40 research outputs found

    Transcriptional Profiling of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Pancreatic Cancer Patients Identifies Novel Genes with Potential Diagnostic Utility

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    Background: It is well known that many malignancies, including pancreatic cancer (PC), possess the ability to evade the immune system by indirectly downregulating the mononuclear cell machinery necessary to launch an effective immune response. This knowledge, in conjunction with the fact that the trancriptome of peripheral blood mononuclear cells has been shown to be altered in the context of many diseases, including renal cell carcinoma, lead us to study if any such alteration in gene expression exists in PC as it may have diagnostic utility. Methods and Findings: PBMC samples from 26 PC patients and 33 matched healthy controls were analyzed by whole genome cDNA microarray. Three hundred eighty-three genes were found to be significantly different between PC and healthy controls, with 65 having at least a 1.5 fold change in expression. Pathway analysis revealed that many of these genes fell into pathways responsible for hematopoietic differentiation, cytokine signaling, and natural killer (NK) cell and CD8+ T-cell cytotoxic response. Unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis identified an eight-gene predictor set, consisting of SSBP2, Ube2b-rs1, CA5B, F5, TBC1D8, ANXA3, ARG1, and ADAMTS20, that could distinguish PC patients from healthy controls with an accuracy of 79% in a blinded subset of samples from treatment naïve patients, giving a sensitivity of 83% and a specificity of 75%. Conclusions: In summary, we report the first in-depth comparison of global gene expression profiles of PBMCs between PC patients and healthy controls. We have also identified a gene predictor set that can potentially be developed further for use in diagnostic algorithms in PC. Future directions of this research should include analysis of PBMC expression profiles in patients with chronic pancreatitis as well as increasing the number of early-stage patients to assess the utility of PBMCs in the early diagnosis of PC. © 2011 Baine et al

    Neural stem cell properties of Müller glia in the mammalian retina: Regulation by Notch and Wnt signaling

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    AbstractThe retina in adult mammals, unlike those in lower vertebrates such as fish and amphibians, is not known to support neurogenesis. However, when injured, the adult mammalian retina displays neurogenic changes, raising the possibility that neurogenic potential may be evolutionarily conserved and could be exploited for regenerative therapy. Here, we show that Müller cells, when retrospectively enriched from the normal retina, like their radial glial counterparts in the central nervous system (CNS), display cardinal features of neural stem cells (NSCs), i.e., they self-renew and generate all three basic cell types of the CNS. In addition, they possess the potential to generate retinal neurons, both in vitro and in vivo. We also provide direct evidence, by transplanting prospectively enriched injury-activated Müller cells into normal eye, that Müller cells have neurogenic potential and can generate retinal neurons, confirming a hypothesis, first proposed in lower vertebrates. This potential is likely due to the NSC nature of Müller cells that remains dormant under the constraint of non-neurogenic environment of the adult normal retina. Additionally, we demonstrate that the mechanism of activating the dormant stem cell properties in Müller cells involves Wnt and Notch pathways. Together, these results identify Müller cells as latent NSCs in the mammalian retina and hence, may serve as a potential target for cellular manipulation for treating retinal degeneration

    Acinar Transformed Ductal Cells Exhibit Differential Mucin Expression in a Tamoxifen-Induced Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Mouse Model

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) is acquired postnatally; to mimic this scenario, we developed an inducible KrasG12D; Ptf1a-CreERâ„¢ (iKC) mouse model, in which Kras is activated postnatally at week 16 upon tamoxifen (TAM) administration. Upon TAM treatment, iKC mice develop pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) lesions and PC with metastasis at the fourth and fortieth weeks, respectively, and exhibited acinar-to-ductal metaplasia (ADM) and transdifferentiation. Kras activation upregulated the transcription factors Ncoa3, p-cJun and FoxM1, which in turn upregulated expression of transmembrane mucins (Muc1, Muc4 and Muc16) and secretory mucin (Muc5Ac). Interestingly, knockdown of KrasG12D in multiple PC cell lines resulted in downregulation of MUC1, MUC4, MUC5AC and MUC16. In addition, iKC mice exhibited ADM and transdifferentiation. Our results show that the iKC mouse more closely mimics human PC development and can be used to investigate pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) biomarkers, early onset of PDAC, and ADM. The iKC model can also be used for preclinical strategies such as targeting mucin axis alone or in combination with neo-adjuvant, immunotherapeutic approaches and to monitor chemotherapy response

    Afatinib and Temozolomide Combination Inhibits Tumorigenesis by Targeting EGFRvIII-cMet Signaling in Glioblastoma Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive brain tumor with universal recurrence and poor prognosis. The recurrence is largely driven by chemoradiation resistant cancer stem cells (CSCs). Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and its mutant EGFRvIII are amplified in ~ 60% and ~ 30% of GBM patients, respectively; however, therapies targeting EGFR have failed to improve disease outcome. EGFRvIII-mediated cross-activation of tyrosine kinase receptor, cMET, regulates GBM CSC maintenance and promote tumor recurrence. Here, we evaluated the efficacy of pan-EGFR inhibitor afatinib and Temozolomide (TMZ) combination on GBM in vitro and in vivo. METHODS: We analyzed the effect of afatinib and temozolomide (TMZ) combination on GBM cells U87MG and U251 engineered to express wild type (WT) EGFR, EGFRvIII or EGFRvIII dead kinase, CSCs isolated from U87 and U87EGFRvIII in vitro. The therapeutic utility of the drug combination was investigated on tumor growth and progression using intracranially injected U87EGFRvIII GBM xenografts. RESULTS: Afatinib and TMZ combination synergistically inhibited the proliferation, clonogenic survival, motility, invasion and induced senescence of GBM cells compared to monotherapy. Mechanistically, afatinib decreased U87EGFRvIII GBM cell proliferation and motility/invasion by inhibiting EGFRvIII/AKT, EGFRvIII/JAK2/STAT3, and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) signaling pathways respectively. Interestingly, afatinib specifically inhibited EGFRvIII-cMET crosstalk in CSCs, resulting in decreased expression of Nanog and Oct3/4, and in combination with TMZ significantly decreased their self-renewal property in vitro. More interestingly, afatinib and TMZ combination significantly decreased the xenograft growth and progression compared to single drug alone. CONCLUSION: Our study demonstrated significant inhibition of GBM tumorigenicity, CSC maintenance in vitro, and delayed tumor growth and progression in vivo by combination of afatinib and TMZ. Our results warrant evaluation of this drug combination in EGFR and EGFRvIII amplified GBM patients

    Ubiquitous Aberration in Cholesterol Metabolism Across Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) is characterized by metabolic deregulations that often manifest as deviations in metabolite levels and aberrations in their corresponding metabolic genes across the clinical specimens and preclinical PC models. Cholesterol is one of the critical metabolites supporting PC, synthesized or acquired by PC cells. Nevertheless, the significance of the de novo cholesterol synthesis pathway has been controversial in PC, indicating the need to reassess this pathway in PC. We utilized preclinical models and clinical specimens of PC patients and cell lines and utilized mass spectrometry-based sterol analysis. Further, we also performed in silico analysis to corroborate the significance of de novo cholesterol synthesis pathway in PC. Our results demonstrated alteration in free sterol levels, including free cholesterol, across in vitro, in vivo, and clinical specimens of PC. Especially, our sterol analyses established consistent alterations in free cholesterol across the different PC models. Overall, this study demonstrates the significance and consistency in deviation of cholesterol synthesis pathway in PC while showing the aberrations in sterol metabolite intermediates and the related genes using preclinical models, in silico platforms, and the clinical specimens

    Molecular Implications of MUC5AC-CD44 Axis in Colorectal Cancer Progression and Chemoresistance

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    BACKGROUND: Differential expression of mucins has been associated with several cancers including colorectal cancer (CRC). In normal physiological conditions, secretory mucin MUC5AC is not expressed in the colonic mucosa, whereas its aberrant expression is observed during development of colon cancer and its precursor lesions. To date, the molecular mechanism of MUC5AC in CRC progression and drug resistance remains obscure. METHODS: MUC5AC expression was determined in colon tissue microarray by immunohistochemistry. A RNA interference and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated system was used to knockdown/knockout the MUC5AC in CRC cell lines to delineate its role in CRC tumorigenesis using in vitro functional assays and in vivo (sub-cutaneous and colon orthotopic) mouse models. Finally, CRC cell lines and xenograft models were used to identify the mechanism of action of MUC5AC. RESULTS: Overexpression of MUC5AC is observed in CRC patient tissues and cell lines. MUC5AC expression resulted in enhanced cell invasion and migration, and decreased apoptosis of CRC cells. MUC5AC interacted with CD44 physically, which was accompanied by the activation of Src signaling. Further, the presence of MUC5AC resulted in enhanced tumorigenesis and appearance of metastatic lesions in orthotopic mouse model. Additionally, up-regulation of MUC5AC resulted in resistance to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and oxaliplatin, and its knockout increased sensitivity to these drugs. Finally, we observed that up-regulation of MUC5AC conferred resistance to 5-FU through down-regulation of p53 and its target gene p21 and up-regulation of β-catenin and its target genes CD44 and Lgr5. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that differential expression of secretory mucin MUC5AC results in enhanced tumorigenesis and also confers chemoresistance via CD44/β-catenin/p53/p21 signaling

    Differential Gene Expression-Based Connectivity Mapping Identified Novel Drug Candidate and Improved Temozolomide Efficacy for Glioblastoma

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    BACKGROUND: Glioblastoma (GBM) has a devastating median survival of only one year. Treatment includes resection, radiation therapy, and temozolomide (TMZ); however, the latter increased median survival by only 2.5 months in the pivotal study. A desperate need remains to find an effective treatment. METHODS: We used the Connectivity Map (CMap) bioinformatic tool to identify candidates for repurposing based on GBM\u27s specific genetic profile. CMap identified histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors as top candidates. In addition, Gene Expression Profiling Interactive Analysis (GEPIA) identified HDAC1 and HDAC2 as the most upregulated and HDAC11 as the most downregulated HDACs. We selected PCI-24781/abexinostat due to its specificity against HDAC1 and HDAC2, but not HDAC11, and blood-brain barrier permeability. RESULTS: We tested PCI-24781 using in vitro human and mouse GBM syngeneic cell lines, an in vivo murine orthograft, and a genetically engineered mouse model for GBM (PEPG - PTEN CONCLUSION: PCI-24781 is a novel GBM-signature specific HDAC inhibitor that works synergistically with TMZ to enhance TMZ efficacy and improve GBM survival. These promising MGMT-agnostic results warrant clinical evaluation

    Blocking c-MET/ERBB1 Axis Prevents Brain Metastasis in ERBB2+ Breast Cancer

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    Brain metastasis (BrM) remains a significant cause of cancer-related mortality in epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive (ERBB2+) breast cancer (BC) patients. We proposed here that a combination treatment of irreversible tyrosine kinase inhibitor neratinib (NER) and the c-MET inhibitor cabozantinib (CBZ) could prevent brain metastasis. To address this, we first tested the combination treatment of NER and CBZ in the brain-seeking ERBB2+ cell lines SKBrM3 and JIMT-1-BR3, and in ERBB2+ organoids that expressed the c-MET/ERBB1 axis. Next, we developed and characterized an orthotopic mouse model of spontaneous BrM and evaluated the therapeutic effect of CBZ and NER in vivo. The combination treatment of NER and CBZ significantly inhibited proliferation and migration in ERBB2+ cell lines and reduced the organoid growth in vitro. Mechanistically, the combination treatment of NER and CBZ substantially inhibited ERK activation downstream of the c-MET/ERBB1 axis. Orthotopically implanted SKBrM3+ cells formed primary tumor in the mammary fat pad and spontaneously metastasized to the brain and other distant organs. Combination treatment with NER and CBZ inhibited primary tumor growth and predominantly prevented BrM. In conclusion, the orthotopic model of spontaneous BrM is clinically relevant, and the combination therapy of NER and CBZ might be a useful approach to prevent BrM in BC

    Specific Targeting and Labeling of Colonic Polyps in CPC-APC Mice with Mucin 5AC Fluorescent Antibodies: A Model for Detection of Early Colon Cancer

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    Poor visualization of polyps can limit colorectal cancer screening. Fluorescent antibodies to mucin5AC (MUC5AC), a glycoprotein upregulated in adenomas and colorectal cancer, could improve screening colonoscopy polyp detection rate. Adenomatous polyposis coli flox mice with a Cdx2-Cre transgene (CPC-APC) develop colonic polyps that contain both dysplastic and malignant tissue. Mice received MUC5AC-IR800 or IRdye800 as a control IV and were sacrificed after 48 h for near-infrared imaging of their colons. A polyp-to-background ratio (PBR) was calculated for each polyp by dividing the mean fluorescence intensity of the polyp by the mean fluorescence intensity of the background tissue. The mean 25 μg PBR was 1.70 (±0.56); the mean 50 μg PBR was 2.64 (±0.97); the mean 100 μg PBR was 3.32 (±1.33); and the mean 150 μg PBR was 3.38 (±0.87). The mean PBR of the dye-only control was 2.22 (±1.02), significantly less than the 150 μg arm (p-value 0.008). The present study demonstrates the ability of fluorescent anti-MUC5AC antibodies to specifically target and label colonic polyps containing high-grade dysplasia and intramucosal adenocarcinoma in CPC-APC mice. This technology can potentially improve the detection rate and decrease the miss rate of advanced colonic neoplasia and early cancer at colonoscopy

    Potentials of Plasma NGAL and MIC-1 as Biomarker(s) in the Diagnosis of Lethal Pancreatic Cancer

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    Pancreatic cancer (PC) is lethal malignancy with very high mortality rate. Absence of sensitive and specific marker(s) is one of the major factors for poor prognosis of PC patients. In pilot studies using small set of patients, secreted acute phase proteins neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin (NGAL) and TGF-β family member macrophage inhibitory cytokine-1 (MIC-1) are proposed as most potential biomarkers specifically elevated in the blood of PC patients. However, their performance as diagnostic markers for PC, particularly in pre-treatment patients, remains unknown. In order to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of NGAL and MIC-1, their levels were measured in plasma samples from patients with pre-treatment PC patients (n = 91) and compared it with those in healthy control (HC) individuals (n = 24) and patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP, n = 23). The diagnostic performance of these two proteins was further compared with that of CA19-9, a tumor marker commonly used to follow PC progression. The levels of all three biomarkers were significantly higher in PC compared to HCs. The mean (± standard deviation, SD) plasma NGAL, CA19-9 and MIC-1 levels in PC patients was 111.1 ng/mL (2.2), 219.2 U/mL (7.8) and 4.5 ng/mL (4.1), respectively. In comparing resectable PC to healthy patients, all three biomarkers were found to have comparable sensitivities (between 64%-81%) but CA19-9 and NGAL had a higher specificity (92% and 88%, respectively). For distinguishing resectable PC from CP patients, CA19-9 and MIC-1 were most specific (74% and 78% respectively). CA19-9 at an optimal cut-off of 54.1 U/ml is highly specific in differentiating resectable (stage 1/2) pancreatic cancer patients from controls in comparison to its clinical cut-off (37.1 U/ml). Notably, the addition of MIC-1 to CA19-9 significantly improved the ability to distinguish resectable PC cases from CP (p = 0.029). Overall, MIC-1 in combination with CA19-9 improved the diagnostic accuracy of differentiating PC from CP and HCs