54 research outputs found

    Exciton supersolidity in hybrid Bose-Fermi systems

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    We investigate the ground states of a Bose-Einstein condensate of indirect excitons coupled to an electron gas. We show that in a properly designed system, the crossing of a roton minimum into the negative energy domain can result in the appearance of the supersolid phase, characterized by periodicity in both real and reciprocal space. Accounting for the spin-dependent exchange interaction of excitons we obtain ferromagnetic supersolid domains. The Fourier spectra of excitations of weakly perturbed supersolids show pronounced diffraction maxima which may be detected experimentally.Comment: 4+ pages, 4 figures, new version with updated bare exciton-exciton interactio

    Crossover from exciton-polariton to photon Bose-Einstein condensation

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    BEC of exciton-polaritons and related effects such as superfluidity1,2, spontaneous symmetry breaking3,4 and quantised vortices5,6 open way to creation of novel light sources7 and optical logic elements8. Remarkable observations of exciton-polariton BEC in microcavities9-12 have been reported in the recent ten years. Very recently, thermalisation and subsequent condensation of cavity photons in a dye-filled microcavity have been observed13. Here we show that BEC of both exciton-polaritons and photons can be created in the same system under different optical excitation conditions. A dynamic phase transition between a photon and a polariton BEC takes place after a single high-power excitation pulse and we find both condensed states in thermal equilibrium with the excited states. At the crossover, photons and polaritons coexist, which results in a decrease in the long-range spatial coherence. Build-up and successive depinning of polarisation is observed at the threshold of both polariton and photon condensation

    Statistics of excitons in quantum dots and the resulting microcavity emission spectra

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    A theoretical investigation is presented of the statistics of excitons in quantum dots (QDs) of different sizes. A formalism is developed to build the exciton creation operator in a dot from the single exciton wavefunction and it is shown how this operator evolves from purely fermionic, in case of a small QD, to purely bosonic, in case of large QDs. Nonlinear optical emission spectra of semiconductor microcavities containing single QDs are found to exhibit a peculiar multiplet structure which reduces to Mollow triplet and Rabi doublet in fermionic and bosonic limits, respectively.Comment: Extensively expanded revision, 14 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a polariton and photon laser

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    We report on the simultaneous observation of spontaneous symmetry breaking and long-range spatial coherence both in the strong and the weak-coupling regime in a semiconductor microcavity. Under pulsed excitation, the formation of a stochastic order parameter is observed in polariton and photon lasing regimes. Single-shot measurements of the Stokes vector of the emission exhibit the buildup of stochastic polarization. Below threshold, the polarization noise does not exceed 10%, while above threshold we observe a total polarization of up to 50% after each excitation pulse, while the polarization averaged over the ensemble of pulses remains nearly zero. In both polariton and photon lasing regimes, the stochastic polarization buildup is accompanied by the buildup of spatial coherence. We find that the Landau criterion of spontaneous symmetry breaking and Penrose-Onsager criterion of long-range order for Bose-Einstein condensation are met in both polariton and photon lasing regimes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Exciton-polaritons in 2D dichalcogenide layers placed in a planar microcavity: tuneable interaction between two Bose-Einstein condensates

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    Exciton-polariton modes arising from interaction between bound excitons in monolayer thin semiconductor sheets and photons in a Fabry-Perot microcavity are considered theoretically.We calculate the dispersion curves, mode lifetimes, Rabi splitting, and Hopfield coefficients of these structures for two nearly 2D semiconductor materials, MoS2 and WS2, and suggest that they are interesting for studying the rich physics associated with the Bose-Einstein condensation of exciton polaritons. The large exciton binding energy and dipole allowed exciton transitions, in addition to the relatively easily controllable distance between the semiconductor sheets, are the advantages of this system in comparison with traditional GaAs or CdTe based semiconductor microcavities. In particular, in order to mimic the rich physical properties of the quantum degenerate mixture of two bosonic species of dilute atomic gases with tunable interspecies interaction, we put forward a structure containing two semiconductor sheets separated by some atomic-scale distance (l) using a nearly 2D dielectric (e.g., h-BN), which offers the possibility of tuning the interaction between two exciton-polariton Bose-Enstein condensates. We show that thedynamics of this structure are ruled by two coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations with the coupling parameter∼ l−1.CNPq (Brazil), FCT (Portugal), EC Graphene Flagship Project (Contract No. CNECTICT- 604391