groundwater implies a local impact of agriculture, as well as an influence of municipal wastes from households and farms. Poor sanitary conditions of farms, animal husbandry, storage and distribution of organic fertilizers (e.g. manure) can be potential sources of contamination. However, concentrations of contaminants in the coastal zone of aquifers discharging to the Bay of Puck are within the range for quality classes I and II, and generally lower than the concentrations measured in seawater, which suggests limited impact of the terrestrial groundwater discharge on the Bay of Puck contamination

    Seawater intrusion due to pumping mitigated by natural freshwater flux: a case study in Władysławowo, northern Poland

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    The paper presents a case study of seawater intrusion into a coastal aquifer, caused by a groundwater intake located close to the seashore in Władysławowo, northern Poland. Evolution of the basic hydrogeochemical parameters for the 50-year period from 1964 to 2014 indicates progressing encroachment of saline seawater into the aquifer. However, the spatial pattern of salinity was influenced by the variability of hydraulic gradient in fresh water discharging from aquifer to the sea. As a consequence, significant changes in salinity occurred in the directions both perpendicular and parallel to the coastline

    Assessing groundwater vulnerability to pollution in the Puck region (denudation moraine upland) using vertical seepage method

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    Degradation of groundwater quality can cause a serious water supply and environmental problems. The identify of potential groundwater pollution can be determined by assessment of groundwater vulnerability method. The assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution was based on estimation of migration time of potential conservative contamination through the vadose zone. Area of investigation is a type of denudation moraine upland, which is situated at the eastern part of the Puck Isolated Morainic Plateau (north of Poland). Time of vertical seepage was estimated with four widely use in Poland equations and numerical modelling with HYDRUS 1D numerical code. The results were compared with major groundwater basin (MGWB) vulnerability classification. The calculations indicate variable results of migration times for conservative contamination, depending on the chosen equation. The conducted research is a part of a project which main aim is a development of groundwater contaminant transport model and detailed identification of a potential agriculture pollutant sources in the selected watersheds of the Puck Bay

    Przepuszczalność gruntów piaszczystych oszacowana na podstawie rozkładu wielkości cząstek i pomiarów terenowych

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    Accurate estimation of soil permeability is crucial in many geotechnical applications. Empirical and theoretical equations based on soil particle size distribution (PSD) offer a fast and cheap way for preliminary estimation of permeability in granular soils, however the results obtained from various formulas available in the literature often show significant discrepancies. While several comparative studies on this topic have been published, no definite conclusions can be drawn on the performance of the predictive equations in comparison with in-situ permeability measurements. Many formulas require porosity or void ratio as input parameter, which is difficult to obtain for granular soil in-situ. In this study we applied 30 predictive equations to estimate permeability of sandy soil in an outwash plain deposit. The equations were divided into 5 groups, based on their structure and the required input parameters. Empirical formulas were used to estimate the expected in-situ porosity range. The obtained permeability values were compared to the results of in-situ permeameter measurements and pumping tests. Significant differences in the results and in their sensitivity to porosity were found between the 5 groups of methods. In general, simple equations which do not include porosity were in better agreement with measurements than the other groups.Dokładne oszacowanie przepuszczalności gruntu (k) ma kluczowe znaczenie w wielu zastosowaniach geotechnicznych. Empiryczne i teoretyczne równania oparte na rozkładzie uziarnienia (PSD) umożliwiają szybką i tanią wstępną ocenę przepuszczalności gruntów ziarnistych, jednak wyniki otrzymane z różnych wzorów dostępnych w literaturze często wykazują znaczne rozbieżności. Chociaż opublikowano kilka badań porównawczych na ten temat, nie można wyciągnąć jednoznacznych wniosków dotyczących zgodności równań predykcyjnych z pomiarami przepuszczalności wykonanymi bezpośrednio w terenie. Wiele wzorów wymaga uwzględnienia współczynnika porowatości jako parametru wejściowego, co jest trudne do uzyskania w przypadku gruntu ziarnistego in-situ. W niniejszej pracy zastosowano 30 równań predykcyjnych do oszacowania przepuszczalności gleby piaszczystej na terenie równiny sandrowej, zlokalizowanej w pobliżu miejscowości Cekcyn w Borach Tucholskich, w północnej Polsce. Badania realizowane były w ramach projektu badawczego dotyczącego określenia zasilania wód podziemnych. Równania predykcyjne podzielono na 5 grup ze względu na ich strukturę oraz wymagane parametry wejściowe. Wzory empiryczne wykorzystano do oszacowania oczekiwanego zakresu porowatości in-situ. Otrzymane wartości przepuszczalności porównano z wynikami pomiarów in-situ wykonanych za pomocą permeametru Aardvark oraz uzyskanych w wyniku próbnego pompowania. Stwierdzono istotne różnice w wynikach uzyskanych poszczególnymi wzorami oraz ich wrażliwość na współczynnik porowatości. Najlepszą zgodność wyników empirycznych z pomiarami in-situ uzyskano dla tych grup formuł, które nie uwzględniają porowatości lub uwzględniają jedynie stopień zagęszczenia, gdyż metody te opracowano pierwotnie na podstawie wyników badań terenowych. Jak wykazano w pracy, większość metod opartych na pomiarach laboratoryjnych przewiduje k niższe niż pomiary in-situ, czego powodem między innymi może być anizotropia i niejednorodność gruntu, który zwiększa przepuszczalność poziomą in situ, ze względu na obecność poziomych warstw lub soczewek o małej skali. Cechy te są trudne do uchwycenia za pomocą wzorów opartych na krzywych PSD

    Assessing groundwater vulnerability to sea water intrusion in the coastline of the inner Puck Bay using GALDIT method

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    In this research, GALDIT method was used to assess seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer of the inner Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea). The impact of potential sea-level rise on groundwater vulnerability for years 2081-2100 was also considered. The study area was categorized into three classes of vulnerability: low, moderate and high. The most vulnerable area is the Hel Peninsula with northern part of the Kashubian Coastland. Increased class of aquifer vulnerability is also adopted to glacial valleys. The results of this research revealed that about 18.9% of the analyzed area is highly vulnerable to seawater intrusion, 25.3% is moderately vulnerable and 55.8% is potentially at low risk. The simulated scenario of predicted sea level rise shows enlargement of high vulnerability areas

    Preliminary estimation of groundwater recharge on Brda river outwash plain

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    Estimation of groundwater recharge is one of the most challenging subjects in hydrogeology. It is a critical factor influencing the pollution migration, assessment of aquifer vulnerability to contamination, small-scale groundwater budget calculation, modeling of nutrient cycling and detailed flow path calculations. In Poland an infiltration rate method is widely used, which depends on a system of rate coefficients referring to the type of soil in the vadose zone and shows which part of the precipitation actually reaches the water table. The paper presents results of numerical simulations of vertical flow in unsaturated zone of an experimental site located on Brda outwash plain. Two simulations for varying vegetative cover (pine forest and grass) were performed. The results were compared with five infiltration rates classifications

    Preliminary estimation of groundwater recharge on Brda river outwash plain

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    Estimation of groundwater recharge is one of the most challenging subjects in hydrogeology. It is a critical factor influencing the pollution migration, assessment of aquifer vulnerability to contamination, small-scale groundwater budget calculation, modeling of nutrient cycling and detailed flow path calculations. In Poland an infiltration rate method is widely used, which depends on a system of rate coefficients referring to the type of soil in the vadose zone and shows which part of the precipitation actually reaches the water table. The paper presents results of numerical simulations of vertical flow in unsaturated zone of an experimental site located on Brda outwash plain. Two simulations for varying vegetative cover (pine forest and grass) were performed. The results were compared with five infiltration rates classifications